Worst MMO Ever? - Skyforge

Worst MMO Ever? - Skyforge

Josh Strife Hayes

2 года назад

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@LoganOliver1 - 02.01.2024 02:01

sad to see everyone having the same issues and opinions about the game. I to also used to play game before they changed it and really enjoyed my time. Was at a local gaming center me and all my buddies would go to and one of our mmo friends was playing this one day and told us it was f2p and he looked like he was really enjoying it so me and a couple of my friends made accounts and started to level and do things together and it was really fun but like most mmorpgs you eventually just stop playing or a friend stops and it spirals into everyone quitting and then I found it on ps4 years later and downloaded it and played it solo and it just didn't have to same feel and felt like they removed things that had made it more fun for the players and your friends like the guild system etc and it really sucked coming back thinking id have a good time and I probably made is as far as josh did before i just stopped playing and wasn't interested anymore doing the solo slog through the game.

@rumatadestora - 01.01.2024 23:42

Oh, I remember, this was total sh*t

@SqualidsargeStudios - 30.12.2023 02:36

that lip-sync is absolutely atrocious

@logan7882 - 29.12.2023 08:43

The name Thanatos has been around longer than Thanos lol.

@fable23 - 28.12.2023 13:04

You know, I don't mind jiggle physics, I just wish more developers would extend the courtesy to male characters. Our titties jiggle too, you know!

@patrickbo2045 - 24.12.2023 20:56

Cheers for that MTG reference! :D

@TheLoreGeek - 24.12.2023 10:41

Oh for christs sake Josh, 1 out of 3 times you get me with that jiggle bit..

@purplebunz - 23.12.2023 19:27

Damn this game is seriously one of the prettiest games I have ever seen due to the sheer scale of the environments. But I would never play it lol.

@AegisAmaranth - 19.12.2023 12:51

Oh God, I remember this thing.
I played until the part where you die. And look, you are the chosen one and live again.
Now where have I seen that narrative again?
Oh, right. every single rpg that comes out the last several years.
Oh, hi elder scrolls online. You too, hm? rolls eyes and sighs out of boredom

@OiramandAce7 - 18.12.2023 20:49

I liked and subbed -.-

@valentinemiller8680 - 16.12.2023 19:57

We need to find the VA for Flavius and give this man a reward for giving the only good delivery in this entire game. He didn't need to give a good delivery (especially cause I hate how they wrote the dialogue for this game) but he gave a great delivery anyway.

@mindget - 15.12.2023 19:08

Commenting on my second monitor: "Get out of my head!"

@cyka4789 - 15.12.2023 18:05

Man I logged in I think last year and got like 20 hours in and then hit a wall and had no one to ask for help and the Reddit is dead. The people who do play are not the best in the attitude department and kinda weird

@EtherRainbow - 13.12.2023 06:45

thanatos isnt based off of thanos lol. Thanatos is a greek god that thanos was named after

@johnmichaelbushman - 12.12.2023 18:13

"If you ordered Warframe from Wish, you'd get Skyforge."
- Josh Strife Hayes

@DeafCope - 11.12.2023 04:31

the powerscaling in this game is appalling

@KestrelDC - 10.12.2023 22:34

I’ll give them this: I do really like the character designs, especially the fact that the women have real designs and variation and aren’t all just the super lean supermodel in glorified lingerie stereotype. Even the ones that are sexy are done in a way to have actual, interesting designs with some sense to them instead of just “how much skin can we show without it just being nudity?” I’ve often said how while I do take issue with over objectification I also don’t want to go the opposite extreme and erase all sexuality from woman characters because that’s not exactly better (plus I’d be a hypocrite as some of my characters are intentionally sexy) and also because sometimes it actively serves a purpose for the character. As thirsty as the game is in other ways, they do escape that trap!

@Prox_C - 09.12.2023 08:29

Its funny how coincidence works. I only just today watched Blackadder for the first time in a good few years and it happened to be a Lord Flasheart episode. Then to hear the reference in this video. Obviously i must have been tuned to it but does anyone know what that phenomenon is called?

