Grand Theft Auto V on Linux - Wine 2.11

Grand Theft Auto V on Linux - Wine 2.11

Olivier Dierick

7 лет назад

3,280 Просмотров

This video shows the current state of the ability of WINE 2.11 to run Grand Theft Auto V on Linux.

You may find current howto's and instructions in the AppDB entry of the game on WineHQ:


#Grand_Theft_Auto_V #Linux #WINE #Debian
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@dizzydaisy909 - 17.07.2017 01:29

First. Also, good video.

@moioyoyo848 - 13.08.2017 23:37


@BloodyIron - 17.08.2017 01:30

Would be nice to get notes about steps taken in description (for install).

@GamingAmbienceLive - 22.08.2018 00:16

damn that is some serious cucking of the powerful hardware, definitely not worth it. Don't get me wrong Linux is nice, but it is worse than apple when it comes to leisure activities like games, productivity wise its also worse because none of the professional applications are made for linux, there will never be autocad, im surprised that GPU manufacturers even bother making drivers for linux
