The ULTIMATE Railway Series Trivia Quiz

The ULTIMATE Railway Series Trivia Quiz

The Thomas Cynic

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@ochaye57646 - 23.12.2024 15:30

I ultimately got a 52/100; I could have done better though if I paused on some of the more difficult questions😅

@TheRailwaySeries - 23.12.2024 18:48

30?! 😭

@tonystrainsofrugby - 23.12.2024 19:02

51, tbh after the first 20 or so I thought if I can be above 50% then I'll be satisfied lol

@FlamingFunnels - 23.12.2024 19:53

32... not too shabby.

@Soemtreinverhalen - 23.12.2024 23:25

When I read the titel I thought, it can't be that hard, but then.
I got 15/100
Not my best trivia but it was very fun and I learned a lot

@thescottishtwins910 - 24.12.2024 01:43

Jeez I need to study. I gave up keeping score but I think I got around 30/100

@forrestdupre87 - 24.12.2024 05:04

Q: who was the last character Wilbert Awdry created for the series

A: Mavis

Q: How many of Wilberts books don’t feature Thomas?


@forrestdupre87 - 24.12.2024 05:05

Q: what is Duck’s real name)
A: Montague

@Evan-gi7zs - 24.12.2024 05:10

28/100, thought I would get more

@Passingthru-alice - 24.12.2024 06:24


Good job at pick these out I genuinely had to take a few seconds to think about the answer to a lot of them, and I learned so much more about the Lore of the railway series

@arthurhayes3423 - 24.12.2024 06:36


@TrainEngineJack - 24.12.2024 09:44

I got 30/100 (that's probably a grade F, that's what happens when you don't own a copy of People, History, and Railways)

@kumataJDG - 24.12.2024 19:56

re: question 6 - shouldn't the answer be 7?
Toby, Trucks and Trouble
Henry and the Express
Thomas and the Twins
Thomas Comes Home
Thomas and the Great Railway Show
Thomas and Victoria
Thomas and His Friends

@kumataJDG - 24.12.2024 20:41

Excellent vid, loved getting my teeth into this! I gave it an honest go and got 60/100, which I think isn't too bad considering how brutal some of the questions are 😅
Though its not something that interests me personally, I think a TV series version would go down very well!

@Mythiccate - 24.12.2024 21:37

I am thoroughly embarrassed

@dawn9422 - 25.12.2024 03:02

I got 22 correct and 4 Half Correct. So in total my score would be 24/100 I would have gotten

@RJ-Makes-Things - 25.12.2024 04:52

39 is not good
How could I fail!?

@Missingcouchproductions - 25.12.2024 09:56


@mikeyhasfuntoo9164 - 25.12.2024 19:50


@thegrumpysaddletank - 26.12.2024 08:15

A solid 80

@SouthCatYT - 26.12.2024 10:04

3/100 lol

@Keaness - 26.12.2024 11:49

Christ… you could have done it only using the stories not the iOS books! And if not maybe multiple choice would have worked nicely😂

@trevonmark3430 - 27.12.2024 00:56

I got 54.

@E2ForLife - 27.12.2024 02:16

I feel very humbled right now.
Edit: Ok after counting everything, I actually got a 68/100, which isn’t bad at all.

@bluebellsfan8704 - 27.12.2024 08:20

This was fun! But man I did terrible 😭

@Trollingdemon_07 - 27.12.2024 08:53

I GOT 84/100!?

@skifaxgumming9411 - 27.12.2024 09:09


@DrowsyDragon_29 - 29.12.2024 08:17

I thought “yeah, I know idk the railway series, but I’d get like 60 something.”

