How I Live With Adult ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) [Time Stamped]

How I Live With Adult ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) [Time Stamped]

Bryan Jenks

3 года назад

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Jonathan Miller
Jonathan Miller - 28.08.2023 17:44

Okay, dude I'm really loving this video a lot and it's exactly what I've been through and what I'm still going through as an adult! I really want to share this video! Can I please share it?

Dean Marsh
Dean Marsh - 25.08.2023 09:11

I feel targeted… I’m cooking with this video playing in the background and you start talking about not looking at faces during conversations and I’m over here occasionally glancing over at you (my phone) to make sure you don’t feel ignored..

Becoming Daring
Becoming Daring - 17.08.2023 08:37

are you and I the same person? lol I was just diagnosed (pursued being tested due to it becoming debilitating and beyond frustrating) and have been researching so much (all while scrolling my phone, online shopping, etc lol). this video was very validating in addition to the things my doctor validated. I’m going to send it to my boyfriend so he can understand why I do the things I do 🤣 I swear sometimes he thinks I’m crazy

Shaun Wood
Shaun Wood - 13.08.2023 12:01

For me to stay awake while driving at night I watch the whole video

Avid Learner
Avid Learner - 08.08.2023 13:33

Fellow Adher, when I have been assigned cards for bug fixes or features, I have a hard time prioritizing those even though the priorities are mentioned, I just keep working on everything for sometime and unable to complete anything.

geraintwd - 07.08.2023 17:41

I've been known to bite my nails, but my real issue has always been picking. Any kind of skin feature, scratch, spot, bite, scab, hangnail... pull it / pick it / bite it until it bleeds. I have many permanent scars from this.

Veilmont - 26.07.2023 05:38

I have no idea how i got through basic training. That shit was pure torture for two months.

Seattle Sunshine
Seattle Sunshine - 14.07.2023 04:04

My son is 16 and his ADHD impairment becomes apparent now. As the consequences of growing up with un-diagnosed ADHD, I have always been wondering why he never receives birthday party invitations. Just from the description you had of the relationship with your girlfriend, it seems that you can bond and open up with people, while my son seems not. Can you share your social experiences growing up with ADHD?

Reiver Neriah
Reiver Neriah - 12.07.2023 16:34

For the driving thing, that's why I love my manual car.

Simon Grenier
Simon Grenier - 12.07.2023 09:49

"How I Live With Adult ADHD" Nice !
"1 hour 29 seconds video" Shit...

itsJerLy - 08.07.2023 15:03

I’m 29 & always suspected I had ADHD but was never diagnosed or medicated. I was at my doctors yesterday & she had said from observing my behavior she wanted me to do an ADHD questionnaire. Reading through the questions I found myself actually laughing out loud bc I would read it & go “yup”. At the conclusion of the appointment I was finally diagnosed with ADHD & she prescribed me a low dose Adderall. I took my first dose of that this morning & can already feel how much ADHD has been affecting my entire life bc it’s not affecting me nearly as severely right now which actually feels great. I’ve also had ticks my entire life, usually just face twitches, mostly to do with my eyes whether it be rapidly blinking or clenching my eyes shut over & over. My doctor told me that it could be related to ADHD (which is actually one of the behaviors she observed during my appointment) & currently after taking Adderall this morning, the ticks & twitches are almost completely gone. I just want to say, watching your video put everything I’ve experienced into perspective for me. I can relate to almost everything you talked about going through but could never explain myself so thank you.

Casey Jones
Casey Jones - 05.07.2023 06:51

Ive found that waking up at 6 a.m. helps me get 2 big tasks done per day (most of the time) & the sunrise is pretty too

Gareth Holmes
Gareth Holmes - 02.07.2023 16:24

Mirror of my life

Elly Veldez
Elly Veldez - 30.06.2023 04:18

I was working on some thing while listening lol * Multitasking *
I was diagnosed in fifth grade and was never given shown are pushed to learn any tools to help so I’m starting this journey now. Thank you for guiding the way.

Sam Lyndon
Sam Lyndon - 29.06.2023 06:55

is biting nails as video starts “fuck”

BridgetteGene - 28.06.2023 22:30

stayed till the end bc it’s an interest for me and it kept me stimulated while driving

BridgetteGene - 28.06.2023 21:17

i used to think i had autism but literally everything points to adhd

Harry Horstman
Harry Horstman - 25.06.2023 16:12

I'm dyslexic, ADHD, but never medicated. I learned to deal with my condition and learned what worked for me to excel in learning.

