Fistula Treatment Laser Surgery and other techniques Fistula surgery and fistula operation by laser

Fistula Treatment Laser Surgery and other techniques Fistula surgery and fistula operation by laser

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Laser Surgery is best Fistula Treatment. I have discussed about fistula surgery and fistula operation in this video. Fistula piles are generally co exist at anus. fistula in hindi is known as bhagandar or nasoor. Fistula kya hai - It is collection of pus in between muscles surrounding the recum and anus. Fissure fistula may occur. Anal fistula symptoms are pus discharge itching pain disconfort and swelling around anus and rectum. Fistula medicine are not effective. Fistula surgery is the answer. Laser fistula treatment is best for patients. fistula is also known as fistula in ano or anal fistula. Fistula la ilaj laser se kiya jata hai. Fistula laser treatment cost is minimum with us. Fistula treatment in Hindi. Anal fistula treatment at home is not possible. Laser treatment for fistula is the right choice. Proctologist doctor see patients of fistula piles fissure. Proctologist in hindi is guda rog specialist.
Is laser treatment good for fistula. How long does it take for a laser fistula to heal ? is laser surgery painful for fistula? which method is best for fistula? Can fistula come back after laser surgery ? what is success rate of laser surgery for fistula? What are side effects for of laser fistula surgery? fistula meaning fistula in hindi

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