The Comic Vet

New Comic Book Day Haul • Episode 34 The Comic Vet 99 10 месяцев назад
A Mystery Box Unboxing from member of the community, The Comic Vet Eman's World of Geek 103 10 месяцев назад
Batman 66: The Ring of Wax & Give 'Em the Axe J-Man 31 22 часа назад
Unboxing a Grand Prize Win from Chris the Comic Vet Gary B The Casual Comic Guy 55 2 года назад
Monday Mail Call Unboxing A Win from The Comic Vet Brian - LCS 83 1 год назад
FIRE Unboxing from Chris the Comic Vet! SVaughn82 88 1 год назад
Vote For The Comic Vet! The Comic Vet 1,118 2 месяца назад
Awesome A.O.K from The Comic Vet Slotitup 503 97 4 года назад
Ten First Appearances - As Challenged by The Comic Vet Rob's Fat Stax o Comix 95 2 года назад
Unboxing My Comic Army Box Win From The Comic Vet!!! Comiverse 43 7 месяцев назад
Mail call from Nicks Kix and Comics and The Comic Vet Digger Jim 720 59 3 года назад