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@cronos122770 - 08.12.2023 19:20

I am from Portland so please understand, Portland has been lost to degenerate communists. ODs and feces in the street are one of the many attractions that idiot liberals offer in the downtown area. Try our under bridge rape and murder hot spots.

@MattBaker-zd8nq - 05.12.2023 19:13

Don’t ever go there

@JonahPedersen-tz3uk - 10.11.2023 21:28

Don’t do it.

This is not the same town where I was raised.

This is a shit hole.

@PortlandWhiteDoveRelease - 01.11.2023 08:33

Important things I wish realtors would have told me before moving to Multnomah County Portland OR . 5 years ago. Here's the deal in Portland that 99% video's won't tell you: If your a little above average you are financially taxed extra 1.5% annually if you make 125k or over if married it’s 200k your forced pay a extra baby sitter tax for those how can't afford to have children, there's a homeless tax, art tax that others who make under that do not have to pay plus you pay for other services & soon a increase of 0.8% is coming soon to 250k single & 400k married. In parts of Portland metro you have to pay annual fee for a backwater test on your home this is another scam. I was never told the Max light rail system is a moving homeless shelter with open drug use & drug transportation inside train, the homeless people ride for free, sleep & live on train year around spreading diseases & toxic drug residues like fentanyl all over inside the riding cars. The news even in the winter advertises for the homeless to stay for free on the Max it's not safe anymore there is violence & other crimes on the Max light rail train now. Not every time but there is usually a few on metro lines & downtown sometimes half the train is homeless. The homeless population has over tripled since I moved here before covid, they are in China Town & scattered in the downtown area on some streets & some not. To many streets downtown smell like urine & stink. It's not all streets but to many from 10% to 15% smell like urine. The bicyclists in Portland have a nick name they are called the (Spandex Mafia) on the Portland West-Side they have taken over some of the roads & some of them block traffic & cause a lot vehicle accidents, most of them move over but 1 out of 10 to 20 are total jerks that are very reckless & dangerous, the crazy thing is in Oregon this is legal the bicycles have right a way over cars. Use to be no toll road’s & very few photo ticket cameras & not a police state focused on taxing working people but this is all unfortunately changing, The system here is scaring small & large businesses away, with the crime and heavy taxes & local government is catering to criminals, drug attics, poor, homeless, & the 501 (C) (3) homeless non-profits are the biggest problem here they enable & profit from the growing homeless population. So now more & more homeless people are shipped & welcomed here & more new police officers are now going to go after tax payers for there money to pay for all the new hires budget & the police here do nothing to the homeless criminals they are aloud to steal anything in Portland do all the drugs in the open streets they want. Now toll roads & more traffic ticket cameras are on the way. Do your research before moving here it has some great areas in Portland that cost 800k to 3 million + but some neighborhoods are horrible & stay out of parts Portland basically to avoid extra taxes or crime. This is what I’ve found living here, unless you’re very wealthy & do not mind what I listed above it's a beautiful place around the state.

@markhopkins6013 - 26.09.2023 18:36

Portland is a living breathing cesspool.

@saltygem3056 - 08.07.2023 16:59

I love that every American is saying "not as bad as insert other American city

To the rest of the world, America is a whole damn red flag

@billkrill4656 - 31.05.2023 01:36

Stay away.

@JG-kv4oi - 19.04.2023 21:54

Just drive past Portland, don't stop. Spend your money elsewhere.

@Blurbblurb - 17.04.2023 02:17

Don’t go!

@johnjriggsarchery2457 - 13.04.2023 04:13

Portland's new motto: It's not as bad as San Francisco.

@RzGarage - 11.04.2023 08:26

Visit Portland
if you are looking for cheap drug

@roddymcniven8734 - 11.04.2023 04:00

You forgot to mention the open air drug taking and all the tents on the street

@n.wealand-pasttime - 02.04.2023 16:15

Mail in voting keep the wrong people in charge

@tjanderson6561 - 01.04.2023 05:34

As someone who just escaped Portland.... my advice is this:

Visit Oregon. It's a gorgeous state with an amazing coast line, mountains, valleys, waterfalls, great food, nice small towns to visit. So much nature to explore.

Avoid Portland.

