Windows Platform

State of the Union: The Windows Presentation Platform - BRK3072 Microsoft Developer 4,717 5 лет назад
Intro to UWP (Universal Windows Platform) Apps in C# IAmTimCorey 121,483 4 года назад
What's a Universal Windows Platform UWP app? Guillermo Torres 2,476 3 года назад
How Windows 10X runs UWP and Win32 apps Microsoft 365 Developer 6,260 4 года назад
Introducing Windows IoT Core Microsoft Visual Studio 137,313 8 лет назад
Windows 10 Features for 10.1 Berlin Embarcadero Technologies 1,530 8 лет назад
Windows IoT development using the Universal APP Platform | Dev Superpowers #12 | Chris Briggs SSW TV | Videos for developers, by developers 2,851 9 лет назад
Windows 11 Comes to Apple Silicon and Updates Get Faster Petri IT Knowledgebase 2,084 1 год назад
Building great apps with the open platform of Windows | BRK30 Microsoft Developer 1,156 2 года назад
Learn how to build the best Arm apps for Windows | BRK282H Microsoft Developer 3,344 1 год назад
How committed is Microsoft to the Windows App SDK platform? Windows Developer 686 2 года назад
Windows 10X First Impressions: Finally Something New! Beebom 625,590 3 года назад