@vali2010! - 17.06.2023 20:32

First of all, thanks for your videos on ADHD. Since our youngest sons diagnosis I've had the strong suspicion that at least 2 of our 3 other kids have the condition as well and that I probably have it too. It explains so much and it is a relief, that there's finaly an explanation for all the little crazy things and some of the more major struggles in my life. And videos like yours help a lot.

There is this one moment in the video where you mention your boss, asking you to stop fidgeting on something and that you have no understanding for her doing that, bc she has ADHD too, so she should know better. I've been struggling realy badly with sensitivity to what I used to call "little noises" for almost all my life. I can remember back to when I was a very young child, that it drove me nuts when people made loud chewing noises or would drink loudly and I would nearly freak out when schoolfriends for example klicked ball pens beside me. Only recently I found out that there was a name for the aggression eating sounds and other noises trigger in me. Misophonia. It's not only that you just don't like certain sounds or noises, misophonia causes nearly uncontrollable, instant, severe aggression. And I found out, that often misophonia is a comorbidity to ADHD. So maybe your boss suffers from misophonia too? I can only tell you from my point of view, but I fidget all the time with things, also klick things, tap fingers, krack knuckles aso. At the same time I just can't stand it, when people do the exact same things near me. I've been aware of this discrepancy for a long time and ever since I try to avoid fidgeting around other people or I ask them if it bothers them (and switch to some other sort of, not so disturbing, fidgeting like wiggling my toes or bouncing my leg). It was through one of these conversations that I found out about misophonia. I asked a person sitting beside me in a train compartement if my eating potatoechips would bother him. He answered, no, chips don't bother me, but you shouldn't be eating an apple. And he told me about misophonia and we spent 2 hours trainride talking about all the funny (and stressful) situations we've been in bc of our condition.
So I just thought, maybe this brings another point of view to your ADHD universe.

Matt Ng
Matt Ng - 15.06.2023 14:40

it sounds more like you got a bit of autism too dood, i have adhd and I have no problem looking into someones eyes, i find conversations with people engaging cos it's also a personality too i am extroverted so like life it's more than just one thing, but then again I know people who have both autistic and adhd. Oh driving actually helps me cos I find it stimulating, but totally understand about the novelty of new things and shiny object syndrome 100% agree, oh spicey food helps with dopamine, and yes understand nail biting, wait till you try to sit still in a work seminar for a weekend ...OH MY GOD.

sharon m
sharon m - 12.06.2023 02:28

Have you ever thought you might have slight autism as well as adhd? I don't have a specific reason for saying this you just remind me a bit of some of my friends with autism. Nice video, thanks!! I just realised at 46 that I might have adhd slightly, I always thought everyone was like this.

DJ Crobo
DJ Crobo - 01.06.2023 05:50

Awesome video!! Thank you! There's so much I want to say but I'm still working, listened to this while I worked with my hands. You touched on so many points. Love it! I might have to do a video response follow up

Rebecka Jarl
Rebecka Jarl - 21.05.2023 14:39

Probably wrong place to comment on this I currently don't remember where you mentioned nail biting, I do know it's in more than one video. I can switch my nail biting with cover my fingers with tejp when I go to far BUT then I switch to my lips or inside of my cheeks. What actually helps me are giving myself chewing fidget toys like chewing necklaces. It doesn't take the habit away but it gives me another option to switch to when I have a mouth fidget day. So if I find myself nibbling on myself. I put a chew fidget toy in my mouth, and keep doing what I was doing. I know it might not help you, but give it as a general tip for other neurodivergent self biters. It might help someone else who have not yet tried or thought of trying. Sometimes there is a need behind the habit that needs to be addressed to minimise the pattern a bit.

Lion Kimbro
Lion Kimbro - 20.05.2023 16:35

Nail biting: I killed 2 birds with one stone. I found that the motive for nail biting, was wanting to feel some stimulation on my gums. So I started keeping dental floss next to my desk and sometimes carry it around with me (esp. when my nail biting gets really bad.) I just take out a bit of floss, and stimulate my gums with the floss, and that works really good as a substitute for me.

