Asking New Yorkers If DANIEL PENNY is a HERO or a ZERO

Asking New Yorkers If DANIEL PENNY is a HERO or a ZERO

James Klug

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@AlbertErb-zv8hl - 05.01.2025 05:42

The idiot who says there was no threats. Everyone said he was threatening to kill them. He was not murdered. Alive when police arrive, alive in the hospital. No tox screen done. He ODed. Just like Saint Fentynal Floyd. The guy said if neely was pennys color he would be in jail. Nope a case tried same time as Pennys the black guy who killed a white guy in defense was found not guilty to. As for cold blooded assassination being praised as a hero shows how vile and evil lefties truly are.

@Avoid_The_Clap-Jimmy_Dugan - 05.01.2025 21:07

No one should get involved. Let everything bad just happen as people will not support you. Thats the lesson I see here

@KingFritz50099 - 05.01.2025 21:45

You can see why America is so screwed up by watching the liberals in this video

@UltraSaltyDomer1776 - 05.01.2025 22:02

Get out of New York City. We exist

@UltraSaltyDomer1776 - 05.01.2025 22:06

My question back to the guy that said that he is an anti hero is would he agree with that if Brian was black because now a white man is murdering a black ceo. I bet his opinion changes based on the race and that’s because the guy admits he sees everything through the lens of race because he believes race impacts everything in America.

@UltraSaltyDomer1776 - 05.01.2025 22:10

My question back to the guy that said that he is an anti hero is would he agree with that if Brian was black because now a white man is murdering a black ceo. I bet his opinion changes based on the race and that’s because the guy admits he sees everything through the lens of race because he believes race impacts everything in America.

@UltraSaltyDomer1776 - 05.01.2025 22:11

But did the hold actually kill Jordan. I don’t think it did because he wasn’t choking him.

@rickygraham8838 - 05.01.2025 23:27

It's all good in New York where they have the good drugs. black guy "it all goes back to the original sin of slavery". White guy "it all goes back to the original sin of insurance companies". I didn't rob you cuz I needed money I robbed you because you had money .it's always the other guy's fault

@Ravenrider1000 - 06.01.2025 03:42

One guy says he's rode the train for over thirty years and he sees deranged people all the time .I bat he sees alot less now . Apparently there are consequences to bad behavior

@DixieNormus_007 - 06.01.2025 07:14

Just another confirmation that l don't ever need to visit New York...

@sonnyechols5140 - 06.01.2025 20:01

1- he made multiple threats to multiple people
2- the lady that just got burned to death is what happens when nobody tries to help

@efraimmedina1675 - 07.01.2025 07:33

Ny liberals are the wrong people to ask,ask anywhere else,get a different answer,blacks always call racism even when defending known serious criminals,it’s part of their culture

@julieadams4615 - 07.01.2025 08:13

you're interview solidifies why i never had any desire to even visit nyc.. never been there and don't ever plan on going.. there are better cities in the US to visit

@andrewgoddard3350 - 07.01.2025 15:58

The whole world is built in slave labor....look at china

@Lightthebeam1980 - 08.01.2025 01:02

"You should never take another mans life" yet Luigi looks like a Pimp.

@hyeGUY25 - 08.01.2025 01:11

Your belief system and being a juror should be 2 different things, you have to look at the evidence and testimonies.

@jasonhas7456 - 08.01.2025 05:21

You can't help these people.

@danielleo2370 - 08.01.2025 22:59

And this is why I'm stuck with Kathy Hochul. Remember when she said the subways were safe, then someone was burned to death alive? Remember those times?

@Gigabyte_HSM - 09.01.2025 15:25

Hasn't every country been built on "slave labour"? The word "slave" comes from the Slavic.

@LMFAO_FAN_2004 - 09.01.2025 18:16

"You claim that you were afraid for your life when a homeless crackhead threatened to murder you and your infant daughter? You're lying"

actual subhuman

@waterhose4130 - 10.01.2025 16:23

Dudes an OG, he's a NYC dinosaur! I mean this positively. Back in the day, there were consequences for acting the fool in the Boroughs. Now, all these, Beta phone jockeys, have caused the death of FAFO. If the NYPD would get out of the way, crime would start to disappear. They are only protecting the criminals from old school justice. NYC is like a house with a Harris Walz sign out front... it says a poosy lives here, and is unarmed.
Luigi? A total Biotch! Comes from behind like a butt-burglar. F'n coward!

@paulkenosha - 10.01.2025 20:45

Why bother New York has been lost for decades

@moocow0079 - 10.01.2025 21:54

These people that are commenting are clueless. No one was threatened? Fellow passengers include black people on the train thanked Penny in trial for defending them cause they were worried that Neely was going to hurt them. Neely said himself that he was looking to kill people and he didn’t care what happens. Sure he appeared to be nuts but do people really want to bank on he “just saying that and not really going to follow through with it “?