I got 15/100 😭😭😭

@MrDankEngine1999 - 31.12.2024 04:56

Not to mention the answer for the last question will be the new year

@BrentSudric - 31.12.2024 13:40

39/100 I may not be a true Thomas fan
(Some spellings are wrong)
1. Africa +1
2. Crosby +0
3. 1923 +1
4. Haultrough +1
5. 1880 +0
6. 5 +0
7. "stone trucks" +1
8. Sidney Heaver +1
9. Cas Ny Hawyn +1
10. Unknown +0
11. Stone +0
12. Clarabel +1
13. 5748 +0
14. Harwick +0
15. 1915 +1
16. Plaster +0
17. Fred +1
18. March 18 +0
19. Big City Engine +1
20. Henry +1
21. Rose +1
22. Helen +0
23. Killdane +0
24. "Once" +1
25. "Engines" +0
26. dunno +0
27. "Duck" +0
28. Five +0
29. dunno +0
30. Two physical platforms +0
31. Rusten +0
32. dunno +0
33. Crowes Farm +1
34. Duck +1
35. Great Little Engines +0
36. Elsie +1
37. dunno +0
38. Hermit +0
39. 50 +0
40. Chug Chug +0
41. Helen +0
42. Metropolitan Vickers Type 2 +0
43. "Flounced" +1
44. 15 miles +0
45. "Rip-off" +0
46. "There's nothing quite like it" +0
47. More About Thomas The Tank Engine +0 (OH WAIT STORY TITLE NOT BOOK TITLE AAARGH)
48. The slaughter of Danish people +0
49. Sixteen was sold off to a herritage railway +0
50. Quaker +0
51. Green +1
52. Toby, Trucks and Trouble +0 (Drat did it again!)
53. A. W. Dry +1
54. Kellsthorpe Road +1
55. £30 +0
56. Creek +0
57. Ffarquhar +1
58. "Elizah" +0
59. dunno +0
60. Agnes +0
61. Percy +0
62. Small Railway Engines +0
63. Switzerland +1
64. James +0
65. "Undignafied" +0
66. Cromford +1
67. James the Red Engine +1
68. dunno +0
69. 87546 +1
70. Donald +0
71. Manchester +1
72. 2 thousand +0
73. Thomas Comes Home +1
74. Daisy +0 (threw me off there lol)
75. M.C.Bunn +1
76. Butter +0
77. dunno +0
78. Bournmouth +1
79. "Museum piece" +1
80. Toby +0
81. Brendam +0
82. Railway +1
83. 89 miles +0
84. Jane and Jill +0
85. Beware the wood +0
86. Uranium +1
87.Caroline +1
88. Bahamas +1
89. 6 +1
90. 12 +0
91. Spa +0
92. James +0
93. Standpipe +1
94. Ballahoo tunnel +1
95. Annie +1
96. Blister twins +1
97. 69 +0
98. 1952 +0
99. River Orry +0
100. 9PM/21.00 +0

@callanbailey8008 - 31.12.2024 21:01

I'll advise if you really haven't studied the sodor map or the history book awdry wrote, you'll only get about 50/100😂

Also A.W Dry and company is WILD awdry was hilarious 😂

@wondermenel2811 - 01.01.2025 05:16

D&D players: my lore is deep!
meanwhile the Chad Rev. Wilbert Awdry:

@Industrial_Engines_official - 03.01.2025 02:55

This is amzing! Can you please do a TVs one?

@sashathetankengine - 03.01.2025 04:10


Honestly, this was a really good quiz, and it shows that I’m going to have to pick up on my Sudric more…

@Trickshotter - 04.01.2025 16:05

14/100 Someone give me a copy of IOS book😂

@goofygoober021 - 12.01.2025 01:31

Man I got 35/100 I'm slow 😭

@jackjackbt - 22.01.2025 03:25


@stokerino1905 - 08.02.2025 19:57

A mere 16

@epicmoon8874 - 08.02.2025 21:15

I got 4

@ThomasTogTid - 11.02.2025 01:37

Only 26/100 i need to work on my lore knowledge😭

@amitysluzara2022 - 11.02.2025 15:59

I got 21. Ngl I actually guessed a lot of this like I didn't know there was even a court case between the road and railway so just guessed lol

@DanielGannon2000 - 15.02.2025 00:06

I scored 36 out of 100.

@thomastankengine2638 - 16.03.2025 03:02

Got 32/100, never even held nor read a railway series book, would like to though.

@aaronadams7710 - 16.03.2025 07:26

Got a 54 here. Love this quiz!

@YouSoJames - 16.03.2025 16:44


@thommobris - 17.03.2025 02:42

31/100, knowledge has faded as i've gotten older 😬

@ExplosiveCookie - 22.12.2024 02:26

I got 64/97! A lot of the quote questions got me actually haha - I've focused so much on the lore that I definitely need to scrub up on the actual text in the stories. A few silly mistakes and misremembering of things in there too haha.

However, why out of 97? There are three questions that are wrong in-themselves so I will not be counting them in the total:

Question 2 is misleading in it's wording - Suddery is a City, not a Town as the question specifies.

Question 15 - There is no "Official" open date for the NWR in any writings from Wilbert or Christopher - the Company was formed in 1914 and the line was completed in 1916. Operations seemingly begin in 1915, but you could argue that they started the moment the Company was formed if you follow that logic - I am being pedantic with this one, but only because there is never once a sentence that reads something like "The NWR officially opened in 1915, with the double tracking being completed in 1916". Being a government strategic Railway first - it does beg the question would it not officially "open" straight away upon amalgamation of the companies in 1914? I can't see passenger services being withdrawn along the TK&E or W&S lines for 2 years as the line was being double tracked.

Question 83 is also a bit of an interesting one - I'd be very interested as to where you sourced the answer of 87 from? There is no written total mainline mileage of the NWR by Wilbert or Christopher - measuring the line with a piece of string on a map isn't a reliable source either, as when you measure the Mid-Sodor it comes out wrong compared to the 25 mile length stated by Wilbert meaning that the scaling is not 1:1.

Question 6's answer is also wrong, it's 7 in total:
1. Toby, Trucks and Trouble
2. Thomas and the Twins
3. Thomas and the Great Railway Show
4. Thomas Comes Home
5. Henry and the Express
6. Thomas and Victoria
7. Thomas and His Friends

Thoroughly enjoyable quiz!
