Undp Cambodia

What's it like to work at UNDP Cambodia? UNDP Cambodia 1,180 5 лет назад
On the ground with UNDP Cambodia Poverty Reduction - Choices UNDP Cambodia 4,419 14 лет назад
ERIA | UNDP Cambodia's Cheryl Ng Discusses Entrepreneurship Youth Programmes in Cambodia ERIA: Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia 220 3 года назад
What Cambodia’s Social Protection Model can Teach the World UNDP in Asia and the Pacific 28 54 года назад
UN Resident Coordinator in Cambodia: Pauline Tamesis United Nations Sustainable Development Group (UNSDG) 643 4 года назад
Sustainably Financing Cambodia's Development UNDP Cambodia 283 7 лет назад
Cambodia - Infrastructure United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) 6,112 15 лет назад
Sophia the Robot meets Prime Minister of Cambodia UNDP Cambodia 3,045 5 лет назад
UNDP Weathering the Storm (Full Video) UNDP Cambodia 1,385 10 лет назад
UNDP Cambodia: Rio+20 The Future We Want.mov UNDP Cambodia 277 12 лет назад
Cambodia -Monk wins Equator Prize United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) 3,454 14 лет назад