Visual Field

Ophthalmology: Confrontational Visual Fields Techniques #ubcmedicine UBC Medicine - Educational Media 245,219 8 лет назад
How to give a Humphrey Visual Field to a patient for technicians drvickyfischer 124,556 6 лет назад
Visual Field Defects MADE EASY Dirty Medicine 235,319 5 лет назад
Visual field processing | Processing the Environment | MCAT | Khan Academy khanacademymedicine 252,307 11 лет назад
Visual Pathway and Lesions Armando Hasudungan 1,623,530 8 лет назад
Visual Neural Pathways and Visual Field Defects PhysioPathoPharmaco 67,364 5 лет назад
Deer Vision: 310-Degree Superpower! #buzzbilt #shorts BuzzBilt 1,248 2 дня назад
RS Visual Fields Part 1 - Performing The Tests Michigan Medicine 24,721 3 года назад
Confrontation Visual Field Testing U-M Kellogg Eye Center in Ann Arbor 131,477 10 лет назад
PERIMETRY|| How to read a visual field printout? Insight Ophthalmology 30,438 8 месяцев назад
Why do I need a visual field test? | Glaucoma Australia GlaucomaAustralia 1,247 6 лет назад
How to Take a Visual Field Examination? - Sheryl S. Wizov, COA WillsEye GlaucomaApp 152,888 9 лет назад
Visual Field Testing - How To Get The Most Out of It | Driving with Dr. David Richardson S2, Ep 5 San Marino Eye | David D. Richardson, MD, Inc. 10,678 5 лет назад
Visual field changes in glaucoma AP's Ophthalmology pearls 71,475 4 года назад
EyeFAQ: How Accurate are Visual Field Tests? Glaucoma Research Foundation Videos 8,956 4 года назад
Having a visual fields test Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust 167,194 6 лет назад
7.2 - Humphrey Visual Field EyeGuru 48,123 2 года назад
Visual Field Test | Eye Solutions - The Complete Eye Hospital Eye Solutions 17,260 4 года назад