Young Earth Creation

Ken Ham VS Young Earth Creationism Gutsick Gibbon 159,254 1 год назад
The Origins of Young Earth Creationism InspiringPhilosophy 189,224 3 года назад
Top FIVE Reasons Young Earth Creationism is Impossible Gutsick Gibbon 221,442 3 года назад
TOP TEN Biblical Problems for Young Earth Creationism InspiringPhilosophy 617,398 4 года назад
How Old Is the Earth? Creationist Explains Creation Ministries International 239,790 5 месяцев назад
4 Evidences for a Young Earth Creation Ministries International 56,147 1 год назад
Professor Dave Destroys Kent Hovind (Young Earth Creationism Debunk) Professor Dave Explains 3,882,282 5 лет назад
Dinosaur Soft Tissue: Fossil Evidence That Challenges Deep Time | Creation Connection Ep. 8 Institute for Creation Research (ICR) 2,080 15 часов назад
Neil deGrasse Tyson vs. Young Earth Creationism StarTalk 375,043 11 лет назад
An Embarrassing Young Earth Creationist Argument The Counsel of Trent 66,121 10 месяцев назад
Scientific Proof of a Young Earth | Eric Hovind | Creation Today Show #285 Creation Today Ministry 5,632 2 года назад
Why ALL Christians Should Believe in a YOUNG Earth Answers in Genesis 87,982 4 года назад
Clear evidence for Young Earth Creation: can scientists accept it? Is Genesis History? 81,768 1 год назад
Why the Earth Can’t be Old! Creation Ministries International 1,649,729 1 год назад
The Bible and age of the earth? | John Lennox at SMU The Veritas Forum 540,423 2 года назад
Old Earth vs Young Earth Debate Dr Hugh Ross & Dr Kent Hovind 1 of 3 Zbawienie tylko w Jezusie Chrystusie 54,633 10 лет назад
Fundamentals: Young Earth Creationism Reasons to Believe 6,047 11 лет назад
Biblical Flood Marathon Young Earth Creation 17,705 2 года назад
Five MORE Reasons Young Earth Creationism is Impossible Gutsick Gibbon 84,445 3 года назад
SIX Biological Evidences for Creation - Pt.1 Institute for Creation Research (ICR) 317,538 1 год назад