This build is ALMOST IMMORTAL when mapping! - Poisonous Concoction Pathfinder

This build is ALMOST IMMORTAL when mapping! - Poisonous Concoction Pathfinder


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StoneBeard - 08.02.2023 07:32

I loved when I ran this on arch league. Does anyone know if this is okay for sanctum league of course based on mapping not the league mechanic. Ty in advance, sending good vibes!

Jess Lmzn
Jess Lmzn - 17.12.2022 03:15

Is this still possible for Sanctum?

Battle Craze
Battle Craze - 28.08.2022 05:48

What's the budget for this build ?

Sexy Toaster
Sexy Toaster - 27.08.2022 09:07

Is this still good to go on kalandra league? I'm doing a normal evasion setup but man I hate it

PoirplePorpoise - 19.08.2022 15:03

3.19 update please 🥺♥️

The Solivagant
The Solivagant - 15.08.2022 20:26

can this be played as a league starter for 3.19?

Daniel Manzanarez
Daniel Manzanarez - 15.08.2022 03:18

Update for 3.19!!

The Good Rev Bad Andy Arr
The Good Rev Bad Andy Arr - 14.08.2022 10:52

Does this need a 3.19 update for any reasons?

Kage of Shadows
Kage of Shadows - 13.08.2022 16:25

With the changes to Flask Charges Gain on Hit in 3.19, do you think this build is still viable for League Start (SSF)?

Complete Comic
Complete Comic - 08.08.2022 07:21

Does poison scale with chaos damage?

thisishuhwow - 01.07.2022 18:26

i leaguestarted 3.18 ssf with this build - yeah, its almost immortal, but its actually 0 dps. Almost unable to kill essence monsters (not even buffed by sentinel) on yellow maps, not to mention any boss, including elderslayers/guardians. Also you gotta be careful not to click +90% chaos res for eldricht mobs shrine.

Good for playing 2 or 3 days and grabbing some basic gear and transisting into a real build. If i play next league im going straight into boneshatter like a chad

Adam R
Adam R - 01.07.2022 16:16

Does this build take Iron Reflexes?
I don't have access to PoB, so I can't see the full tree properly.

breadbotronn - 07.06.2022 07:23

might be overkill but forbidden flesh / flame for master toxicist isn't as expensive as the other asendancy assignments if someone really wants it.
Also: Esoro also has a video for anyone who wants to REALLY invest into this!
I like ziz's leaguestarter better but es's high investment build is a good way up from this via trying to also get max attack/spell block

Will Johnson
Will Johnson - 02.06.2022 19:33

I don't understand the life tap support??? Linked with the main set-up???

John Walker
John Walker - 25.05.2022 07:09

did they nerf the flask mod? wiki says its 1 charge on hit now.

chudy 91x
chudy 91x - 24.05.2022 13:52

Hey this build is update to 3.18? Becouse pob is still 3.16 and can I play that?

NOWOVER _GT - 20.05.2022 23:51

he not using focues why?

Stephen Cento
Stephen Cento - 18.05.2022 22:38

Is this still viable in 3.18? Starting tonight on console and I'm going poisonous concoction.

sanmaru5555 - 18.05.2022 13:10

How are people killing bosses with this build ?

Fractal Skies
Fractal Skies - 18.05.2022 07:03

Although I did not understand most of this it was still fun to watch as I am trying this build in 3.18

Joacoo Garcia
Joacoo Garcia - 17.05.2022 07:55

How do you cap the poison chance without the HoA and a small tree node that gives 10% poison chance? Currently I would have a 75% chance, and if I only removed the HoA and not the node, I would still need 15%

Quang Ngô Phan Việt
Quang Ngô Phan Việt - 12.05.2022 21:19

can i play this in 3.18 as league start?

AsASeins - 12.05.2022 00:03

still valid for Sentinel ?

Leonid Moskvin
Leonid Moskvin - 11.05.2022 23:01

Can you tell me please, I want to play in this league on SSF, how this build plays now? and how it has a progression of damage, it will not lead with the loot and crafting?

Дмитрий Любимов
Дмитрий Любимов - 11.05.2022 06:47

Значек о количестве убитых слева вверху где-то в настройках включается?

