Unity UI Pause Menu Tutorial | Nova

Unity UI Pause Menu Tutorial | Nova


1 год назад

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@Norbingel - 28.07.2023 06:25

How do I make something like a radial menu that appears and follows over a selected character's head? The manual says:

"All UIBlocks, even those under a ScreenSpace component, are rendered in world-space using the Transforms on their respective GameObjects, similar to MeshRenderers (although Nova does not actually use any MeshRenderers). This means when you want to position, rotate, or scale an entire menu/panel/etc. built with Nova, simply position, rotate, or scale the Transform on its root UIBlock (or one of its ancestors)."

However, while this seems to work when there's no Screen Space component, you can't actually change the values when the component is there.

@milosauvage2893 - 15.07.2023 01:33

that's great, can you share the project?

@LegendSeekerX - 13.03.2023 07:47

When I follow the steps for moving the DOTS by Center UV it doesn't tile like yours, it just has empty spaces at the beginning and end of the animation. Are there restrictions to the image size/type for this?

@captaindryvids6909 - 31.12.2022 18:16

Omfg thank you finally! I love the auto layout, it's like in Figma!

@walidelfellahi3170 - 21.10.2022 05:02

In my 3d when i go home then i want to play again its give the PauseMenu while my level is started , can guide how to hide the pause menu when i play back , thank you

@juancarloscampbell5728 - 19.10.2022 22:20

Can you help me, I'm using URP and my UI seems to have lightning instead of being solid colors. The surface options is gray out with UNLIT and a warning: Lit surfaces are only available on built in render pipeline.

@imspikey - 12.10.2022 14:36

Finally a real solution to Unity UI, fantastic work guys.
Please try to support RtL Text Mesh Pro package.
This solution is much suited to game development than unity UI toolkit. and the terrible canvas.
Unity should buy Nova UI because its better than anything that unity offered.
Continue the hard work guys you are up for something big

@nerozonbolt - 08.10.2022 00:59

I hope i can do something with Nova, i mean it looks and works well but i'm noob so i may end up with a lot of glitches D:
