TELL ME HOW HE DIED | Emotional Epic Orchestral Music Mix

TELL ME HOW HE DIED | Emotional Epic Orchestral Music Mix

Epic Music World

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@kenesawthornley6462 - 30.01.2024 18:19

He became an alcoholic after his service in the special forces, day in and day out there was always a bottle close at hand. Even when you couldn't see it. There were people he missed, ones that he simply didn't think it was fair had been taken when they did, and he would've traded places with them in a heartbeat. It's just the type of man he was. Many times, starting in his younger years, he returned home from his late-night walks without his boots or a coat, having gifted them to someone less fortunate than himself. Then he got married, had a son, and he started trying to put his life in order... It only lasted a few short years though. His wife was abusive and cheated several times. He always forgave her, but things only got worse. One night after a family outing to the bowling alley, she told him, she wanted out. The drinking escalated far beyond what it had ever been. After a few more years, and several attempts at rehab and multiple visits to the ER for intense withdrawals it happened. He went into cardiac arrest on a Tuesday evening. March 22, 2022. Our mother and youngest brother switched off attempting resuscitation efforts while they waited for the ambulance to arrive to no avail.

He was always a poetic man, despite his struggle to speak with elegance, he could write with it. His first poem, tattooed on his left ribs, a daily reminder to him to keep pressing forward, and now shared on many of my families keep sakes.

Stop crying now
The night is here
Embrace your hate
Transform your fear

@comictitan4509 - 28.01.2024 03:09

"He died thinking his sacrifice saved the world. We should all be so lucky." -HALO: Reach

@salvadorz.garduno - 27.01.2024 10:02

I can't tell you how he died because I lived but I can tell you how she died😔

@haylliehedrick1361 - 27.01.2024 03:29

staring at the scene around her, she longed to see that familiar face. The face that joined her in battle more times than not. The face that lit up when she walked into a room. The face of the man that she had fell in love with long before the war began, but a face that she knew would be with her always. "Where is he? We've won this battle, it's time to celebrate." She smiled, but her gut had a sinking feeling, as the other soldiers stood with somber looks. "Let us tell you how he lived. How he become a hero."

@darthhatchet - 26.01.2024 11:10

I died inside after you passed away. I'm sorry Liz for all of it.

@FlawlessDiamond388 - 25.01.2024 06:50

@Naohmcete left a comment and said Quote, " No.... I will tell you how he LIVED"! ... Unquote, That should be the next title for a second track sequeled towards this first epic musical score which is now titled " Tell me how he died"! ❤

@nicolemeeh2975 - 24.01.2024 14:16

Starseed Galaxy Academy 🌹🙏✨💞🌠🌌🌕🌟🪐

@jennlee-ue8ow - 23.01.2024 03:12

Anala stared down at his face, tears streaming down her cheeks. It felt like a part of her soul had been ripped from her, never to be returned.
Her eyes traced his noble features, the features that once, in life, had always had a look of comfort, of love, or safety. But no longer.
His once joyful eyes were now blank, icy orbs.
His once smirking lips now were motionless, they would never again mouth the words,
"I love you."
He was truly gone.
Anala caressed the side of his face, not minding thee wet stickiness of his blood. His once silvery blond hair was musky, covered with grim. His face was regal, even in death.
Her heart breaking once more, Anala stood, and whisperd her final farewell.
The prince was truly gone.

@JBrinx18 - 23.01.2024 00:04

"He took an arrow to the knee..."

@Folks-ij5ie - 21.01.2024 23:03

sometimes whenever I hear this type of music's it creates a story in my mind of many warriors that have fought in battles losing their live defending their home till their last breath.

@sakinsu_ - 21.01.2024 21:50

" Tell me how he died Palestine " Gaza is free

@itznakoma - 21.01.2024 00:34

Her brown, glassy eyes remained fixed on the soldier in front of her, ignoring the pain that shot through her body.
"I just... I just want you to tell me what happened to him," she muttered, her voice almost cracking and tears began to weld up, her vision blurry.
Another pause.
Another hesitation.
Another silence.
The soldier's gaze shifted to the crimson ground left from the battle that would see no end. The man's silence had already given her her answer. She just didn't want to believe. The truth stung, almost more than the action itself. "He told me to - to give this to you," he grabbed something out of his pocket, shuffling through until his fingers found what he was searching for.
A heavy, breaking sigh escaped the tall soldier, whose clothes were smeared with his blood and the blood of his enemies. "He- he kept it safe and... passed it along to me," he pulled his hand out of his pocket, revealing a blue iris.
The sight of the familiar flower made her heart shatter into a million pieces. Her trembling hands covered her mouth, tears now rolling down the sides of her cheeks. Panic began to slither its way into the broken pieces of her heart like a serpent; preparing to strike her at any given moment. No, no- but she had to stay strong.... For them.... For them. None of them could see her like this.
"He told me to give this to his sister," the soldier pressed on through his own pain as the sun cast its last whisper of light over the horizon; dark clouds now rolling across the sky and the moon taking its rightful place.
His sister.
Her knees felt weak as they no longer could carry her weight. The girl went to the wood doorframe, her eyes drifting across the pathway in front of her house that eventually was met by a valley of flowers. Those same familiar flowers, although, they may as well all be burnt from the fires and painted by blood.
"His strong sister," continued the soldier, his voice cracking. He held his hand out, the single blue iris in his scarred, bloody hand. There were tears in his own dull blue eyes. Those dull blue eyes that once held the same innocence and joy this girl had, but now almost lifeless with the horrors the battlefield brought. "He left me a message to give to you. To... Take care of your mother, your sister, and your brothers. He told me to - to tell you... Even though we're apart, he'll never be too far from home."
Her eyes slowly drifted back to the flower, remembering the last time he had given her one. They had been in the very field across from their home, chasing each other through the field of flowers, laughter sweeping through the very valley that was now stained crimson.
"You remember what I told you, right, Nic?" Her older brother asked her gently as they both sat under the shade of the single tree that was in the valley, a willow tree.
"I told you not to call me that anymore, Elias!" She snapped her long, brown hair that almost looked black, swaying as a gentle breeze swept through the valley. She stole a quick glance to him, her brown eyes narrowing to further get her annoyance across.
Elias put his hands up in surrender, chuckling, "Okay, okay, yes, I'm sorry Nicole! Anyway," he leaned back on his hands, "do you remember?"
Nicole looked back to her handy work. A small crown made up of the flowers she had gathered in the field. "Hmmmm.... No, I don't think so," she hummed, gently placing the crown she had worked so hard on on the ground beside her. She leaned back, enjoying the summer weather while it lasted.
The whole valley smelled of flowers.
"Really?" Elias's eyes flicked to her, but she didn't meet his surprised gaze.
"No... No I don't think so."
He let out an over-exasperated sigh. "Are you serious? You don't remember it? But, it was so important."
Nicole bumped him with her shoulder, laughing. "No! I remember! I was just kidding," and then under her breath, "I would never forget something so important."
Elias eyed her, almost doubtful. "Ah, okay then. What did I tell you then?"
The brown-haired girl grabbed her crown of flowers off the smooth grass and placed it gently upon her brother's head. "You told me... Even if we are miles apart, you'll never be too far from home."
A mischievous smile tugged at the corners of his mouth, ignoring the crown of flowers on his head. "Aaaannddd? What else?" His sister turned, her eyes now drilling into his.
"Why are you always asking me? Why does it even matter?" She slapped him and huffed, "if you are so persistent, why don't you just say it yourself?!"
He sighed. "Okay, okay, fine, for you I'll say it," and quietly, "hehe, I love you to the moon and back, sis!"
"OH MY GOD, I HATE YOU!" Nicole slapped him once again. "No! That's not it! It's about these flowers, though I never understood why you said they are important. Blue Irises mean faith."
"Aaannnndddd?" he said slyly, picking a Blue Iris that was beside him.
"And I'm going to fricking punch you. Stop," Nicole hissed. She took a few deep breaths, inhaling and exhaling until her frustration disappeared like Mama taught them. Her older brother twisted around with a tender smile, a Blue Iris in hand and gently put it behind her ear. "And
"Hope." The words left her mouth before she could stop herself.
The soldier paused for a moment and then nodded. "And hope. He told me.. Your brother.. Told me to tell you to have faith and have hope."

But have faith and hope in what?
- The END (lol sorry I was just listening to the music and started writing).

@toulee6737 - 19.01.2024 10:19

Died…You’ve only just begun to live. A small crack in your heart wont kill you it only makes you stronger. Now stand up and hold me hand let’s end this together you & I….. 🫲🏼🤝

@leifang100 - 19.01.2024 06:02

Uho you side it I'm telling 🤭

@withoutmeaworld7460 - 17.01.2024 16:14

He's a confident boy who face any challenges with the belief that he will win He always win always... Until he met a Forminable opponent with His overwhelming power he manages to get a upper hand but his opponent Battle IQ prove to be fatal and in a single mistake he died

@user-io7mf6pc4x - 16.01.2024 21:42

Im from México i really enjoy this music Is beautiful and sad

@JehielLyreLMalan - 16.01.2024 14:35

I will tell you how he lived.

@Bl1tzkn1ght - 16.01.2024 12:00

"He died protecting us, your Ladyship." The knight answered gazing at his arrow riddled armor. He looks at his shaking hand before balling it into a fist as the memory of his comerade yelling for him to retreat flashed before his eyes. "He willed us to retreat while sending those mongrels back to hell."

"I see. Then... Then it was a just death." The woman's hand lightly brushes against the chest plate of the fallen knight. "A death he could be proud of."

