
How I reached Masters in ranked with only randoms SZGUSTA 41,875 7 дней назад
We draft the best synergies in ranked SZGUSTA 68,943 55 лет назад
They made the glass cannon comp SZGUSTA 78,182 1 месяц назад
How to punish fragile compositions in draft SZGUSTA 55,695 55 лет назад
szgusta rages with voice filter on SZGUSTA TWO 7,457 1 месяц назад
How to overwhelm your opponents in draft SZGUSTA 55,655 55 лет назад
How to outdraft your opponents in ranked 2.0 SZGUSTA 67,822 55 лет назад
The most prawn ready gameplay ever SZGUSTA 130,392 23 часа назад
I carried the boss of the best SA pro team in ranked SZGUSTA 58,498 55 лет назад
Using bad brawlers in masters SZGUSTA 53,113 1 месяц назад
The most competitive ranked match I ever played SZGUSTA 67,667 1 месяц назад
He is the best brawler but people don't know yet SZGUSTA 53,302 55 лет назад
6 levels of Leon players in Brawl Stars SZGUSTA 11,030 1 месяц назад
We reached the pinnacle of synergy in draft SZGUSTA 68,912 1 месяц назад
How to outdraft and secure the advantage in ranked SZGUSTA 74,833 1 месяц назад
SZgusta best plays of 2024️ SZGUSTA 16,921 2 месяца назад
When a bad pick in draft throws the entire game SZGUSTA 53,549 1 месяц назад
How does the last ranked season Masters look like? SZGUSTA 87,723 1 месяц назад