Abhijeet - 08.05.2022 16:11

thx Zizaran great content nd this being my 2nd character also was very easy to understand..
jst one question for this specific build what mods to do nd not to do during map farming..

Petr - 06.05.2022 03:18

nice i found my starter build for 3.18

Chris Pierce
Chris Pierce - 28.04.2022 22:30

Would you recommend this as a league start that can transition heavily into endgame? I'm failing to find the best build for what I want. Which is, a character that can hit the ground running and handle heists farming with cheap gear while still handling T16 maps later and bosses. I love heists, it's my preferred method of leveling to 96.
I did a vortex/coldsnap last league. Which was great, but it struggled with endgame content until I min maxed it to death.
Would definitely love advice, I'm on console so to many buttons is quite difficult too. I try to stick to one build, I know that's not always possible though. I guess with the new system, maybe just a day 3 heist monster with cheap gear that can also handle maps with no problem to start. So I can contract sustain. Tanky is a must, damage is also preferred if possible.

Fred Kant
Fred Kant - 30.03.2022 23:03

Is it Despair that youre using?

Preston Hurst
Preston Hurst - 28.03.2022 19:30

One would think that by the time you get to maps, you'd have the machanics of the build down, but I have tried several Poisonous Conc. builds and they all were met with very limited success. Campain was no problem, but once I got to tier 5 and started doing Kirac missions, things went south faster than a drunk pilot who passed out at the wheel.

Ryndika - 09.03.2022 22:01

feels really weak vs degens

Karol Chodkiewicz
Karol Chodkiewicz - 05.03.2022 03:45

I have question: why Ruby głask is so important to this build?

Zowie DePowie
Zowie DePowie - 28.02.2022 13:20

Awesome guide. What Is the best loot filter to use with this build btw?

Other Exile
Other Exile - 26.02.2022 01:48

you can enchant your flasks with 5 instilling orbs and 5 glassblowers to always get use when charges are full

Other Exile
Other Exile - 23.02.2022 08:13

I hated this build until I got my flasks, but when I did it was AMAZING!!!! Thank you ziz
just completed searing exarch thx ziz, also just killed eater of worlds deathless :)

just cause
just cause - 21.02.2022 13:25

This was my league starter. I haven't leveled a pathfinder in a long time so it was refreshing. I rather like the fact that you spend 30-40c on trade league for your end game "weapon".

Second Alias
Second Alias - 21.02.2022 00:29

How does the build deal with burning/poison/bleeding?

Abdullah JSK
Abdullah JSK - 19.02.2022 13:31

Hi. The build is so good but I'm struggling with dmg at the and game tree. Help would be appreciated 🙏

couchdomination - 18.02.2022 07:03

How do you have PC WS and SC all on Lifetap? I'm having mana issues while mapping, and I can't afford to socket 3 lifetaps with the gems that I need.

MagiusPaulus - 17.02.2022 09:46

How does the build deal with poison/burning? Can’t see a flask protecting against is and it does quite some damage. I probably miss something, but plz help me with that :)

SlayerMuff - 15.02.2022 23:01

Can someone please tell me if i need the "Used when charges reach full" on my life flask also??

GamerStorto - 14.02.2022 05:30

Is this build also good for all the new content?

Messaoudi Oussama
Messaoudi Oussama - 13.02.2022 18:05

can u speek a bit about the new investment for bosses Plzz

David Näsström
David Näsström - 13.02.2022 12:20

Can i level to lvl 100 with this build? I dont wanna die alot between 95-100

Masakr - 12.02.2022 15:00

Thx this build is great!
however I wonder the point of using the Despair skill when you can have "% curse with despair on hit" on a ring ?

1AnimeFinder - 12.02.2022 11:58

how r u cursing the enemy ?

EncorePerformances - 12.02.2022 02:48

Almost immortal? I'm dying a fuckload in T12 maps with rolled flasks, >79k armour, 5.3k HP, capped all res, 51% chaos res, and 32% block.

Danilo Henrique
Danilo Henrique - 10.02.2022 22:00

hey!! is it not better with Divine Flesh??

Zarigana - 10.02.2022 15:47

Why Ruby Flask is used - according to PoB? Do we still need to use it if we have 75% Fire Res...? Just curious if I am missing something...
