Advanced Audience Targeting in Google Ads: How to Use Combined Segments

Advanced Audience Targeting in Google Ads: How to Use Combined Segments

Solutions 8

2 года назад

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Robinson Sampaio
Robinson Sampaio - 12.08.2023 23:14

The problem is that the combined segments are not showing up in the list when we create a target audience, so I can't add them to any campaigns. someone with the same problem? How do we build an audience with these segments?

Zhoshua Douglas
Zhoshua Douglas - 07.08.2022 00:55

Hello, how effective is such advertising?

Arley Rodriguez
Arley Rodriguez - 02.05.2022 21:20

Let me drop a comment for the algo. Great video?

Yaniv Ben Bassat
Yaniv Ben Bassat - 07.04.2022 09:11

Great video! thanks! Keep up the great work!

Sam Kashyap
Sam Kashyap - 04.02.2022 16:06

Hi kasim, would you design and map your message specific to the targeted segment?

Indus Homes Marketing
Indus Homes Marketing - 08.01.2022 23:50

Hi There i Really like your video at some specific thing which is the most important part of google ads i want to ask i am dealing in a very niche business service could you tell me what is the better strategy for it ? Should i go for customer base segments?

aleksandra gjorgievski
aleksandra gjorgievski - 17.11.2021 09:39

Excellent explanation and tips as always!

Melisha Oakleaf-Wilson
Melisha Oakleaf-Wilson - 16.11.2021 09:20

Alright Kas, so the client I'm having the biggest issue with getting quality leads (to him) is a booker who books speakers and tribute bands for meetings and events. We've gotten three leads this month...but none near the price point (or willing to pay) the price point of what the client wants. We need to drive quality and get in front of people at the bottom of the funnel. Here's the problem: he's wanting to ONLY run ads Monday-Friday, during biz hours ONLY ON DESKTOP because when his people go to buy - they only do so on desktop and the data he's seen says this is the only time that works to convert people. If these are the client's stipulations - should we only be building audiences focused far more specifically on meeting planners or event planners and less focused on very specific keywords? How much do we drill down and segment our audience before it hurts us even more (the limitations on the campaign are very difficult to work with as-is and we're seeing next to no conversions and those conversions are crap). Help!

Jason Hall
Jason Hall - 08.11.2021 02:50

Thanks for sharing great content as usual

CRYO Systems Refrigeration Equipment Co.,Ltd
CRYO Systems Refrigeration Equipment Co.,Ltd - 06.11.2021 17:43

Hello, Do you have service for unsuspected the merchant center.

Dave Fogel
Dave Fogel - 06.11.2021 01:28

Kasim, I'm curious if you build out all these custom segments, how well would it work vs. smart display ads? I don't see a lot of conversions either way.
