How to Export Chat History to Telegram on PC

How to Export Chat History to Telegram on PC


2 года назад

7,540 Просмотров

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*_* Corumeach
*_* Corumeach - 16.04.2023 20:00

Using version 4.7.1 x64 on a Windows 11 PC and a) the UI looks differently now. b) there is no option for export chat history anymore anywhere in the app. The autosave settings for images and videos are switched on, file size limit is set to max and nothing ever is saved to the local download folder. It seems the channel owner can now suppress the download option for the viewers...

AbdulAzeez Olanrewaju
AbdulAzeez Olanrewaju - 28.07.2022 08:22

How do import from my system folder to telegram