@Reflection_Wave_2023 - 16.01.2024 05:25

When you are down or about to give up, these music are the best to lift up and move forward 💫💓💫

@Lovers1st - 14.01.2024 15:00

Love kills all

@johnkauppi7078 - 14.01.2024 08:48

Father told me a story when I was young. He was a Finnish soldier . During one Russian assault, he grabbed his machine pistol and ran at the Russians, killing every one he saw.Till his gun was empty.He collapsed into the snow. True story.

@DylanNeuschwanderComposer - 12.01.2024 05:25

So much incredible emotion here! 😯

@GoodPennyYHWHsaves - 09.01.2024 06:12

So beautiful. Ethereal, Eclectic, Aesthetic 🪶🕯⚔️

@GB-cz1uv - 09.01.2024 04:59

Think about jfk, his older brother died a hero, that's where it starts, he could not out do that, they told him about coming back, remember the eternal flame? When did they put it out? They told him do not go. Where a hat. Do not put the top down, he wanted to be a hero. Poor Jackie. They pushed her back into the car, I will never forget that.

@NairaMB - 08.01.2024 23:49


@TenkoBerry - 08.01.2024 07:12

This was Good 👍

@_thebatman - 06.01.2024 06:12

He gave his life… so we could live, he wouldn’t want you to Avenge him… or seeking vengeance by his name… he would like you to live your own life… he fought, so that we would no longer have to fight Anymore so we could go back home! Don’t you get it? …. Live your life… live it well.

@angelofhaven - 06.01.2024 05:44

I'll Tell you how she died. It was an honor to hold her hand in her last moment. Yes she saw me at her last breath but her thouts were with you. She regred that she couldn't be with you 'till the end of your journey but she knewed that you'll find your path.

@vimonarchiv7433 - 05.01.2024 12:32

Service to those who've served.
Glory to those who've honored.
Eternal peace to the dead, for they've seen the end of war.

@ChaplainRaziel01 - 03.01.2024 22:15

“Believing he was going to see you again after the war… to the bitter end, when it should’ve been me”

@dpkkmr424 - 03.01.2024 21:06

"I killed him" he said when asked the question. "I'm sorry..."

The girl looked up to his face. one hand clutching the other. Nails digging deep in the palm.

" He was bleeding out..." The old man began when his voice broke. " I tried to carry him but we were escaping and He'd lost his leg shielding me. Me!? "

"It is the duty of the old to protect the young. To die for the young and here I am living cause of a boy who should be standing here INSTEAD OF ME!"

The girls eyes widened as here knees gave out. She didn't look at the soldiers behind the old man. Stopped searching their face for a familiar one a while ago.

" So you left him to rot!? Among the enemies!? He will not even get a grave. They will burn him into cinders. He deserves to lay besides our parents. Not to be turned to ashes. You're all cowards..."

"Your brother wanted us to live to tell you he died like a hero."

"Funny, My brother also told me once to be wary of old men in a profession where men die young."

@RyZe_Mystic - 03.01.2024 14:37

Its not how he died... its about WHY he died, he died so all of us could live, so we all could continue our lives in peace, so that tomorrow will have a brighter future but most importantly he died for LOVE

@georget7865 - 02.01.2024 22:23

Awesome music for the warrior: sadden by the loss of my battle buddies.

@SprizBeatz - 02.01.2024 21:14

dude im finna use all these songs they too fia

@lillianm8139 - 02.01.2024 19:42

she looks so dead inside... (really gorgious tho! good job thx)

@user-lp6xn6jl8w - 02.01.2024 15:40

Hey, can you guys tell me some music like ' Not like the rest ' from his fearless video?

@michaelyangmusic - 02.01.2024 10:17

<3 great mix as usually sir!

@mujtabasaad3934 - 01.01.2024 18:02

Isto são algumas chamas direitas!

@Snow-qv1kr - 01.01.2024 15:03

Quote: Darkness may sometimes win the battle but light will always win the war!

@AdibNurHakim - 01.01.2024 07:33

Can I use this in my video?

@gorkem_korkmazz.o6 - 31.12.2023 20:47

ainda bem que encontrei o seu canal.

@ayseertas3434 - 31.12.2023 20:47

Eu sou tudo sobre sua vibração!

@abdullahtahaozturk9128 - 31.12.2023 18:46

Você está destinado ao sucesso.

@alperenaydn5946 - 31.12.2023 18:46

era exactamente disso que eu precisava.

@Gollegel - 31.12.2023 18:46

O vosso trabalho é um trabalho de amor, e manifesta-se em todos os quadros.

@BaranOzdemir-yh9wx - 31.12.2023 18:46

thiz é legndry wrk.

@goktugeseoglu1832 - 31.12.2023 18:46

Isto é icónico.

@Suzan340 - 31.12.2023 18:46

Você tem habilidades sérias.
