Genie Warlock Meatgrinder | DND 5e Multiclass Build

Genie Warlock Meatgrinder | DND 5e Multiclass Build

Constructed Chaos

1 год назад

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Elder Ashagall
Elder Ashagall - 27.01.2023 11:19

I’ve heard you can’t communicate with your familiar due to you being in an “extra dimensional “ space…

PleaseElaborate - 22.09.2023 21:53

I kind of want a pact of the tome genie warlock with thaumaturgy who gets introduced to the party when a bartender accidentally serves his bottle to one of the other players while he's napping inside. He then uses thaumaturgy to make a convincing display and claim to be a genie himself, offering his services if they help him with his patron's quest.

Jay Tweedie
Jay Tweedie - 13.09.2023 18:09

D&D One sucks.

Jude Loire
Jude Loire - 12.09.2023 15:34

Don't discount the Harengon race. Trust me nothing more terrifying than seeing a 4 foot Harengon chase someone through a house. I won the battle before initiative was even rolled.

Penumbra - 03.09.2023 07:31

Hot stuff. Fun build! I’m just coming across this now after playing for over a year as a Rune Knight, Genie Warlock, Divine Soul sorcerer multi class.

Currently they are 3 fighter, 7 warlock, 1 sorcerer. The flight combine with ranged attacks and spells is fire.

Depending on the situation,
- spike growth and pushing blasts
- summon fey or undead and let the enemy fight my summon while I cripple them from a distance
- eventually shenanigans with wall of stone will occur as I fly above the battlefield, while it is segmented with different walled off areas contact my allies and trapping enemies while I obliterate them from the air
- melee enemies stand very little chance and ranged enemies and spell casters are very fun to outmaneuver
- for extreme Defense, I’m going with the pact of the talisman, which helps me counter and dispel things I don’t like and also with the right invocation boosts my savings throws since the only way people can really get me is with ranged or area affect spells.
- The cloud rune and fire rune give me some serious aces up my sleeve too if necessary
- favored by the gods boosts my saving throws as well once per short rest on very important ones
-since I went divine sorcerer, I can also heal down the allies as well as have access to the shield spell and absorb elements
- It’s some of the most fun I have ever had controlling a character and building a story around being a fighter of deception

Ghosting - 10.08.2023 13:53

I thought a creature had to willingly move for it take take damage from grasping arrow and spike growth, I tried doing this when I started and got reprimanded 😂

Adam Thornton
Adam Thornton - 14.04.2023 02:09

Anyway to get a character sheet link?

Shawn Berry
Shawn Berry - 01.03.2023 01:15

This was an amazing and very detailed build. I had an idea for a character too but i’m not super knowledgeable with DND stats and figures. I wanted to start my character as a nimble and partial thief, but want to end up an oath of vengeance Paladin. Are there any hybrid builds that could accommodate this?

John Didato
John Didato - 10.02.2023 07:56

Would love to see more builds like this!

lmt831 - 01.01.2023 05:29

As a dao genie warlock, you don’t get access to the efreeti spell scorching ray. Might want to put an errata

mage hand
mage hand - 21.12.2022 21:34

tortle pirate grapple fighter

Raikon Kuzaken
Raikon Kuzaken - 09.12.2022 23:11

So the curious thing is on how you would introduce this kind of character into Baldurs Gate type of world? We're going through a campaign that puts us into the underdark around this area.

Deanne Kellogg
Deanne Kellogg - 09.12.2022 22:16

Nice. I like it.
I want to do a Jedi (hexblade + aberrant).
I was going to start witch then sourcerer but is it better to start sourcerer? After this video  I am rethinking it.
I've played both a straight up Genie witch genasi and divine sourcerer halfling.  My Jedi will be half-elf. She has a long dark back story.  Unlike the runaway princess and the sweetet clueless halfling who couldn't find a job anywhere and mistakenly ended on a dangerous mission. LOL [I'm playing her now. She's at 12th level and really tough for a 2'10"  Lightfoot halfling]
I didn't get far on the Geni witch unfortunately, she was by far the most fun to play. Think Efreete + high elf for my genasi. She passes as a gray half elf dresses more like a rogue.  I took charlatan background then mask of many faces because daddy, a king, is hunting her down pissed she robbed the family vault to pay sailors to help her steal obe of his ships. She dreams of being a pirate.  She is not persuaded by money only excitement and things that make her feel free. She enjoys cheating at cards and lies with impunity. She is over confident having grown up a sheltered life and never really experiencing loss. The archipelago that her father rules is half human and half elven. A good number are gray skinned with jet black hair and amber eyes, like her. The humans worship a fire god, Tutu Pele and when her family commandeered the islands they allowed the humans to keep worship and even pay respects themselves and also to Corellon. Ald'Raynne's (aka Captian Zadia) pact is with this "island Godess" Tutu. [Yes, I did borrow sort of the story and name from Hawaiian lore]. I wish I could continue playing her or replay her. Her Deception was super high. Lol.
Oh I went with the pact and chose the Imp I think, it would appear as a gray parrot on her shoulder. Imber was his name and he liked to crap on the heads of people he didn't like.

