Beginner Tips To a New player in 2024. Lost Ark

Beginner Tips To a New player in 2024. Lost Ark

Ace Gaming

5 месяцев назад

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@ghostytoasty5510 - 25.01.2024 09:35

The quality of your trade skill tools actually matters quite a lot, especially for the fishing, excavating, and hunting trade skills used for crafting orehas. The higher quality tool the more lines you get and the better chance you have to get good lines like basic reward+, rare reward+, mini game difficulty decrease, or mini game reward+. These make quite a huge difference in terms of rewards and ease, especially the fishing mini game which can be very difficult without the difficulty decrease.

Also if you really want to maximize gold from trade skills I'd recommend one of the ones used to craft oreha because you can either use it to save gold crafting the mats or sell them to gain gold depending on which is more efficient at the time. Because of that double use they're more worthwhile than wood imo. Also make sure you keep an eye on your world tree leaves collectibles since the charm reward from them, and its subsequent upgrades, increases the amount of rewards you get by a flat% scaling up to 40% at max.

@aviladsm - 06.01.2024 13:09

you forgot to mention to focus on the skill points, specially the easy ones

@almohlevy9008 - 04.01.2024 21:06

my tip for you after 2 years this game is sux dont play this game you will regards this believe me he got no future. the game got Designed systems that force you to p2w and its even more worse its not p2w its p2play the content.... and after you might do it the system i love to call it cherry on top of the cream system (Party Finder) that jail gate you for hours and on top of all that no matter how strong you are no matter how much money you put in the game nothing matter only one thing matter in Lost ark its call support Friend and if u dont have it dont even think about start playing this game.

@darkrengi5852 - 04.01.2024 16:48

Great video, something i would add is if your main focus is honing then its fine to use tradable materials. If its not i wouldnt really sell them because right now anything below the current leap stones dont sell for much so i honestly feel like youd be better off keeping them until your ready to hone. You can think about selling the current ones when your caught up

@Matfriken - 04.01.2024 06:10

This was a very well informed and relevant guide for new players!

@Grumpyk1d - 04.01.2024 05:22

I would strongly recommend not worrying about what is "Meta" and picking a class that you find enjoyable. Every single class can complete any of the content in the game and balance patches are quite frequent, so the "top meta" classes right now will not be the same in a couple of months. And if you pick a class purely because its meta, then you might be very upset if it gets nerfed or if other things get buffed and start out performing it. Whereas if you pick a class that you really enjoy, then it doesn't matter if it gets buffs/nerfs. Plus you are more likely to learn the ins and outs of the class.

Pick something that you find fun, everything else will take care of itself.

@lete21 - 04.01.2024 02:38

3 gems to fuse not 4.
fused leapstones can transform to advance leapstone in legion raid exchange
good video

@Ace_Gaming4 - 04.01.2024 01:17

I can't cover it all in one video, if you feel like i missed out on something important, let the new mokokos know it, down here in the comments :)
