World of Warships- 5 Mistakes You Need To Stop Making

World of Warships- 5 Mistakes You Need To Stop Making

Sea Lord Mountbatten

2 года назад

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Cerulean Crow
Cerulean Crow - 20.10.2023 06:22

As a dd player. Tell the blue team to shoot dds.

Every time im playing dd, no one shoots dds i spot, but if i get spotted the entire enemy team stops what theyre doing just to shoot at me lol

Glenn Ramstad
Glenn Ramstad - 12.10.2023 15:52

Stop playing that garbage game.

Murder Hornet Productions, CC
Murder Hornet Productions, CC - 17.09.2023 07:03

Never shoot at subs. Just ignore them and they will go away.

FunBun2037 Chuck
FunBun2037 Chuck - 16.09.2023 03:53

I just wanna build the most stupid battleship possible, take it out in a sea battle and laugh like a moron as it gets shelled into oblivion in under 3 seconds.

Max Hemmo
Max Hemmo - 15.09.2023 08:10

20 Minutes for 5 Mistakes?

Vanguard Detonados
Vanguard Detonados - 22.08.2023 00:25

1- Playing the game
2- Spending money in the game
3- Being frutrated because you are playing the game
4- Saying you will never play the game again
5- Going back to number 1.

Ken Albiniussen
Ken Albiniussen - 11.08.2023 08:33

aaand you are getting paid to play that explains alot

carnotaurus - 28.07.2023 04:49

Lets see what im grinding
German Aircraft carriers
German cruisers
American hybrid
I've grinded German subs (which has a lot of dds)
And American carriers

Jasper Skwar
Jasper Skwar - 20.07.2023 11:57

The advanced HUD isn't available on console (at least not on PS5) quite unfair when crossplay is activated.

ken - 19.07.2023 21:35

The destroyer one is very true, I managed to brawl 8 ships and sunk them with a V-25.

T - 18.07.2023 06:02

only rule: uninstall if the game starts and you rush to hide behind an island.

Derron Sanchez
Derron Sanchez - 14.07.2023 18:00

Please support your local dd’s! I play tier 5-7 and am so annoyed at bb’s and cruisers who go backwards from the start of the game and then inevitably lose because we are unsupported. I have also seen battleships turn and run from a single cruiser. Also dd’s who run and hide behind bb’s from the start of the game. Ugh.

Mike Z
Mike Z - 14.07.2023 04:49

omg, really... I never knew my heal turned off my AR. My brain just broke.

Jean-Francois Gignac
Jean-Francois Gignac - 12.07.2023 15:09

I’m surprised you didn’t mention vision and managing spotting range. I found that early on that was my biggest mistake.

DistortionRequired - 09.07.2023 06:58

I hate when people say "DD" like, theres not 2 d's in Destroyer lmao

Wolf - 04.07.2023 01:59

Rule: 5. Start learn to Brawl.
Why? If you can Brawl, you can fight nearly everything, in normal battles. Sure you have no chance with a GUN DD vs a Bismarck.
But i mean, you should learn to check enemy Reload times, and there weakspots.

You can easly hurt a BB very hard with a Cruiser, when you know "ok its a Bismarck, she has about 25 seconds Reloadtime." Use this Time.
When she shot, go brought side, use all your guns, shoot her in her Nose (yes in her nose) if she isnt much ancled with AP, and go back into a very soft angle.
The Bismarck will automaticly start to wait for her shot, if she see you wiggling.
Why ? because she think, hey he will go back Broughtside again ... ah yeah, you will not.
Like i said, it is not possible with all Ships in all Situations, But it helps alot.
Brittish Cruiser , hate it, when you switch between light and heavy angle, in between your reload times.

Your HP pool will extend about the trice to quadrible, because the enemy cant hit you effectiv and will start to wait, for a "Good Shot". so doesnt use his full Firepower.

B F - 20.06.2023 18:44

this game is shite. dont waste your time.

Chris Perrien
Chris Perrien - 03.06.2023 13:33

Don't go past T8. Don't buy anything except the monthly premium membership, if that.

MIGRATORY ANIMAL - 03.06.2023 02:58

FYI - when I play in COOP every time - when confronting the enemy bots even though there are ships closer to the enemy bots - the enemy bots will zero in on me - as many as 3-5 ships all at once will fire ONLY on Me - Obviously the Programmers have written code into their system so that when I play - this happens - unfortunately I am not imagining this - as I also used to write code for software programs going back to the 1970's - and I am an Original Closed Beta Tester of WOW so I know this is real and have sent video and comments to support with No Reply so it is fact.

Vet vs. World
Vet vs. World - 02.06.2023 23:54

Good points all SLM. I just started playing carriers. Sigh.