Alexander Lea
Alexander Lea - 06.12.2022 21:38

Frankly this build tries to do to much, and spreads itself thin as a result. Grasping shot falls off hard with this build, since it only deals the damage once per turn, and therefore is basically never a good option compared to casting spike growth, casting eldritch blast or using another option. If you want a similar build to be effective you should either focus on the sorlock aspect or be an arcane archer with a one-level (or potentially two or three level) daolock dip and crusher.

Etienne Ripoche
Etienne Ripoche - 06.12.2022 17:17

Okay, Spike Growth and Surge Action casting Eldritch blast, it works, but you can't add a bonus action spell on top.

Alec - 06.12.2022 10:13

Randomly stumbled upon your channel today, great stuff 👍🏻 keep it up you have really engaging content. I’d love to see more crazy builds like this from you.

snakeeyes6669 - 05.12.2022 17:59

I run a efreeti warlock. One of my favorite spells to use is hunger of hadar. Our Paladin has blind sight and blind fighting. He gets surrounded by enemies I engulf him in hunger and we truly grind enemies into paste.

Braev Blackthorn
Braev Blackthorn - 05.12.2022 08:10

I'm a 12th level wildhunt Shifter and chose the Marid. Straight classed to get to 14 asap... pretty fun.

orion ar
orion ar - 05.12.2022 04:15

I'll just break this whole gimmick with literally 1 boss enemy that can fly. Which is easily achievable at higher levels

cyphr sphyr
cyphr sphyr - 04.12.2022 19:26

That dino-nuggets and gravy . . .nugget
Must try 😋

MrAudymurphy - 04.12.2022 09:34

I don't think forced movement works with grasping arrow or spike growth I could be wrong

WolfWarrior - 02.12.2022 22:58

Jerma985 build

Joe Fuller
Joe Fuller - 02.12.2022 19:09

ima host a campaigne for my group where the warlock patrons are viaing for absolute supremisy for the warlock class and are at war with every other patron ( a warlock in war if you will ) will be making some custom house patrons ( like lesser patrons for more class utility or a lesser pact if you wanna call it that ) such as an imp improving on barbarian rage if a barbarian ever dabled in warlockism , or a pact with a dragon the pact only permits the player or npc whom made the pact to summon the aid of a lesser dragon who can fly no more than a city or 2 distance then cant be resummoned until the next dawn, but the giest of the campaigne will be a warlock war tearing apart the univers as powerful patrons vie for absolute power agenst another, in space with spell jammers but i have a diffrent system for the way that works since the books arnt to clear on how it exacly works, but basicly a fule sorce that can be bought and sold and mined via crystal mines, giff as space police and undead liches inspace orbiting varius worlds atop the new space whales but they are undead

Brock MacDonald
Brock MacDonald - 02.12.2022 07:17

Isn’t the armour as good as studded leather?

Two Horses in a Man Costume
Two Horses in a Man Costume - 02.12.2022 00:48

I ran a Changeling Pact of the Chain Genie Warlock with an Efreet patron and Spy background.

My back story was that my parents had done the Efreet a solid by releasing him from captivity in a Wizard's tower so he granted them a wish. They wished for me to have a better life than they did and of course what would an Efreet think a better life for a mortal would be? To serve him of course. So he gave me a bit of power, turned me into a changeling and had me spy for him on the Material Plane.

None of my other party members knew any of this and I played him as close to the chest as I could, only using powers when it wasn't blatantly obvious that I was doing so. For instance, one time I "ninja vanished" by throwing a smoke bomb down and jumping into my lamp and having my invisible Imp (who they didn't know I had) carry the lamp away.

