What NOT to Say to a Depressed Loved One

What NOT to Say to a Depressed Loved One

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@TSG_Ballverlust - 20.12.2022 00:46

Nr. 5 is kind of okay to say. It incourages you to hold on to at least a tiny amount of things that keep you alive even in the worst part of hell that you‘re going through. Of course, it depends on the circumstances. My cousin told me this when i was in a bad place and i hold to it because if i wouldn’t it could‘ve been way worse. I‘m greatfull even if i don‘t feel like it.

@Jude13able - 26.12.2022 15:13

Divorced men are about 8 to 9 times more likely to commit suicide... What kind of depression is that?

@j.s8660 - 27.12.2022 09:57

"hang in there"

@mindfulnessasia1082 - 30.12.2022 08:54

Everyone needs to feel cared for and have a real purpose in their human journey. More and more people don’t feel cared for. The problems of this world seem insurmountable at times. Many people feel that things are becoming worse each year. There seems to be so little common sense these days. Hardly anything makes sense anymore. So how do we help someone who is getting overwhelmed by all the challenges and problems in this world? We need to look at the prevailing philosophy of life of most people in this world. They feel: "The world is for my enjoyment. That is my purpose of being here. The more I enjoy the world, the happier I will be." It is crucial that we teach the young generation to become less self-centered, not more. The more someone becomes self-centered, the more they are at risk of feeling without purpose, empty and depressed.

As we often suggest there are greater causes than just living for yourself. When I have a greater purpose such as helping others, I will forget about my unhappiness and the symptoms of depression will go away when one has a real purpose. Try to get others engaged in some service projects.

Share real wisdom about our identity. The root cause of virtually all problems in this world is that people misidentify themselves. They believe that they are temporary material beings and their purpose in life is to exploit all the resources and other people on this planet for their maximum enjoyment. There is no concern for others. Nor is there an understand of the law of karma, that they will have to pay a very high price for causing any harm to others. It is from lust, greed and anger that the main problems in the world arise. Anyone who is depressed needs help. And part of that help is that we have to inform others that this world is not our eternal home and that living a self-centered life cannot bring real happiness.

Experiencing depression is not part of who I really am. Symptoms of depression usually arise when I get seriously absorbed in material desires, hopes and dreams and think achieving material goals will give me everything that I want and need. But this is not correct. My eternal function is to act on my real spiritual identity. If I carefully follow my spiritual practices and I begin to experience real joy and peace from within, then I will have purpose and direction in my human journey and depression will stay far away.

Consider the things in your life that you are thankful for. Be appreciative, don’t focus on what is not perfect. We cannot experience a perfect existence here in this material world. Most other living beings in this world have much greater suffering than we do.

@mscfirstsemister5207 - 31.12.2022 23:59

I don't know way i never feel well we r 6 sisters my halder sister always tount me even my single word may always found whats going on with & what she wants mae but i was failed know my all younger sisters r doing same think to me i only see they r together enjoying together sharing things with each other enev my younger sisters cames to me ask for my things i never say no but they only say say me one single hursh word i feel it very very deeply,,, Even i don't wanna feel this all but i feel this all even they dont count me in there gathering kindly give me any type of tips if i feel this all don't let my tears fall i behave like strong kindly maam give me advice

@freakomusicvibes5828 - 02.01.2023 21:10

Is this a thing that someone who is depressed and they don't wanna get better, like they're in love with the pain at this point after feeling and been alone for more than a decade. ?

@beautiful.imagination - 10.01.2023 03:47

Number six: it's all in your head

@SnowyTuesday - 11.01.2023 03:02

And what then to do
of the torment, the torture, the grief,
the regret, the guilt, the darkness, the rage,
the hopelessness, the hell,
the rape of my soul?
God has truly forsaken me.
I am no longer a believer.

@nicholasrosen6342 - 13.01.2023 03:51

You especially want to avoid toxic positivity such as telling someone who is depressed to "smile" or (worse) "it's a big beautiful world out there" which really isn't helpful at all. Furthermore if you tell a depressed individual that "things could be a lot worse" they might throw it back at you and say "things could also be a hell of a LOT better too!"

@chilvaryisdead3244 - 13.01.2023 13:22

Hey thanks for this really nice video but can you do another video with what you can say to a loved one who is depressed or maybe how to support them ?

@fletchergorman1053 - 14.01.2023 05:24

In a dual teacher home growing up, you get overlooked. You find something you love doing, then seizures stole it. You have been a disappointment ever since. Why does tomorrow bring anything worthwhile.