@Nobushido - 26.03.2023 04:20

Don’t… run

@erikgunderson2904 - 23.03.2023 02:51

1. Come thirsty! Portland remains one of America's great craft beer cities and as of early 2023 there are at least 70 craft breweries within the city limits. There's about a dozen wineries and hundreds more in the nearby area.
2. European and Asian visitors who take the video's advice to travel here by Amtrak should temper their expectations for speed; we don't have high speed rail. It takes about 4 hours from Seattle to Portland via Amtrak.
3. There's live entertainment to be had every night somewhere. We get first-name acts through town a lot. Theater, music, spoken word, dancing, and who knows what else are all available.
4. Voodoo Donuts are fine. I think you can do better at the many other donut places around town. But the Saturday Market, shown in the video, is nearby and well worth your time.
5. Do not pay attention to the comments suggesting Portland is some sort of crater with nothing but violence and homelessness. It's a city of 630,000+ people, and we live and work here and the worst thing that's ever happened to me is I forgot to lock my car doors once and someone stole my McMenamin's passport and about $10 in change.
6. It does rain here a lot outside of the summer months. Maybe bring some rain gear, or at least be ready to buy some.
7. Multnomah Falls is about half an hour east of the city, pretty much only accessible from a parking lot you can get to from a left-lane exit on interstate 84. Public transportation doesn't go there. The parking lot fills up quickly, so if you want to see the falls up close (and they are spectacular), that's something I suggest doing early in the morning.
8. The best views are available either at Council Crest Park or from the viewing balcony at OHSU, which you can get to by gondola from near the west bank of the river near the Tilikum Crossing bridge. ...On clear days, of course. On a clear day, you should be able to see at least four volcanoes from there.

@MrYougotcaught - 18.03.2023 03:11

first rule: Don't travel to Portland. It's a huge third world country scene and it will all be a waste of your time and money. Good Luck to you alll

@NuttinChunkySpunk - 17.03.2023 20:54

Welcome to Portland, Oregon ❤🌲
Home is where you shit. 💩🏠

@bootchop88 - 17.03.2023 10:02

the best part of portland oregon is the departures area of the airport.

@radicalmoderate2730 - 15.03.2023 15:41

Umm...I'm shocked this video is 11 months old. This woman hasn't been to Portland in years if ever. How do I know? Well the video is missing all the tents on the side walks. The drug addicts shooting up in the street in broad daylight. The needles, meth pipes littering the streets and kids playgrounds. The crazy Homeless shouting at EVERYTHING. The homeless defecating and Urinating in the streets.
Lets not forget all the boarded up and abandoned businesses. They even lost both Walmart's, and oh hell I think even the book store she mentioned has closed and left town.
As far as walking around Portland lol. YAH not unless you are armed with a .40 caliber and extended magazine which is illegal btw. If you drive and park overnight chances are your car will either be broken stolen if you haven't already been car jacked, broken into, or your cadilidic converter stolen.
If you visit in the summer what is called "RIOT SEASON" you can just smell the tear gas and pepper spray EVERYWHERE as it gets in EVERTHING. So don't bring clothes you want to wear ever again lol.

@sp00ky39 - 11.03.2023 14:40

I'm so stoked

@boattune0411 - 07.03.2023 21:44

Not mentioned is the rampant crime, drugs, and homeless situation

@sonofthebigguyenemyofcornp4403 - 06.03.2023 18:55

Dumb Democrats are everywhere

@RossMac023 - 05.03.2023 21:12

crimes, homelessness, feces on the sidewalks, businesses closing shop because of skyrocketing crimes, criminals walking the streets because city government refuse to prosecute them, drug dealers in every corner, no jobs, dirty parks… these are the legacy of the democratic party and its liberal policy of high taxes and soft on crime.

@RossMac023 - 05.03.2023 21:09

crime in Portland has skyrocketed because thugs of the democratic party keep robbing and shoplifting from stores and businesses. Vote Republican if you can to save your city from the criminals. The democrats only fight for the rights of the convicts and drug dealers. The democrats are the scum of society.

@pattyb8904 - 04.03.2023 06:13

Where are all the assholes who voted for this? Would love to hear them defend the situation.

