Why Belka Couldn't Win The Belkan War - Strategic Analysis

Why Belka Couldn't Win The Belkan War - Strategic Analysis

Ace Combat Fan

4 года назад

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Кустарус - 21.06.2023 13:16

Meanwhile Bepsi Mig wining Belkan War as Belka:
You don't even know what's possible

Caio Rodrigues da Silva
Caio Rodrigues da Silva - 17.05.2023 14:00

Hey brother

TinyToon - 15.05.2023 17:59

"A mercenary boy with almost unlimited ammunition basically slapped the entire Belkan military to the point of nuclear suicide."

I just love this.

Krosis - 03.05.2023 20:08

Belka did nothing wrong!

Falkrim - 22.03.2023 20:23

Is that defeatism my friend?

Bong Lambitco
Bong Lambitco - 17.02.2023 12:34

Honestly Belka should have invaded Recta first and then later in 2012 invade Gebet.

Generic Protagonist
Generic Protagonist - 16.12.2022 07:06

"Our cause will live on, to be taken up by others that follow. Ready all cannons. We're going out in a blaze of glory!"

Nathan Stice
Nathan Stice - 11.10.2022 21:10

Flip greater Belka horizontally and it’s almost an exact copy of the territory of the Erusian kingdom. 😀

Viper - 20.08.2022 23:06

i feel like they knew they couldn't win the war
it was their last attempt to save their country
if the Belkan war never happened there would be no more Belka, it would have probably collapsed under it's own weight and be taken over entirely by Osea

CatGoon67 - 17.08.2022 01:34

so belka was just very incompetent

Mo AlZaben
Mo AlZaben - 26.07.2022 02:01

Not much is known about the Sapinish military, but I can imagine that it has precured weapons and equipment from Osea, the sapinish navy could’ve had some osean made ships, their army could’ve had some osean made combat vehicles, their air force is knows to have the Su-32, J35J Drakes, and the Rafale M, but they could’ve also had some suoerhornets, tomcats, f-16s, f-15s.
The possibilities are endless

Charlie Turner
Charlie Turner - 08.05.2022 18:17

Please do more videos like this!!!

Langley's Enterprise
Langley's Enterprise - 06.05.2022 03:12

Make Belka the Good Guy Country next game and we will see a belkan victory

Berkia Skyclan
Berkia Skyclan - 13.04.2022 22:14

Ah yes!

The country that did nothing wrong

Grant T
Grant T - 25.02.2022 01:15

They should have just invaded one Ustio and never declared war on Ocea

mep - 21.02.2022 08:55

this video was made with o***n hands

JW2 - 04.02.2022 19:24

How on earth haven’t I found this video sooner.

Sam Anders
Sam Anders - 31.01.2022 12:20

The stage was set. Victory for Belka was assured but Belkan pride got the better of their solid rationale and paid dearly because of that.

Maucaz alv
Maucaz alv - 15.01.2022 08:59

When the country keeps making so many bad decisions that the game needed to give advanced sci-fi technology to a bunch of PTSD-driven terrorists in order to maintain the stakes hight..... not complaining tho, A World With No Boundaries took me by surprise(?

Floki Odensen
Floki Odensen - 08.12.2021 04:43

Belka be like: "I'm going to declare war on literally everyone" and then be like

"In hindsight this was a bad plan" within two months.

Bastien Wolfe
Bastien Wolfe - 06.11.2021 05:35

Belka did nothing wrong

isaac Rada
isaac Rada - 18.10.2021 07:27

aun así creo que belka no hizo nada malo (inserte sentimientos ultranacionalistas y jingoísmo.) bueno yendo en serio pues lo que aprendí de la guerra fue las pretensiones de los gobiernos contra otros países y por otro lado la secesión de los territorios orientales me recuerda a la disolución de la Gran Colombia.

lil queso
lil queso - 18.08.2021 01:40

...so the belkan are the balkins

RoundenBrown - 09.08.2021 01:01

Hoffnung deserved it!

Luey - 03.07.2021 08:46

iraq war moment

Brandi The Butcher
Brandi The Butcher - 22.06.2021 08:24

Should’ve taken care of the eastern countries before attacking sapin and osea

Connor O'Brien
Connor O'Brien - 17.06.2021 02:03

Scorched earth would have worked better. Back in the early 1900s, Canada's plan for war against the US was to invade on all fronts as far until resistance was met, then retreat back to the border wrecking infrastructure as they went. This would hamper any us invasion. They then relied on Britain shipping in huge armies.

