When Finnish people wait for the bus! Why Finland's Individualism Developed | Abnormal Summit

When Finnish people wait for the bus! Why Finland's Individualism Developed | Abnormal Summit

K-contents Voyage

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Potato Pie
Potato Pie - 19.09.2023 09:38

That neon antler thing is not real. It was a photoshop project of someone. Also the number 5000 reindeer getting hurt annually sounds very high.

kaunis - 18.09.2023 18:23

I love finland

Arisu Okami
Arisu Okami - 17.09.2023 20:17

as a fin, i found this video hilarious xd

Zsombor Molnár
Zsombor Molnár - 14.09.2023 12:21

Honestly that black guy was so freaking beautiful! ❤

Amadeuz81 - 10.09.2023 01:22

If a girl in Finland acts cute you know they have done something bad. Probably something they ain't sure if you will forgive.

Aqua ♡
Aqua ♡ - 09.09.2023 18:01

I hate how they make fun of Leo's personal taste that isn't necessarily Finnish.

Ki - 02.09.2023 19:38

Mann I miss this show

Chongi - 01.09.2023 19:37

these Asian men are acting like people are so close in their country while they dont't even say I love you or maybe once in a lifetime to their wives

Nil - 31.08.2023 16:55

One of the reasons that make people try and keep going comes from things like feeding your family. Finland doesn't have this cause governments support, another thing that make a person have hope and try hard is getting better and better becoming rich but in a country like Finland with somehow socialistic rules working hard is pointless at some point so ... maybe that's one of the reasons for high suicide

Innocence - 30.08.2023 01:29

As a foreigner living in Finland i can tell you Finns are one of the most humble people i've ever had the pleasure to meet and work with, they are not full of themselves and their sincerity can often be mistaken as sarcasm or "bad manners" by most people but they just really honest and straight to the point no going around the bushes bs.

Snowed - 28.08.2023 22:50

As a finnish person i am contractually obligated to mention that i am finnish

Marija Last.
Marija Last. - 28.08.2023 11:41

I always line up so that the distance between group or individuals looks neat.
So that people who looks at us from above think us poor earthlings seem organized.
I'm doing the same with the internet.

Hanbill - 27.08.2023 13:42


Indochina James
Indochina James - 26.08.2023 10:39

AS A FINNISH PERSON. I feel like I should comment on this. So here I am, commenting.

Greetings from Finland. By the way.

S - 24.08.2023 23:46


MiniatureLabyrinth - 24.08.2023 22:56

Good to know our finnish brothers and sisters are doing the same goofy shit as us.

Rumpkin - 24.08.2023 18:35

Grretings from finland :D Terveisiä Suomesta

Pr1nzEug3nWaifu - 24.08.2023 01:26

As a fin, i can confirm we dont say "i love you" after marriage

Sara Svensson
Sara Svensson - 23.08.2023 22:29

In Sweden we always call our teachers by their first names. Sometimes they even prefer to go by a nickname. I have never in my life called a teacher Mister or Miss.

R2D2 from star track
R2D2 from star track - 23.08.2023 17:43

damn that's... not salmiakki

RainyPMC - 23.08.2023 11:59

hahaha, this was so funny!

IP - 22.08.2023 21:57

Italian dude saying Finnish are rude cause reindeers gets killed on road... XD. ..Italian pasta sucks. This is being rude.

Sonja Ristolainen
Sonja Ristolainen - 22.08.2023 13:31


:o - 22.08.2023 00:12

As a finnish kpop fan this is very entertaining to watch. But it's true though, Finnish people are blunt, sarcastic, like black humor, need a lot of personal space, aren't good at small talk or compliments, thinks like ''I love you'' and ''I'm sorry'' are really hard for us to say.

meme machine
meme machine - 21.08.2023 04:32

this is false, every fking time at shopping and when I go to the checkout theres no room breath

Cree - 20.08.2023 22:34

In a public chatroom when i see fins talking to each other in english, i know they are drunk 😆

FreakyNightmare - 20.08.2023 02:41

When Finn gets sober, it will feel panic and anxiety, if Finn finds itself surrounded by other people.

FreakyNightmare - 20.08.2023 02:33

During our one trip in Japan, us, four teenage girls back then, asked japanese guy how it sounds like when we talk Finnish? He answered we sounded like scary trolls (as monsters) 😂

SatumainenOlento - 17.08.2023 23:46

It is absolutely NOT true that Finns are cold and quiet people! From the surface it might seem like that, because of calmness and unassuming manners. But when Finns feel confident to express themselves in the group of friends etc. You hardly get them stop talking! They get loud and very happy.

And you could not get more loyal and real friend than a Finn. Even after 10 years silence, you can contact your friend and have heart to heart conversation with them! 💗💗💗

It is a funny joke to generalize Finns that way. It is kind of "inside joke" really, because Finns know that it is not exactly like that....but you surely can make deadpan joke about quiet and cold Finns 😅

Kaisa - 17.08.2023 16:45


Michelle J
Michelle J - 17.08.2023 03:36

The guy from the US looks like the little elf on the shelf.

