Top 10 Data Supporting The Blackpill **Undeniable Facts**

Top 10 Data Supporting The Blackpill **Undeniable Facts**

Wheat Waffles

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@miiiikku - 08.01.2024 01:41

In dating apps you have to take into consideration that most people have no intention of meeting.

@hadnagykrisztian - 07.01.2024 00:56

what if im 5'8 and average looking maybe a 6 with a pretty good body and ≈15% bodyfat, im 18 year old? I have any chance for dating?

@burghtrepz2080 - 13.12.2023 07:10

Average Asian girls got beauty
Moderate White
No height
No figure
Yes feminine

Average Caucasian girls no beauty
Yes White
Yes height
Yes figure
Not feminine

Average black girls no beauty
No White
Yes height
Yes figure
Not feminine

Average brown girls no beauty
No White
No height
Yes figure
Yes feminine

@burghtrepz2080 - 13.12.2023 06:48

Average ashian got looks
no height not too white
average Caucasian got no looks
Got height and is white
Average African got no looks
Got height
Not white
Average middle eastern guy
No looks
No height
Not White

@leoncastelan7089 - 07.11.2023 02:22

Racepill prob the MOST brutal imagine being born 6”4 but not her racial preference that 6”4 might as well be 4”11 😂💀💀

@Lancelote. - 04.11.2023 07:32

This video is the embodiement of someone who learned how to look at basic statistics but not how to interpret it. Hopefully by now he learned about the concept of co correlations and the like

@ames9957 - 02.11.2023 22:38


@fidomusic - 22.10.2023 07:06

I was watching the video and although agreeing with most of the data I thought where are the sources, and at the end I looked underneath the video and there they were. Credible peer reviewed sources. Well done. Have you shared your findings on any mass media?

@joojoojeejee6058 - 17.10.2023 17:02

Taller men obviously have better confidence, which also makes it more likely for them to end up as a CEO... It's not only about how others view you, it's also about your own self-esteem.

@karlwithak. - 16.09.2023 12:36

if the guy does not pass the minimum looks test, then thats it. There IS no "doing more" to get around it. Men cannot "do" anything to make up for it. Just to put this into perspective, obviously I am a below average guy or I would not be able to talk authoritatively, however, I was always able to get a girlfriend at will, am married and have a daughter (High I.Q allowed me to understand this sooner than others so targeted realistic women)...HOWEVER, my best friend growing up fell below the minimum threshold for face for attracting any normal women, i.e., not a whore. All he ever wanted starting at age 13 was a girlfriend. Every single person we ever met set him up with hundreds and hundreds of opportunies to meet every single kind of decent women they knew that were also interested in being a girlfriend...nothing and no where. So he hit the gym, started a business, bought a new car, dressed for success, etc. etc. never, ever, got a girl to find him attractive. That 13 year old kid is now 50 years older, still trying, still unsuccesful. Pass the looks test or it is case closed. His net worth is lower 7 figures, owns two businesses in two states, two houses, etc, etc. The only thing he has ever set as a minimum bar is she cannot be overwieght and she has to appreciate him. I have achieved a great deal less in all areas of life but my 5% greater looks was just enough to pass the bar.

@Antonio-ej8wp - 15.08.2023 11:25

The point 6 proves that women aren't more "deeper" in his mating tests than men as most of her says

@walter3034 - 02.08.2023 17:41

natural selection is in place for both man and woman its just the matter of time and age it can flip

@vzeller - 31.07.2023 19:14

The most pathetic part of everything is that these women are doing between 5 to 20 different things to enhance and alter their genetic hand. They hate their genetic hand so much that they have to alter almost every single part of their body. After doing this, they expect to land a male genetic 10. They hook up with one and think they can get one to settle down.

They spend decades chasing this consistently being used for sex and leaving the normies they were supposed to be with in the dust. This single factor combined with thirsty men feeding the egos of these women giving them a false sense of what they are is why everyone is alone and miserable.

@andradeb2695 - 30.07.2023 00:26

The only winning move is not to play

@connorlau980 - 24.07.2023 07:22

As a 5'6 asian dude, theres no hope, im okay looking but statistically im in the bottom 10%

@Victor-it6bv - 19.07.2023 00:13

I watched alot of you content. I don't I've run into anything that covers the bad boy phenomenon

@zacharyhsieh9358 - 13.07.2023 16:34

Honestly for the 5th one, it makes perfect sense that money is a very small indicator of attraction, and women only chase men with money for their resources, not because they’re attracted to them. That’s also why they try to find rich nice guys to settle with and get the bills paid while they look for chad/Tyrone who look good and they’ll give all the attention.

@LikwitSwords - 10.07.2023 09:47

Hey Tyrone, 40% of black women prefer BWC.

