Valorant Ascended

Why you SUCK at DUELIST (and how Pros do it) Valorant Ascended 457,496 1 год назад
Why PRX Something Can't Miss Valorant Ascended 361,939 8 месяцев назад
Wild Iron thinks he deserves ASCENDANT, so I tested him. Valorant Curios 44,189 1 день назад
35 Low Elo Mistakes You're STILL Making! SkillCapped Valorant Tips Tricks and Guides 18,771 1 день назад
STOP Playing Clove as SMOKES Valorant Ascended 50,445 8 месяцев назад
Why Demon1 has the FASTEST Aim in the World Valorant Ascended 284,350 1 год назад
The ULTIMATE Positioning Guide! (2024) SkillCapped Valorant Tips Tricks and Guides 80,289 11 месяцев назад
NEW UPDATED TIER LIST For PATCH 9.11! - Valorant SkillCapped Valorant Tips Tricks and Guides 24,886 3 дня назад
EVERY Reyna Player MUST KNOW This Tactic! - Valorant #shorts SkillCapped Valorant Tips Tricks and Guides 1,304,466 1 год назад
5 Ascendants who think they deserve Radiant VS Actual Radiants Valorant Curios 456,561 2 года назад
I Smurfed In Valorant Using Jett PritxD 0 1 день назад
Why CHAMBER Almost RUINED Valorant Valorant Ascended 75,407 2 года назад
How Paper Rex BROKE the Valorant Meta Valorant Ascended 565,252 1 год назад
Why Asuna Has ELITE Aggression Valorant Ascended 58,194 3 года назад
Why You SUCK at DEFENSE (and how Pros do it) Valorant Ascended 203,153 2 года назад
Why YORU Could Take Over the Meta Valorant Ascended 105,817 2 года назад