@moocow0079 - 10.01.2025 21:55

As far as Luigi? “A revolutionary thing”? Lol. Say you’re a brainwashed socialist without saying you’re a socialist.

@Brahmanbreeder502 - 13.01.2025 16:40

As a New York City resident, I do not associate with the left they are bat 💩 crazy!!!!!😂😂😂😂😂

@james8583 - 14.01.2025 06:52

The health care has to go down. But I know people that will travel to Europe, cruises spend 2 to 10 thousand a year on trips (weekend and longer) but still can pay for their healthcare and other do the same trips (because they need a vacation and the like) and say healthcare is expensive. We pay for healthcare, a lot of money, but we sacrifice trips (never been to Europe, been to disney once and saved for 10 years) and other things because when the sh*t hits the fan, and it will I want me and my family to be covered. When the sh*t hits the fan for most that complain, well they want me to pay for it and also go on trips and have nice things, see it all the time.
There is no law saying you have to go on vacation. That, vacation, was for the wealthy, my grandparents idea of a vacation was leaving NYC and going to Garfield or Lodi NJ for a day or two once or twice a year.
Stop with these expensive things and pay YOUR SHARE like i do. If you don't have the money there are other alternatives.
God Bless brothers and sisters.

@DaveRambles - 14.01.2025 23:58

The guy in green with the black hat said Jordan had no family. Who were/are those people demanding money from the city for his death? WHO are those people claiming to be his family protesting? It’s a joke. They didn’t care about him when he was alive. They only want the payout

@nopenoway9875 - 15.01.2025 02:18

Simulation lady is 100% right.

@blackdysfunction8260 - 22.01.2025 05:46

Mans a hero f the bs.

@marktullett-g2f - 23.01.2025 21:33

The guy with glasses certainly didn’t follow the case. The black guy is a victim mentality idiot. And what actual pert of America did the black people build???
And if these idiots actually knew. If you choke hold someone properly he’d be dead in under 4 minutes

@BUILTFORDTOUGH79 - 26.01.2025 19:58

I believe our healthcare system has failed America, in both situations. Make state hospitals great again, and stop denying citizens healthcare. It’s all about money, and it’s sad. No one deserves to die. You put yourself in those situations.

@leslieminich8698 - 05.02.2025 23:28

Freaks in denial

@bosnd9828 - 08.02.2025 23:19

If you threaten other people's forfeit your own right to life.

@fuji1588 - 09.02.2025 11:26

“No one ever gets hurt”
Debrina Kawam Rest In Peace 🙏

@jong323 - 10.02.2025 20:17

that girl that said hero for luigi is going to be used by hundreds of men then on meth in 5 years max and the guy that said hero is a complete moron

@stuartdavis798 - 11.02.2025 21:04

I grew up in NYC and I am so glad I escaped. After listening to the guy in the green jacket all I can say is you deserve whatever you get.

@tdawg6877 - 15.02.2025 00:19

Short black guy in all black is rly smart. I don’t agree with him on everything, but I can tell he is intelligent. I hope he has been able to go to college and have a good job etc, bc he has the mental ability to be great.

@cassclare - 16.02.2025 18:22

How emberassing. These people are extremely def selfish and uneducated . Atleast when it comes to this

@cornydad - 23.02.2025 20:26

The healthcare system in the US is a fault of us US citizens. We've voted for politicians that have given the permission to government healthcare and government controlled private healthcare. The private healthcare companies base their pricing off of Medicare and Medicaid. The Affordable Care Act is the worst thing to happen to our healthcare system. Competition and consumer choise would drive for better services, but healthcare companies now know they can deny services and still get paid by the government which is our tax dollars. People talk about free healthcare, but nothing is free. We are becoming socialist healthcare like Canada and will have to wait months for emergency surgeries. US citizens are also extremely unhealthy and inactive. Our alcohol, tobacco and drug use is off the charts. We also put a ton of sugar in our foods that you don't see in other countries.

@j-schnab6338 - 28.02.2025 23:09

"The original sin of racism" dude isn't murder and tyranny a hell of a lot worse that racism? I would call them original sins much more so.

@Jarhead0331 - 07.03.2025 22:03

I’m extremely conservative and totally MAGA but I don’t care about Brian Thompson or whatever his name was 😂😂😂

@Jarhead0331 - 07.03.2025 22:08

If blacks are so great at “building” stuff, why is Africa such a sh*th*le?!! You’d think it would be the greatest place on Earth…..explain that one