Belka demonstrated huge success in rapid invasions. They should have kept that momentum up. Instead of holding on to all captured territory, withdraw fully at any counter attack, then launch another blitz catching whats left of the enemy in a cauldron.

Alternatively, Yuktobania seems to be the wild card. If they even stayed neutral, much of osea's resources would be committed to the cold war. I doubt they would spare a top of the line carrier.

If yuktobania stayed out and belka demonstrated the high cost of reconstruction if you manage to defeat them, then maybe they broker a peace.

true bagel
true bagel - 05.05.2021 07:21

I think the Belkan war is sorta similar to WW2, as Osea defeated Belka and helped the countries invaded by Belka while the US literally destroyed Nazi Germany and helped the countries in the war. Not only that, I may think that since Belka is an allegory for Nazi Germany, I think that Belka today would be very not very nationalist due to its past just like Germany, and I would also think it may possibly become an economic powerhouse too just like Germany...

Young Hentaii
Young Hentaii - 02.05.2021 21:29

Sapin seemed cool wish they make a game for them

Mike - 23.04.2021 08:37

Can you imagine if Yuketobania decided to help Belka fight Osea?

Moisés Matias
Moisés Matias - 03.04.2021 15:27

Well, about south and north Belka division, it had it's roots back in history. South Belka was annexed during the 1500's after a pact of mutual defense, but the north, it seems they always considered themselves the true Belkan nation, which probably resulted in a sense of division that grew more strong during the war and the ultra nationalistic politics of the Rald's party.

711 Truther
711 Truther - 12.03.2021 23:00

Wow osea real politiked the fuck out of belka something fierce. They successfully goaded belka into bighting off more than it could chew and made them choke on it so hard that the desperate belkan government decided nuking its own border lands was a better alternative than diplomatically agreeing to just cede the territory and eventually retake it at a later time.

ALE - 04.03.2021 08:25

Cadê a legenda Brasileira que nem os outros vídeos

Oberstleutnant Detlef von Fleisher
Oberstleutnant Detlef von Fleisher - 16.02.2021 06:41

Nepotism? Lies!

luthfi nst
luthfi nst - 11.01.2021 17:23

For belkan, air force is to provide ground support for the ground forces, sounds like luftwaffe doctrines during world war 2 eh?

Undead John Marston
Undead John Marston - 30.11.2020 13:13

They would win if they not nukes they own city

2B - 16.11.2020 12:41

Germany: "hey I know this one"

Aussie_Mantis - 04.11.2020 05:39

Obviously if Belka mass-produced the XB-01 experimental air cruiser and just not invaded Ustio they would have won the war /s

truemisto - 26.10.2020 10:42

yuktobania most likely joined the war in order to have grounds to insert forces in order to try to seize belkan technologies and scientists, rather than letting osea lay hands on them uncontested

Chris Odom
Chris Odom - 17.10.2020 01:49

I think Ace Combat fan is a Belkan...

Michael Thayer
Michael Thayer - 12.10.2020 11:50

I think Belka's plan was a lot like the Schlieffen plan, occupy Ustio and knock out Sapin by seizing Gran Rugidio and forcing them to capitulate within the first several weeks. Then shift everything over to hold the defensible terrain of the Great Lakes and focus Osea's much larger forces onto a narrow front where Belka's quality shines so they can grind down the Osean will to fight, forcing them to accept the new status quo.
This explains why the Belkan War was so short, only from March 25 to June 6 1995, this plan failed and the overextended Belkan forces were annihilated in the Allied counterattack.

Robert Decker
Robert Decker - 10.10.2020 09:26

I feel like the Belkan War was WW2 but modern.

Grey Wolf Racing
Grey Wolf Racing - 07.10.2020 21:09

I Guess the only war in Strangereal that ISN'T caused by Belka, is the Aurelian War

I would like to see a video like this but about the Aurelian War

christian munoz
christian munoz - 03.10.2020 07:58

North Belka is the Birth place of belka.
Now osea is punishing the South Belkans and being evil to them.

that beetus
that beetus - 30.09.2020 05:19

Ace combat should have 2 sides of the war were you can fight from the point of view of the enemy nation

Paruna Leluni
Paruna Leluni - 21.09.2020 08:05

Yeah belka will also lose if cipher didnt. But if cipher didnt exist.i think The awwnb will succes for deleting borders

ASadPuppy - 16.09.2020 08:27

Did they lose? Because the way I see it, Belka just wanted to play the long game.
