Stefan Sobkowiak The Permaculture Orchard

Stefan Sobkowiak - The Permaculture Orchard MOVIE Stefan Sobkowiak - The Permaculture Orchard 26,418 2 месяца назад
Ultimate Guide to Designing YOUR Permaculture Orchard Stefan Sobkowiak - The Permaculture Orchard 112,021 1 год назад
PERMACULTURE ORCHARD Masterclass THE MOVIE Stefan Sobkowiak - The Permaculture Orchard 235,521 11 месяцев назад
THE TOOL I wish I had when I STARTED the Permaculture Orchard! Stefan Sobkowiak - The Permaculture Orchard 5,538 1 месяц назад
10 BIGgest DESIGN MISTAKES made in the Permaculture Orchard Stefan Sobkowiak - The Permaculture Orchard 251,861 4 года назад
4 Reasons Why Your Fruit Tree is Not Producing Fruit Stefan Sobkowiak - The Permaculture Orchard 1,177,120 5 лет назад
Go Walkabout Summer Edition: Insects, Disease, Crops, Surprises in the Permaculture Orchard. Stefan Sobkowiak - The Permaculture Orchard 33,626 5 лет назад
BEST Tree Guard How To Build and Install Stefan Sobkowiak - The Permaculture Orchard 19,664 3 года назад
"How to" TRANSPLANT TREES - (FREE TUTORIAL)(2021) Stefan Sobkowiak - The Permaculture Orchard 33,191 6 лет назад
GROW an Apple Tree from SEED to FRUIT! Stefan Sobkowiak - The Permaculture Orchard 204,897 5 лет назад
HOW TO PICK FRUIT TO PREVENT BRANCH AND SPUR DAMAGE! Stefan Sobkowiak - The Permaculture Orchard 17,564 6 лет назад
5 TREES to improve YOUR SOIL- Nitrogen fixing trees (part 3) Stefan Sobkowiak - The Permaculture Orchard 95,254 4 года назад
PRO TIPS to EASY Fruit Tree ABUNDANCE Stefan Sobkowiak - The Permaculture Orchard 37,899 1 год назад
COSTliest $$$ MISTAKES in the Permaculture Orchard and the Organic Orchard over 30 years (Pt 2 of 4) Stefan Sobkowiak - The Permaculture Orchard 27,359 4 года назад
Designing New Permaculture Orchard in the Field (Part 2 of 4) Stefan Sobkowiak - The Permaculture Orchard 21,676 5 лет назад
PLANT THIS Before Planting YOUR Fruit Trees Stefan Sobkowiak - The Permaculture Orchard 498,095 2 года назад
What FRUIT grows EASIEST on Your Site? The ANSWER is… Stefan Sobkowiak - The Permaculture Orchard 16,661 6 месяцев назад
My BIGGEST Permaculture Orchard design SECRET IS ACTUALLY... Stefan Sobkowiak - The Permaculture Orchard 40,996 10 месяцев назад
TREE TRIOS THE KEY TO THE PERMACULTURE ORCHARD Stefan Sobkowiak - The Permaculture Orchard 69,268 6 лет назад
How he started his Permaculture Orchard Stefan Sobkowiak - The Permaculture Orchard 1,425 7 дней назад
STOP wasting TIME PRUNING your FRUIT TREES & do THIS instead! Stefan Sobkowiak - The Permaculture Orchard 62,370 1 год назад
TOP 5 Fruiting SHRUBS to plant in your Garden or Permaculture Orchard! Stefan Sobkowiak - The Permaculture Orchard 161,801 5 лет назад
40 TIPS for EASY Fruit Tree growing - 35 years of experience Stefan Sobkowiak - The Permaculture Orchard 25,272 8 месяцев назад
STARTING THE PERMACULTURE ORCHARD Stefan Sobkowiak - The Permaculture Orchard 6,044 3 месяца назад
The Seeds of Vandana Shiva Documentary Film Promo Reel Becket Films 31,815 9 лет назад
The Biggest Little Farm [Official Trailer] NEON 3,367,210 6 лет назад
SPEND 80% LESS TIME maintaining your Permaculture Orchard IF you get THIS RIGHT! Stefan Sobkowiak - The Permaculture Orchard 6,240 1 год назад
15 year old PERMACULTURE ORCHARD Tour Stefan Sobkowiak - The Permaculture Orchard 16,479 9 месяцев назад
STOP WASTING TIME using fertilizers & plant THESE Nitrogen Fixing Trees instead! Stefan Sobkowiak - The Permaculture Orchard 92,614 6 месяцев назад
Feed Birds, Help Your Garden: Win - Win Stefan Sobkowiak - The Permaculture Orchard 28,089 2 месяца назад
MAXIMIZE your Fruit Tree PRODUCTION using VERTICAL TRIOS Stefan Sobkowiak - The Permaculture Orchard 13,152 1 год назад