How to FIND & USE Discord on PS5 EASY Tutorial "PS5 APP”

How to FIND & USE Discord on PS5 EASY Tutorial "PS5 APP”


1 год назад

1,285 Просмотров

PS5 How to USE & ACCESS Discord EASY Tutorial For almost eight years, Discord has been the go-to place for gamers on PC, mobile, and console to talk together while playing their favorite games. And now, more players from all over the world will be able to connect with their friends and play the games they love, no matter where they play — including your PS5® console.

We’re beyond excited to announce that you can now use Discord voice chat on your PS5 to talk with your friends on desktop, web, console, or mobile.

Chat with your Discord friends while on your PS5, or come together and enjoy multiplayer games, no matter if people are playing on PC, mobile, or a different Discord-supported console.

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