The Rules Lawyer

5 razones por las que prefiero Pathfinder RPG a D&D (Rules Lawyer) The Rules Lawyer 5,116 1 день назад
Top 10 most common mistakes D&D players make learning Pathfinder 2e The Rules Lawyer 13,715 1 месяц назад
A "teach" of Pathfinder 2e for D&D players (Rules Lawyer) The Rules Lawyer 13,961 1 месяц назад
Pathfinder reinvents D&D necromancers with a NEW CLASS! (Rules Lawyer) The Rules Lawyer 29,131 2 месяца назад
D&D 5.5e: More of the Same for DMs (Rules Lawyer) The Rules Lawyer 37,413 8 месяцев назад
A "teach" of Pathfinder 2e for D&D players (Rules Lawyer) The Rules Lawyer 13,961 1 месяц назад
How Pathfinder 2e FIXES 1e and D&D (The Rules Lawyer) The Rules Lawyer 79,051 2 года назад
Melding Might and Magic: Overview of Pathfinder 2e's New MAGUS Class! The Rules Lawyer 31,970 3 года назад
Kingmaker 10th Anniversary Unboxing (Pathfinder 2e) Jickoby 7,543 2 года назад
Why Kineticist is Awesome in Pathfinder 2e BadLuckGamer 6,432 1 год назад
Impossible Playtest! Pathfinder's Necromancer and Runesmith! Psi Prime Productions 3,445 2 месяца назад
How to Run an Urban Campaign - Running RPGs Seth Skorkowsky 62,860 3 месяца назад
P. Diddy Wants to Block 'Archenemy' from Practicing Law Law&Crime Network 46,070 5 дней назад
Found & Lost | Critical Role | Campaign 2, Episode 26 Critical Role 2,903,543 5 лет назад
Way out of your element - the Pathfinder 2e Kineticist RebelThenKing 2,784 1 год назад
Top 10 most common mistakes D&D players make learning Pathfinder 2e The Rules Lawyer 13,715 1 месяц назад
Rules Lawyer Runs BLOOD LORDS for Pathfinder 2e! (Session 32) The Rules Lawyer DISCORD Community Channel 77 1 день назад
Pathfinder reinvents D&D necromancers with a NEW CLASS! (Rules Lawyer) The Rules Lawyer 29,131 2 месяца назад
Matt Mercer: Rules Lawyer Legend Dr. Zespert 3,337,675 4 года назад
Why there’s a DM shortage in D&D (Rules Lawyer) The Rules Lawyer 55,497 5 месяцев назад
The rules of casting two spells in a round in D&D - Rules Lawyer Viva La Dirt League 1,087,577 3 года назад