Inari - 17.08.2023 02:23

Leo did very well, as a Finn I am very proud of him

EatingZalistoenails - 16.08.2023 13:14

haahah the bus stop standing line is the same in sweden as well

Fin Dood
Fin Dood - 11.08.2023 22:42

halvan maukasta lakritsaa

Tomaatti Poika
Tomaatti Poika - 10.08.2023 23:42

Almost everything what he said is too true 😂

𝓟𝓪𝓷𝓪𝓬𝓮𝓪 - 10.08.2023 08:16

Please keep in mind that it’s just a stereotype for Finnish people to be cold and introverted...😅 I’m Finnish myself and I know many outgoing people here! I, too, love interacting with people!

susuyay - 10.08.2023 01:50

Santa literally has his own village in Finland

kolli molli333
kolli molli333 - 09.08.2023 19:44

maailmanpaskin jätkä

Anna and her typewriter
Anna and her typewriter - 09.08.2023 05:02

I'd like to mention that suicide rates were really high in early 1990's mainly because economical crash. 80's had been one big consuming festival and then BAM economy crashed. Back then and also today rates don't connect with too much workload like in Korea.

aiki - 08.08.2023 23:17

so many similarities between the nordic countries!

_moonie - 08.08.2023 21:56

Once a student went "ope ope" and the teacher looked at her eyes and said calmly "first call me by my name then ill respond. Do you not know it?". It might aound rude, but in that moment she talked sweetly and it was funny in my opinion

LinusKristian - 08.08.2023 18:28

I have no idea what this is, I have no idea how i got here, I lied i do have an idea how i got here, This was on my recommended page, This is great as shit!!

Sami Suhonen
Sami Suhonen - 08.08.2023 15:46

The high suicide rate is a combination of two things.
1. Our dark and cold winters can be really depressing, especially if it doesn't snow much and you live in a city. Trees lose their nice green leaves. Mud and slush everywhere. Everything is dark, wet, cold, and gray.
2. Our culture makes it easier to end up alone and as an outcast. It's not easy to get out and make friends for many Finns, especially if you end up unemployed. And even if you had friends, many people in Finland don't want to really talk about the things that bother them. Many of us have traditional Finnish mentality, where talking about your own issues is seen as awkward and makes us feel anxious.

So as an end result, you have many Finns that end up sitting alone in a tiny 1970 gray soviet concrete slab building, never seeing anyone or talking to anyone, and outside there is just dark, wet, cold and gray. It is no wonder to me, that in these situations a lot of people kill themselves. Those apartments are even named "itsemurha yksiö", which translates to "suicide studio apartment".

PokéMona - 08.08.2023 15:15

What the... Korvatunturi is not in Rovaniemi, it is in small village/town called Savukoski. If I remember correctly the tallest peak of Korvatunturi is in Russia as Korvatunturi is right on the Eastern border of Finland. It takes over 5 hours to drive from Rovaniemi to Korvatunturi. Santa does "stay" in Rovaniemi in Santa Village tho, there is a post office where you can get a special Santa stamp if you mail anything from the post office. And reindeer are not rare per se, in Lapland there are more reindeer than people. Reindeer can be very expensive as reindeer meat is not factory produced and reindeer are not completely domesticated so they get to freely roam the nature most of the year. It is super tasty imo and one of the healthiest red meats out there. Not as "game meat-y" as deer or moose/elk, kinda similar to very tender roast beef. This video reminds me to always be somewhat critical when one person with their personal biases is representing the whole respective country. I wonder if Leo is from Southern Finland as the way he talks about Northern Finland/Lapland is very typical to southerners. I'll forgive him for that as most southerners don't really travel to Lapland so as a local, Southern Finnish people have asked me if we have cars, electricity and other modern necessities.

Ahneruuvi - 08.08.2023 10:26

Reindeer herders get money for each reindeer killed by cars, that's why they have no interest to make sure reindeers don't linger on roads.

Markus Lank
Markus Lank - 07.08.2023 08:46

Kyllä Leo oli hyvä. Itsemurhista korjaan. Itsemurhien määrä on suurin koreassa ja Japanissa. Suomen koulusysteemi että voit opiskella minkä ikäisenä tahansa ylioppilaaksi vaikka iltakoulussa jota ei ole muissa maissa. Oppiminen on koko ikäistä jopa 70-80 v opiskelee yliopistossa tohtoriksi asti. Suomessa sosiaaliturva järjestelmä noudatta tasa-arvoisuutta ja yhdenvertaisuutta. Kukaan ei jää ilman hoitoa köyhyyden takia. Suomessa oli viimeinen ministerienkokoon pano naisia joista Sanna Marin nousi maailman tietoisuuteen hoitamalla korona ongelma, energiakriisi, vei suomen Natoon , venäjän hyökkäys aiheutti koko maapallolle suuria taloudellisia ja muita ongelmia. Onhan Venäjällä ja suomella yhteistä rajaa 1370 km. Suomen luonto on monipuolinen ja yksi kauneimmista, Leo teit hyvän vaikutuksen ja esiinnyithyvin

Markus Lank
Markus Lank - 07.08.2023 08:32

Leo is sweet and good

Sunduril - 06.08.2023 05:25

Rovaniemi Finland is located in the North pole ^^

Tatsu - 05.08.2023 16:31

What he brought for them to eat wasn't salmiakki, it was licorice. That licorice is very good but, it doesn't have ammonium chloride which gives the distinct salmiakki taste. If it had been salmiakki, they probably would have been disgusted by it and spitting it out almost immediately because it is bit of an acquired taste