@brycecharles3856 - 04.03.2023 05:51

I love how we had to be on the lookout for dirty needles... piss... shit.. getting robbed and begged into oblivion... the city is dead. Thanks Democrat's

@TomSmith-kc8mz - 01.03.2023 13:33

Portland is a disgusting shit hole. I wouldn't even connect flights there. The only positive thing is everything is free. You can walk into any shop and take whatever you want. Public transit is totally free too.

@hunglo666 - 12.02.2023 15:47

just know this about public transportation , very very risky its a shit show

@augustoliver2779 - 12.02.2023 00:35

Are people there nice and polite?

@badgerresner3130 - 16.01.2023 22:10

Interesting how this video doesn’t warn visitors about how consent thefts, break ins, muggings as well rampant/rising drug addicts with people having bowel movements in public places. Honestly can’t wait to see this city go up in flames, but would like to be the one using the flamethrower

@abomarsyr103 - 07.01.2023 02:42

Best thing is nature
Worst thing is people

@Anvanho - 26.12.2022 01:31

Great video! Hope to go to Portland!

@decayingcorpse-xv - 18.12.2022 04:40

So how do you guys feel about a guy from California moving over there, am I welcome or not? 😂

@descendantofphineas7785 - 07.12.2022 19:16

You get to see antifa beating killing destroying, you get to see poop pee everywhere, you get to see closed businesses everywhere, you get to be attacked, yelled at, called a racist, a fascist, homophobic,
Oh yea visit portland for all these wonderful socialist adventures.

@frankihatch - 20.09.2022 03:00

Portland is a great city

@lifeongps - 18.09.2022 14:10

Just Do Not Go! Value your life and and families Life! Avoid at All Cost!

@WeWander2 - 10.09.2022 18:01

Many people want to visit Oregon but why would anybody want to visit Portland.
Cities are a destination.

@tmoney3573 - 05.09.2022 19:42

Stay away from portland, its been taken over by a terrorist organization called antifa, they are violent and stalk people

@karlabritfeld7104 - 02.09.2022 18:38

Don't forget there are 6000 homeless Oregonians living on the streets of Portland and it's not pretty.

@americanmilitiaman88 - 30.08.2022 04:28

I live across the river in washington and we avoid going to Portland. Closest we get is just passing through. And sometimes my work sends me there but i bring my bullet proof vest. I call it a dead city. Its lived out its best days decades ago. Its full of regressive policies and ideas and has become a Marxist leftist echo chamber where if you voice an opinion that doesnt march in lockstep with theirs you will be violently attacked and its ok with other portland residents. I am young but do not like the "city lifestyle " i spend most of my time out in the woods and exploring areas far away from the crowds. And tourist traps. The past 10 years this region has exploded and made us want to move. 20 plus years ago it was the best kept secret. Somehow word got out. I wish portland wasn't terrible cause its full of old buildings and history which i enjoy.

@srh148 - 26.08.2022 22:46

If you like homeless camps and graffiti everywhere, please do come to Portland it would rival any city in the country.

@chadkbrignall6326 - 25.08.2022 16:19

you did an amazing job hiding the death and destruction that has seized this great city

@brianliming1009 - 19.08.2022 02:32

This lady is full of it Do not go to Portland It will break your heart and when it goes bad you call the police, there are none they all quit lets all get out there and vote its always worked before

@jeffbgarrett - 18.07.2022 00:42

Things to know: This town is a sh*th*le thanks to the WOKE idiots at City Hall. Start with a tour of the homeless camps. You can't miss them. They are everywhere. Downtown is in ruins with businesses fleeing like rats from a sinking ship. The streets are like a game of Grand Theft Auto with an entire generation of dipsh*ts raised on Fast & Furious movies terrorizing the streets 24 hours a day, seven days a week. And what's left of the police department has their hands so tied by the WOKE idiots that we've set a record for homicides, crime, and traffic fatalities these past 2 years. Enjoy Portland!

@MarcoPolo-je5ej - 02.07.2022 18:32

Things to know before going to Portland...., according to some idiot Brit that lives thousands of miles away.

@thomasgilbertson7060 - 02.07.2022 01:38

Circa 2019

@alliebuchholz3089 - 01.07.2022 00:11

is it really that must of a hell hole? im planning to go this summer and want to stay close to portland. any safe hiking trails anyone can recommend?

@1stepofe-noise311 - 28.06.2022 22:35

[cleanup on isle/highway 47] please...thank you...::static homosexuality & drugs::