My DM even had me run two character sheets until the party actually witnessed me blatantly using Warlock magic. One that the rest of the party could see and my actual sheet and I always kept my Imp flying high in the air and invisible, using hin to scout.

Why all that extra work? Because my Efreet patron told me under no uncertain terms that if people ever blew my cover and figured out that I had an Efreet patron he would murder them and everything within an entire city block.

It was nerve wracking but absolutely the most fun I'd had at a table in years. By the end of the third session they were starting to question things but it wasn't until the 7th that I slipped up with a bad roll.

TechnoWolf 121
TechnoWolf 121 - 01.12.2022 21:05

You mentioned that the fly speed gained through Warlock would be helpful with pushing flying enemies to the ground. It would also be good for flying above grounded enemies already in your Spiked Growth, pulling them into the air via Grasp of Hadar, and then dropping them. They will then be prone inside of your Spiked Growth and will have to waste half of their movement to stand up on their turn. This will make it so the enemies you do this to will practically never escape your brambles. You would pull them like this as your last attack.

Semper-Vs-Tyrannus - 01.12.2022 18:20

Idea: a Triton fighter/ warlock (genie) who focuses on grappling. His genie hideout is a 20x20 room completely filled with water.

In combat, he grapples his opponent, then, while “carrying” his opponent, he enters his genie hideout. Then drops his opponent and exits his hideout. His opponent is in a room completely filled with water and no exit. Unless they can breathe water, they will drown. And the triton is effectively on a different plane of existence (since the contents of the hideout are a separate mini-pocket).

Ford Shackelford
Ford Shackelford - 01.12.2022 09:33

I agree that genie warlocks are just great.

NoOneCan - 01.12.2022 00:25

Nah, fathomless patron doing the same actualy better, but without 10minutes short rest

Chris Frame
Chris Frame - 30.11.2022 23:27

I don’t think you can telepathically communicate with your familiar from inside the genie vessel since it is an extra dimensional space.

Sali Koko
Sali Koko - 30.11.2022 22:45

How would you handle Artificer/Warlock?

Tanfire - 30.11.2022 22:25

Like my pally warlock bard mix 😊

The Mad Titan
The Mad Titan - 30.11.2022 21:28

I'm a pact of the Tome Genie (playing an Eladrin with the Tasha's custom origin). No multiclassing this time.

My favorite thing to do so far is to use the concentration free flight, Thorn Whip someone in the air, have them fail a save to land on their feat, and then hit them with Shadow Blade while their prone, and be back up in the air when they get up. The Elven Accuracy feat makes this really good too.

I also have Shellelagh, Booming Blade, and the Crusher feat. Hitting them with Shadow Blade and then Booming Blade (Boom Stick), and knocking them back 5 feet, and then more than likely have them trigger movement damage, is really satisfying too lol.

Eventually I want to get War Caster and whatever the invocation is that moves people back 10 feet with Eldritch Blast. I already asked my DM and she said that I could stack or distribute the different movement features, and move enimies with both the Crusher feat and Dao Bludgeoning damage and Eldtritch Blast. That could help keep another person inside a Sickening Radiance radius, or just pushing people back 15 feet sounds cool too lol.

I'll probably get the invocation next level, and swap it out with Misty Visions. I thought I could use that to constantly create cover, but there hasn't been a lot of ranged attackers in this campaign. Also my group kind of just Leroy Jenkins everything, so I haven't even really gotten a chance to use the actual illusionary aspect of the Silent Image spell either lol.

Matthew Maguire
Matthew Maguire - 30.11.2022 18:51

I made this character I absolutely loved!!! She’s not a warlock but she has a patron anyway. Her name was Alina duvess but everyone just calls her Candy Because she basically only eats lollypops. She was 17 and a not so typical school girl who went to essentially Assassin school. She’s a mastermind rouge who after minuet of observing someone out of combat can perfectly copy their voice. She’s variant human so she started with a feat and I picked Erdrich adept and took mask of many faces for infinite disguise self on top of that. At 9th level she got this feature that lets her observe a creature for a minuet and learn their stats level etc… but it also says “you might realize that you know some information about this creature” so we played that like she gets “a fact a day” on people she sees. I’d roll a d6 and it would land on 2 skeletons , or 4 goals. and she would just learn that fact bout them. Each side has it’s own personal thing. Her patron was Loki and she met him when she tried pickpocketing him around 6. She lives for chaos and would get people to kill each other for funzies, make poisonous lollypops(mostly laxative but also meth).
She would start rebellions just to make nobles pay her to put them down. She would trick nobles into signing themselves and their inheritance to her. She would commit crazy war crimes and blow up entire city blocks because it’s funny. And she lived through the whole 5 month campaign. Not only did she live but she formed a whole county called “candy land” (I know 😂) and she became the real queen of chaos! And Loki was with her every step of the way. You don’t need to be a warlock to have a patron :)

