ОтветитьPlease improve the initial content loading time in web app, It's almost 6 to 8 seconds.
ОтветитьThis impressive updates.
Let's go Flutter yeah 💯❤️
Flutter is dead.
ОтветитьLove Flutter!!!
ОтветитьDead man walking
ОтветитьMore than the info I love that they're having so much fun making this video
ОтветитьFlutter is dying and the team is still trying.
ОтветитьHey flutter team i want flutter swag.
ОтветитьMacro shines!
ОтветитьPeople say Flutter is dead. Actually not Flutter but they are
ОтветитьWhat's new in 3.22?
Error: Member not found: 'MediaQuery.boldTextOverride'.
ОтветитьI absolutely love Flutter!!!
ОтветитьFlutter 💙
ОтветитьImagine only having sourcegen as experimental in 2024.. Idk why Flutter made Dart their primary choice when the language is so far behind.
ОтветитьWell just a question related to macros, what if my int id as variable is being written as json[id], but the json format of that id is _id in that cause ill get the error, how to overcome this ?
ОтветитьIts insanely fun to watch Craig!!! 😂😂😂😂
ОтветитьThis is my first time to comment to these videos. I'm excited for Dart Macros!!! But can we have an alternative key or annotation for keys from json? It's nice to have something like in Kotlin's Serializable :D
ОтветитьFlutter core team
What happened?
Still in my brain tbh
за 5 минут. видео идет 7)
у мобильщиков не укладываться в сроки заложено на генетическом уровне😄
Dart Macros is Mind-blowing!
I Understand it right through this Video
Very bright future! Long live flutter!!!
ОтветитьYou rock 🎉
ОтветитьWhere can we get the amazing Flutter hoodie?
Ответитьdart macros looks like amazing
Ответитьthe developers need a definitive answer from google whether they plan on killing flutter. Because in every single video youll find comments regarding the worry. Hard to get excited about new features if it'll be potentially useless after couple of months or years
ОтветитьWhat about flutter support for smart watches?
ОтветитьThank you flutter team, hope for the better.
ОтветитьGoogle deberia resolver la incertidumbre: ¿Flutter va a seguir vivo? ¿Vale la pena seguir estudiando? 🙄
ОтветитьYou should add MiniplayerBar Widget to ready to use for music app developers in flutter!
ОтветитьMacros??? You mean annotations 😂 Please add more
ОтветитьI love the Macros, switching to Master right now
Ответитьcross platform programming is the future
Apple accepted it's events now look like a ai made it
Google is still trying to be goofy in the Io
Hello from Almaty! Go Flutter!
ОтветитьExcited for the Dart macros!!
Ответить5 million views and 74 comments 🤔
Ответитьlessgooo flutter !!!
Ответитьnot a fan of the format
ОтветитьSo nice 👍👍👍
ОтветитьGreat work!!!! The only think which is missing for me in Flutter is web SEO and web ads