@dragondelsur5156 - 09.12.2023 03:55

As someone who used to play Skyforge, what you played was just the surface, after you become an official god, the game gives you an Avatar but here's the catch: You need faith to use it, and after you hit this endgame, any and all areas bump go higher in difficulty, you cannot go without the fucking Avatar or you don't stand a chance and getting Faith is just as grindy when you have to wait for your followers to come back and give you (you send them to expeditions, because of course).

@ericlamb4501 - 07.12.2023 03:54

I do love how Josh basically noticed, without prior knowledge that the game feels like it's been developed by two teams, when in reality it was just developed twice by the same team

@greywalk9510 - 05.12.2023 03:42

man you fucking called it with the jiggle shit, it was on my 2nd monitor. You earned the sub and like 🤣🤣

@QueenAlexzandra - 04.12.2023 11:51

Is anyone gonna tell that one guy he's just talking to himself?

@Omphalite - 01.12.2023 20:20

That extremely monotone "Feel, my wrath" sounded like parody. Fucking AI can voice act with more emotion than this nowadays.

@LokiWasntHere - 19.11.2023 23:06

Just saying almost all of the European game hosting companies are worse then the ones everywhere else. Their cash shops are always worse and more greedy then any other countries so I understand why Josh is so harsh with them.

@shirox11 - 12.11.2023 10:17

A game that was on the cusp of being great is more disappointing than a game that is just plain shit.

@GearFr0st - 11.11.2023 18:57

Sometimes i feel like going back into the game but they don't let you create a new character unless you make a new account is really a bummer.

@looselygaming6130 - 11.11.2023 02:03

im guessing the voice acting is so bad because the voice actors were told to read a script with no context attached, they couldn't attach emotion because they had no idea what was happening in the scene or what they were even talking about. the two guys that had the same voice actor with no change in voice acting probably have no variation because he had no idea he was voicing two characters at all.

@banisherblade - 10.11.2023 05:03

Everytime Josh mentions his love of strange geometry bosses Im tempted to recommend Genshin for teh lulz.

@ar827 - 08.11.2023 20:33

Josh Strife Hayes: Does scathing reviews of font and window sizes in video games.

Also Josh Strife Hayes: "I don't care how small the text gets, I'm keeping all your names on one page"

Seems like you share thoughts with a couple of the developers you critique, my friend ;)

@Israfel36 - 06.11.2023 02:46

I remember playing Skyforge when it was in beta a long long time ago. It's interesting to see what they implemented and sad what they took out.

@robolizzzrd5524 - 05.11.2023 23:48

Hey Josh, if you like strange and menacing geometric enemies, you should see the god of the mechanoids in this game. He is called Integrator, and he is a really cool fight.

@BrokenAndStable - 05.11.2023 09:42

Bought this when it first came out, was so disappointed.

@roftar - 03.11.2023 07:35

You could say the VA knew how to read ..... At least partly.....

@marcusdoesart - 02.11.2023 20:17

That first "Thank the gods, you got them all", this man sounds like Hank Hill

@kevincobb9352 - 30.10.2023 20:34

You got me with that one lmao

@michalkarsznia4552 - 30.10.2023 12:59

Liked and subbed due to the boob jiggle

@mrrace6318 - 30.10.2023 04:38

"I don't mean to offend you, but how are you getting work" I am working right now haha.

@hollotom0215 - 29.10.2023 09:18

Had to like and sub when you called me out :/

@troyschram7211 - 29.10.2023 02:44

The only voice actor Josh said can emote actually sounds kinda cringe and cheesey like trash dubs, I really hate it and almost prefer the bland uninterested voice acting, at least it sometimes has humorous nuiance.

@Paranoid89x - 28.10.2023 10:34

i remember i did a refund and got my money back but i still had access to game lol

@chryssalidbait8765 - 28.10.2023 09:35

Evil rat people with glowing green weapons. It's a wonder GW hasn't come for these guys.

@SandBoxPlatypus - 25.10.2023 05:41

It's too sad how much they changed the game, you used to not have to pay for the other classes. It was much better before it changed.

@velarana8303 - 24.10.2023 03:43

It was me, liked

@ogreswordsmanfin741 - 23.10.2023 18:22

Gotta love the enemies that are just Skaven with space-gubbins glued on