A A - 11.05.2023 15:15

We have very similar presentations of ADHD bro, i thought i was the only one that didn’t need much sleep. There are times i sleep only an hour but im completely fine not even tired. I consider this a superpower lol

Lion Kimbro
Lion Kimbro - 11.05.2023 12:15

re: driving -- 45yo male here -- I drive a motorcycle. It keeps me alert, awake, and feeling alive. When I drive a car, though, -- there's not nearly enough stimulation, and I feel the starvation.

Porterstout - 06.05.2023 02:38

I hyper focused on this video.

LittleHobbs - 01.05.2023 23:54

Love this. Do you have any suggestions about speed reading? Sounds like soemthing I’d love to hyperfocus on. I want to hyperfocus on the right method though. Can you pls give me a reference? Thank you

megforrestart - 30.04.2023 16:11

I don’t know if you have ever considered the possibility that you might also be autistic? It’s just that as someone who is both autistic and adhd there were some things you said that really jumped out to me. It might be worth looking into if you haven’t already because the two conditions do cooccur in a significant percentage of people. It used to be the case that a diagnosis of one meant you couldn’t be diagnosed with the other but that has now been recognised as a mistake.

Zachary Cadman
Zachary Cadman - 24.04.2023 13:47

Good video! Totally agree with the benefits of exercising for ADHD.

Natthapong Aeamsawat
Natthapong Aeamsawat - 24.04.2023 06:17

I was diagnosed and started to be aware of ADHD last year. I listen to you while I'm working right now. Everything you said is relatable to me. Thank you for sharing your experience and your thoughts about it to the world. Have a nice day!

Traffic - 23.04.2023 07:05

Very informative and helpful. Thanks!

KK - 18.04.2023 04:08

What does it mean that im so distracted or something that i cant even think properly because there is so much noise in my brain. Unless its something im very interrested in, then it works fine.

Lit - 02.04.2023 17:22

Thanks for the video I honestly just try to get better and work on self improvement I try to make myself focus I always have to watch myself because I will forget something important I don't like the medication I believe I can fight this battle without it

tracy perna
tracy perna - 29.03.2023 13:48

I struggle every single day. I'm so tired of having ADHD

Teodor Lojewski
Teodor Lojewski - 28.03.2023 07:06


Kingdom of Mum
Kingdom of Mum - 25.03.2023 19:32

I stuck around for the whole video and I am ADHD!! I was using my massage pillow and just listening though. Very awesome, thank you 😊

Myria - 24.03.2023 05:39

so i got diagonsed in around 1st grade and was medicated for it till about highschool, even tho i was diagnosed it meant almost nothing to my parents or teachers so it was REALLY hard, but when i decided to stop and for a few years i functioned alright but then like all of a sudden its alot worse or im noticing it more but thats helped me kinda keep some acpects in check but the hardest thing for me is not being believed that this is more than not being able to sit still

Mark - 24.03.2023 02:52

Jebus you just listed most my issues...

Someone on YouTube
Someone on YouTube - 17.03.2023 02:09

Jokes on you this was my stimulation/hyperfocus while pulking weeds

Abbigail Higgins
Abbigail Higgins - 14.03.2023 07:58

Bold of you to assume that I didn't just stick around for the whole video because it was my background noise as I do the things

Gary Mantione
Gary Mantione - 13.03.2023 01:47

Thanks for sharing, very relatable. Curious how it turned out for you if you tried medication again. I think the only thing I can personally treat with is exercise…

M K M - 07.03.2023 21:32

Oh I can totally relate to that falling asleep while you're driving a long stretches of road the only thing that keeps you awake for sure is eating you can't sleep while you're eating your body won't allow it. But make sure making it green leafy or carrots or something healthy

jenna doll
jenna doll - 06.03.2023 21:25

A lot of these are also autistic traits

Richard Bunn
Richard Bunn - 03.03.2023 22:40

I've been procrastinating in watching this video for over a year. Because it's so long. So it's been sat on my 'watch later' list. I even struggle with attention when a video is more than 3.5-3 mins long. But I put this on today and listened while I was doing housework. You did a great job of describing so many things here. I have so many of your symptoms, as well as many others. I was diagnosed mid-2022 and finally felt relieved to have an answer to many of my life's problems to date. As well as being ticked-off that it wasn't picked up as a kid. Anyway, ADHD rambling here. Thanks for the great one-stop-shop video. 🐄

FluidityFPV - 02.03.2023 15:39

I'm un-diagnosed but just watching this i find myself being able to relate to like 95% of what you just described even the shirt tags you mentioned i found myself doing. Might be time to go seek some professional help