@LOL_MANN - 04.07.2023 09:05

1: what about polyamory and gays? 😂

@shaangaming350 - 02.07.2023 20:32


@cloudygaze6842 - 29.06.2023 00:21

Haha I commented before seeing number 9. lmao babies too hahaha. I can’t buy that one! So a baby is going to notice whether or not itself is a ugly baby. Or if another baby is ugly. No way. I think more likely the good looking man felt more comfortable around a child to be goofy or enticing to a infant. While a uglier man does not wish to be uglier. They would not want to make a goofy face. Dropping down a few notches. A baby will stare at their own foot for days, if you allow it. With babies I can’t agree with. A baby would probably like a plus size person around so they have a nice squishy bed and tits to play with. I’m sure when a good looking man walks into a room. The baby could recognize their aura of confidence. I doubt they see what it is that makes them so. No way a infant is thinking. “Damn, my parents are two.’s not even white. Oh god, what does that make me?😢

@cloudygaze6842 - 29.06.2023 00:01

You leave out one key component! Perception! It truly cannot be this difficult to find a mate. I think your data comes solely from the World Wide Web. In the real world. You can go there and find women. Instead men are relying to heavily over social networking. They are losing drive. Getting rejected is easy on tinder. Builds character and experience getting rejected in person.

@WirrWicht - 24.06.2023 09:11

What is the point of all this? Knowing this does not help you at all. Most of this is quite obvious. You have to be absolutely ignorant or a hermit to not realise this by yourself.

@OmarAlMokhtar1885 - 23.06.2023 16:03

Rate me 😂😂😂

@intfamous4001 - 20.06.2023 07:11

you dont even realize but number 9 is your most important piece of data

@yvanpajevic9680 - 17.06.2023 22:01

This is proof positive that feefail mating strategy will lead civilization to ruin. Lowest marriage and birthrate EVER...which they automatically blame men for....🤡That means one day, men will be forced to take matters into their own hands! When that happens, vvomen won't have an easy time of it but they'll get no sympathy from me because they do it to themselves with their stoopid delusions and their lack of accountability! You can't learn and grow as a human being when you never see the need to change.

@Giorg189 - 14.06.2023 14:29

Ethnicity = Country of origin. Race = White, Black, Asia etc.
My understanding is that women not only prefer their own race, but also prefer a partner from the same ethnicity/country of origin.

@UrbaNSpiel - 13.06.2023 08:33

This is off

@kingdiamondscream - 10.06.2023 06:39

For fux sake tom cruise is 5 foot 7, short guys don't pay attention to this nonsense

@olitonottero7620 - 29.05.2023 02:19

If I am allowed to generalize a little bit then it seems like men that are part of the blackpill community (where looks are almost everything) reinforce their idea that women are only interested in looks every time they interact with a woman because of their Limited emotional intelligence and conversational skills.

Whereas men that have high emotional intelligence and conversational skills will reinforce the idea that looks aren't everything, because they are able to date women that are more attractive than themselves.

I know the theory behind blackpill but I've seen enough examples in real life to falsify the Theory.

@Coyote_boa - 24.05.2023 07:46

I do see a lot of average men with hot chicks pretty regularly. I think black pill applies a decent amount in the real world but is much more true with online dating

@Marie15017 - 13.05.2023 00:50

Loser incels on here 🤢

@Ionic457 - 11.05.2023 09:17


@LORD_OSSA - 28.04.2023 23:32

i love this channel

@sojer8888 - 25.04.2023 07:59

I can write it down without watching: Age, height, income, status, body statue, face, health, independence, experience, personality.

@johannesswillery7855 - 18.04.2023 12:43

We are fast returning to our primal roots of polygamy.

@kaneda956 - 12.04.2023 03:50

George Lopez once said " and ya see alot of latinas marrying white men now a days. I dont blame them . Latina women wanna be home owners too".. lmfao.. im latino btw and even i found this funny lol

@kaneda956 - 12.04.2023 03:48

I thought in the states women perferred black men. Where im from here in south TX and most of TX actually black men are at the top of the pick.

@randybaumery5090 - 11.04.2023 21:59

Even without this video, I saw this play out in person. I also had once remarked that after high-school, most men were competing for fat single mothers.

@ishice3749 - 09.04.2023 14:01

No all true because, if you have a model looking you will get the girls crazy even if you are a criminal or poor an example of that is Jeremy Meeks proof me wrong! If you bring your 6” or over CEO and I bring a model, women will go for the model men, yes or yes, if you have money they’ll be attracted to the money not to you.

@TheLifestyleHooper - 06.04.2023 17:19

Bro this is depressingly bad information. There’s literally 6’4 handsome men out here with square jawlines having trouble with women. There are also millionaires out here who are having the same issues that incels are. Please stop listening to the blackpill shit. Every man has a fighting chance through self improvement

@nebulaaah - 31.03.2023 17:46

It's nonsense, though. I know plenty of short men, 'ugly' men, overweight men, etc, who have attractive girlfriends. Seriously, don't listen to this crap.

@mrmiyagi5 - 15.03.2023 22:18

If youre an ugly dude and young listen to me: you better get fucking good at playing guitar and find other good musicians to start a band. It's the only way you're getting laid without paying for it. You'll also need to looksmax 3 to 4 or 4 to 5. But you will slay like Gene Simmons.