@TinyBabyDuckling - 15.01.2023 13:13

Typically the one who isn’t depressed can also feel somewhat guilty or responsible and say something like along the lines of “do I not make you happy”, or “do you not want to be here anymore”. Probably one of the most unhelpful things a loved one can say but very common. The fact is that almost nothing can “make you happy” when your depressed, and nowhere is a place that makes everything better. The best thing you can do for a depressed loved one is show leadership, with actions not words. Run them a bath, plan a meal out, use your vision to plan and arrange things to enable a normal life. A depressed person lacks the vision to decide what they want for breakfast let alone big life solutions, so take care of those small normal life decisions for them

@waddahyana494 - 15.01.2023 16:10

yes, it was very helpful ... now how about what TO say and how to help instead of what not to say, i haven't managed to find any videos about that as of yet

@crochetmumster - 16.01.2023 03:15

Never apologize for your feelings/emotions. How you feel at the time is how you feel, no one else. If someone doesn't respect that, that's on them and move on to help yourself.

@yasminowen4817 - 26.01.2023 01:24

What about not what to say, but when not to say anything? Sometimes, one has resorted to all sorts of responses/strategies, but get misunderstood so they avoid giving a response when there is tension. Sadly, not saying anything can cause further tension.

@ravenlayug5326 - 09.02.2023 18:30

Thank you so much ma'am!

@sufwanamin2024 - 20.02.2023 20:03

Question, is it annoying to say ‘im here for you’ over and over?… or does it cause more harm?

@adonaiel-rohi2460 - 22.02.2023 19:04

I hate people

@jaymitaylor9937 - 25.02.2023 00:09

I think that people do genuinely feel like they are trying to help when they say those things to someone with depression except for the “snap out of it” phrase sounds a bit harsh but I also don’t think that someone should feel like their walking on egg shells just so that a person with depression won’t get offended or triggered because that’s not fair for u to have to shift everything and make everything revolve around their emotions what about yours you matter just as much

@suviramahajan1563 - 02.03.2023 16:45

Just today my parents told me to kill myself. It's excruciating to hear from the people who gave birth to me. And then they aren't the only ones to say this to me, almost everyone tells me the same. For the past week or so, I have started losing faith in myself, because it does feel like I may define bad luck, wish there was someone for me to tell me that I am not a bad human because I haven't been bad or evil in this world.

@LWDavis58 - 07.03.2023 18:39

Having support has gotten me thru the real tough times.

Even if it is just a person you can talk to.

Treatment rarely works.

@Pug254 - 12.03.2023 07:35

When they say it’s pointless and nothing is going to be alright
What can I say instead of “everything is going to be alright”?

@Frank-ed3db - 13.03.2023 04:25

Thank tou

@Alberto-mq3jm - 13.03.2023 05:28

Ah people don't care at all. I keep being blamed for feeling this way. People only care when stuff happens to them, not to others, no one cares specially if you're a guy in this world

@lawsondave5076 - 13.03.2023 22:47

Mushrooms containing psilocybin saved my life. The aided my benzodiazepine withdrawal allowing me to quit illicit pill addiction after three years of heavy daily use before it would had became medically dangerous to quit. It has also helped me survive depression.

@joegonzalez6211 - 14.03.2023 12:57

I give two shits about my mothers bull shit depression. All of my life I tried to help her, I’m emotionally done with with her bullshit. Stay away from them for the sake of your mental state.

@Acceber1103 - 20.03.2023 10:13

i wish my parents see this

@TruthGatherer2013 - 20.03.2023 16:30

I feel even more depressed after my long comment I wrote was deleted... faith in humanity lost again

@ЯнаЛевкович-к9ц - 22.03.2023 21:54

Thank you for that video! It really struck a chord with me. It`s an acutest broblem of our time, so I`d like to share some ideas on the issue. When it comes to a deep depression, the major thing to get across is that it is not a person`s deliberate choice to behave in such a way. It is a serious mental condition when a patient simply cannot help feeling frustrated, ashamed, and indifferent all at once. They are just incapable of sweeping aside the desperate thought that there is no way out.
Hardly could healthy people understand such behavior and often do their best to prevent depressed person from sinking down. Trying to be supportive, they resort to all the suggestions, mentioned above which often come to no good. Though coming with good intention, such attempts might only amplify the toxic thoughts, circling in a depressed mind.
There is no point criticizing such person or getting overemotional during a conversation, because it tends to make them block out of the world and resist surrounding people willing to lend a helping hand.
Avoid patronizing comments at all costs. Otherwise a depressed person would simply get protective and shoot down any further arguments, compelling or not.
The best thing to tackle the problem would be first and foremost to face the fact that it IS a psychological issue that requires special approach. Obviously, a treatment isn`t easy to come by, but what you could do is to make tactful suggestion to talk the problem over together. To struck a chord with them, make hints that in their state it`s worth sizing any opportunity to get out of this hole. They need to realize that one of the most effective and possibly the fastest way to root depression out is to find an occupation, which can help to regain purpose in life. Actually, a job or at least hobby do make a great contribution, as it brings order in life and creates responsibility. Thus, let them keep in mind that instead of endless ruminating on the hopelessness of the situation it`s better to get their act together and rise to the challenge.

