
Try Not To LAUGH Challenge with VLAD!!! Vlad 472,120 55 лет назад
Eating food from VIDEO GAMES!! Vlad 3,085,961 1 год назад
Extreme HIDE AND SEEK!!! - Collection video with Vlad Vlad 1,780,023 2 месяца назад
This Is the Enemy’s Last Attack Before Your Next Level Vlad Savchuk 58,461 1 день назад
Kids VS Doctor - Fun PRANKS in the hospital! Vlad 4,534,199 9 месяцев назад
Vacation at the CARDBOARD Hotel! Vlad 4,023,453 7 месяцев назад
Vlad Survived the World’s EVIL Babysitter! Vlad 9,986,170 3 месяца назад
WHO Can WIN The MOST TICKETS Challenge from Vlad!! Vlad 3,557,345 1 год назад
Strength for the Battle: Recovering What the Enemy Has Stolen Vlad Savchuk 136,374 4 месяца назад
Vlad and Niki - Tree House with zipline Adventures Vlad and Niki 5,911,327 2 месяца назад
Claw Machine Controls Vlad's Life for 24 Hours! Vlad 4,588,835 1 год назад
Trump aligns US with Russia against Ukraine/Europe Vlad Vexler Chat 43,774 2 дня назад
Vlad Takes Care of NEWBORN SISTER for 24 hours!! Vlad 10,098,367 1 год назад
When God Opens the Door of Opportunity Vlad Savchuk 171,963 3 месяца назад
Vlad makes Water Fights like Battle Royales Vlad 3,024,519 6 месяцев назад
Vlad and story about Worms from the game Vlad and Niki TV 2,263,410 2 месяца назад
Vlad Built 5 SECRET Rooms You’d Never Find! Vlad 6,131,825 6 месяцев назад