Toast Among Us First

Toast First Impostor Win in Among Us OTV COPIUM 4,435 3 года назад
I found the impostors TOO FAST with 2700 IQ so I did this... Disguised Toast 4,198,713 4 года назад
we tried Fortnite's Among Us mode for the first time... Disguised Toast 1,065,923 3 года назад
pulling an insane 1300 IQ impostor self report... Disguised Toast 5,373,948 4 года назад
First time playing the New Medic role in Among Us... Disguised Toast 1,232,311 2 года назад
First time doing an Among Us song | Not the Impostor PlayerYT's alt 313 2 дня назад
catching impostors in ONE SECOND using movement and 12,300 IQ... Disguised Toast 2,071,819 4 года назад
betraying my Among Us bodyguards with 2400 IQ impostor brain... Disguised Toast 4,808,313 4 года назад
how I won a $30,000 Among Us tournament... Disguised Toast 5,986,303 3 года назад
the 10,200 IQ door logs GOD...? Disguised Toast 2,404,693 4 года назад
eliminating ALL SUS by voting myself with 6400 IQ... Disguised Toast 3,655,285 4 года назад
Among Us but everyone becomes Sykkuno w/ 9500 IQ impressions...? Disguised Toast 3,018,107 4 года назад
my new secret 2600 IQ strat, who faked DRAGON...? Disguised Toast 4,802,330 4 года назад
can I win with ZERO kills as IMPOSTOR using 5000 IQ...? Disguised Toast 3,667,439 4 года назад
the unstoppable 2300 IQ impostor duo (ft. pewdiepie)... Disguised Toast 4,962,164 4 года назад
the 4000 IQ SPEEDRUN call out, she used the magic word... Disguised Toast 2,799,964 4 года назад
unbelievable 1200 IQ impostor sneak kill... Disguised Toast 4,464,044 4 года назад
Among Us but we're UNDER WATER (NEW map Submerged) Disguised Toast 2,399,472 2 года назад
pulling off the 2800 IQ KEY MASTER brain play... Disguised Toast 4,132,775 4 года назад
Creating the IMMORTAL Sheriff (custom mods) Disguised Toast 2,487,242 2 года назад
the greatest Among Us IMPOSTOR game ever... Disguised Toast 12,540,840 4 года назад
throwing her under the bus ROUND ONE, a 12,200 IQ diversion... Disguised Toast 2,371,672 4 года назад
the FASTEST impostor game in the world with a 5900 IQ finish...? Disguised Toast 3,441,734 4 года назад
can they solve my 8900 IQ RIDDLE to survive...? Disguised Toast 2,594,389 4 года назад