@elizab3341 - 01.04.2023 00:05

Spoke to a friend, breaking down emotionally, in so.much pain at 3am not sleeping and the first thing they say is "this guy on a podcast just decided he wasn't going to think negatively anymore and he just didn't allow himself to think negative thoughts and now he's better"

I felt so angry. So are you saying I'm this way because I just haven't been thinking positively enough??

@Versatile668 - 01.04.2023 21:34

Being diagnosed like literally medically diagnosed depression and everything else I could make them understand it's not something that could be fixed mental breakdowns and traumatic events in my life some of it made me numb some of it didn't I dealt with it most of my life anybody that I ever lived with as a roommate but it's not like we're always suicidal and sad and you know all the time. I hate the way they tried to make us out to look like has nothing to do with drug's or any of that. So many times I was threatening situations that literally i could not comprehend that it just broke my mind. And then years and years of torment and torture psychologically it makes you want to not be attached to anybody anymore for someone to tell you they love you but just to put me through horrendous horrible psychological damage whether that was a short amount of time Or a long extended where they convince you that that's the only way you'll ever be treated just have to accept it because I've experienced that you seen it so much with other people psychological things that I wouldn't do to another person subconsciously unintentionally. And then dealing with the painful being overactive there's things I would like to do but it's too strenuous for my body. Etc okay well I'm not bipolar I'm not schizophrenia and I really wish they would stop with that misconception has nothing at all to do with drugs or alcohol I don't know who keeps thinking that making that out I'm just saying I'm not in recovery from drugs and alcohol I don't know how that's constantly being wrongfully confused with my account none of that is on my medical none of that is on my record none of that.

@eagle7757 - 11.04.2023 18:56

Believe in Jesus Christ and you will have Everlasting Life, to believe in someone, you are convinced that they are true. If you Believe in Jesus Christ, you will be Saved by Grace Alone through Faith Alone in Jesus Christ Alone, John 3:16, KJV. Once you are Saved, you are always Saved, John 6:37, KJV....

@WolfQueenLydia - 24.04.2023 17:30

This is why instead of saying "I understand" I say "I feel you" "I see you" etc. And when I say it, I feel it in that moment and let my voice speak it in tone. It's saying to them "I acknowledge you, and I'm not going through what you are but I am here."

@alexh6235 - 11.05.2023 09:29

My girlfriend always says “I’m not a therapist” and “you can’t just dump this on me and expect me to be able to fix it” like I know you can’t fix it but just listen please

@stayConfident0 - 12.05.2023 18:05

Hi doctor I just wanted to ask how do I know if I have aspergers syndrome

@humanrightsatfirst9163 - 16.05.2023 16:19

Working with this topic and analysing these so called well ment advices is a great idea, might make life much more easier for those, who suffer from it, 👍 !

@TheBenzooh - 18.06.2023 10:54

my sister told me that its my choice to be depressed, that i want to be. and after i told her that maybe i should try something else and go into school and study and get a new job she told me that i cant because i have learning disabilites and that i would fail. made a noose out of computer cord and hung it around my neck 1 or 2 weeks later. chickened out

@2l84me8 - 23.06.2023 01:56

“This is all your fault!”
“How come other people are doing better than you?”
“You’re doing this to yourself!”
“God already made you perfect and you’re ruining yourself!”

Are just some of my personal favorites thrown at me growing up.

@vmobile890 - 20.07.2023 04:50

How about I help you with anything . I’m next door feel free to call anytime . Next I was doing free light gardening for my elderly neighbor . Take out the garbage . Bought some Amazon plastic colorful flowers for the flower pot outside looks like spring in the winter .

@vikasgupta1828 - 04.09.2023 21:38


@RageQuit94 - 08.09.2023 10:35

Everything is your decision

@leeannhoffman3556 - 11.10.2023 23:56

Heres one I hate....
Pray about it...

@civilpse5458 - 03.04.2024 11:18

What is depressed and clinically depressed

@colinwee9981 - 09.05.2024 14:57

Number 7...pray about it

@josephmbimbi - 21.05.2024 23:12

What you talk about is indeed very invalidating and alienating.
I would add that It should be applied to most interactions, start by acknowledging that you probably don't understand to begin with, you're either in the dark and your suppositions are likely wrong, seek to understand the others situation and perspective before giving any advice, accept that your advice may be wrong, be humble about it, and never judge.

@matta.5363 - 21.08.2024 04:52

Most people will say the wrong thing with the right intentions. Helpful video. Thank you.

@jwalters6118 - 28.08.2024 00:16

When I’m in a major depressive episode my wife is very empathetic
She tells me it’s not suicide awareness week, or tells me to commit suicide but outside in the driveway because it will be easier for her to cleanup