Chris Forbus
Chris Forbus - 30.11.2022 18:30

This build is so disgusting and I absolutely love it

Rob Vera
Rob Vera - 29.11.2022 13:33

nice creative build combining grasping arrow and spike growth. my builds for both were separate. by the way its good to see you posting vids like this again. it was such a long time since the last one. 3 months? anyway good to see you back.

imo i would've delayed fighter 4-6 just to get your combo online earlier but i see the logic behind it. only thing i probably disagree with is the ability score distribution. i would've gone str 8, dex 14, con 12, int 14, wis 8 and cha 15. getting that extra bonus to int will help prevent people from breaking grasping arrow too early.

great point on banishment as an alternative tactic. why spend turns killing the enemy with dmg when you can just remove an enemy completely on round 1?

already shared my own cheese-grater build in your older warlock vids. "the hex-grater" which was a fighter 2, hexblade 5, nature cleric 3. then my grasping arrow build was an arcane archer 3 battlesmith 7 that relied on a grappling steel defender to proc grasping arrow multiple times.

William Kimball
William Kimball - 29.11.2022 11:37


OniNoSweeney - 29.11.2022 08:30

Can't you just forgo switching to Sorcerer and just pick up Metamagic Adept to get the Quicken Spell?

Rodrigo Bruno
Rodrigo Bruno - 29.11.2022 04:21

This build isn't powerful or optimal. This character is an magician with only 1 trick; and a terrible trick to use if you are in party. If you are DMing and use this build to introduce one specific villain or npc, ok, I can see some benefit in that. Unprepared players may suffer and perhaps die, but anyone with some knowledge about this build won't fall into this trap.

Basically if you burn your nova turn and miss, or being unable to cast Spike Growth (actually you have farily large chance of missing or failling to setup the combo due to terrain characteristics or positioning of npcs and party members) you have no other option then retreat and short rest to try again; because you have no sustain. The damage can be fantastic but everything is chained to an specific situation that you MUST pull of, otherwise you're are nothing besides an archer. I know, I know, some of you may like that style of play; fair enough, but there's other builds that can pull this combo without abandon defense, sustain or control.

Any multiclass of Monk / Druid / Cleric / Ranger can use this combo in conjunction with many others while retain high ac, good saving throw coverage, amazing control and heal; all of that without risking party members or being restricted by terrain, items or positioning. Actually with Monk/Druid you can fight naked and be a massive treat in the battlefield.

Roy Jaskowski
Roy Jaskowski - 28.11.2022 14:54

If you take genie subclass it seems a waste to not rush to 17. Arcanum are not spell slots so a simulacrum regains them as class feature so it’ll regain 6/7/8/9 spell daily including a daily wish.

Matthew L.
Matthew L. - 28.11.2022 06:34

Honestly I think Arcane Archer is sub optimal call, I would have chosen Battlemaster as you have a greater versatility of options and more uses per short rest.

I have a similar build in mind. However I have less reliance on fighter levels. My build is Custom Liniege with the Fey Touched (Cha) feat. I go with Daolock (PoC) 6, Battlemaster 4, Clockwork Soul 10

MrBonez - 28.11.2022 05:23

I’m not gonna lie I thought this was a jerma build

Midnight Green
Midnight Green - 28.11.2022 04:04

Builds are what's wrong with modern games.

Pataterz - 28.11.2022 02:45

eww ai generated art

Reno - 28.11.2022 02:09

Jerma Warlock

Not- A-Theist
Not- A-Theist - 28.11.2022 01:07

thats a very cool character

Jacoby Spurnger
Jacoby Spurnger - 28.11.2022 01:03

"meat grinder warlock" doesn't start taking warlock levels until level 7 and can't do the meat grinder until level 10 in an edition where most campaigns end at level 5 🤔
