Soviet Storm. WW2 in the East - The Battle Of Moscow. Episode 4. StarMedia. Babich-Design

Soviet Storm. WW2 in the East - The Battle Of Moscow. Episode 4. StarMedia. Babich-Design


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ToasterHotHead - 11.09.2023 21:27

When the Germans said “expect less from the Russians in moscow” I thought narrator was gunna say “they were right”…instead nah, they paid even worse.

Acolyte of Cthulhu
Acolyte of Cthulhu - 07.09.2023 13:14

i understand why the commie slet the ze germnas suffer for their deeds, i think it wasnt even enough. They havent learned still today when supporting neo nazi ukraine.

k14pc - 20.08.2023 04:46

amazing, seriously

Grant Williams
Grant Williams - 14.08.2023 05:45

Communist dictator assholes are always going to defend themselves and their minions before the peasants. When these floods happened in China recently, in 2023, the leaders redirected most of the water to peasant towns around Beijing, in order to protect themselves. Just like Stalin and his minions redirected so many resources... let the rest of the USSR suffer in 1941... just to protect themselves inside Moscow.

Kanwar Bhulllar
Kanwar Bhulllar - 06.08.2023 14:38

Russia had to suffer the most, But salute to Russians,
Most courageous people. 🫡.

mehdi achouri
mehdi achouri - 24.07.2023 00:51

The French were in the front line with the Germans near Moscow???
That's just so pathetic. Lowest of the low.

David Mitnick
David Mitnick - 19.07.2023 06:08

As a descendant of holocaust survivors I can only express admiration and gratitude for the Red Army for rescuing my family and ridding the world of nazism. Love and respect from America!

Simon Thieriot
Simon Thieriot - 18.07.2023 07:47


Thabo Cele
Thabo Cele - 11.07.2023 20:11

I have new found profound respect for the Russians, they suffered colossal losses and never gave in. massive respect

Isaac rhodes
Isaac rhodes - 28.06.2023 03:52

excellent historical content. Thank you for sharing the Russian perspective of WW2 in such detail and quality !

Akshay Sriraman
Akshay Sriraman - 24.06.2023 21:22

2 nd battle of moscow in 100 years has started.😂

Mir irfan
Mir irfan - 11.06.2023 15:24

Things get interesting when Marshall Zhukov comes into picture!

Sandro Costa
Sandro Costa - 30.05.2023 06:17

"Anyone who loves freedom owes such a debt to the Red Army that it can never be repaid.” 

— Ernest Hemingway.

Romeo Ducusin Jr
Romeo Ducusin Jr - 20.05.2023 13:04

Erased...... glory to great mighty brave RUSSIA URAAAAA URAAAAA 🇵🇭❤️🇷🇺💪💪💪💪💪💪💪 GLORY TO PMC WAGNER GROUP GOD ON YOUR SIDE COMRADE...

WOR53L G - 11.05.2023 08:10

Alot of these comments??? Its like a joke when a rushen bends over you can see guptas flipflops... Cringe worthy.. Lets see if rushen prepared to fight for them, arse licking is very sweet and all that, dosnt mean thell have any respect for them, instead of fight these skinny little creatures flee their country and run to a country that they say treated them so bad and the country they supposedly hate.. Hypocrites..

Adam Aitouahmane
Adam Aitouahmane - 02.05.2023 19:11

One of the greatest history documentaries i have seen, a real masterpiece.

Anand Nair
Anand Nair - 13.04.2023 02:53

The Germans had only 250k Soviets to defeat to get into Moscow. The soviets, in 1945, had at least a million Germans to defeat to take Berlin.

Dennis Cambly
Dennis Cambly - 06.04.2023 20:58

The victory the west wasn't certain it wanted. Leningrad was still under siege at this time after Stalingrad proved another defeat for Germany. Shows how NATO never learned any lessons of history as it is at war with Russia today over a piece of land smaller than Rhode Island.

Shamaul Mohd
Shamaul Mohd - 17.03.2023 19:31

Battle of Moscow

Anand Nair
Anand Nair - 16.03.2023 16:25

At his darkest hour, Stalin called for Zhukov from Leningrad.
On the question of saving Moscow, Zhukov said: It is difficult comrade, but not impossible.

Orange - 16.02.2023 02:15

Keitel is like big boss but seems like he have no power at all

John Snow Kumar
John Snow Kumar - 01.02.2023 15:40

When the Nazi and axis forces were about 300 mile away from Moscow, the capital, a decision was taken to move the capital much firther east. meaning the members of Political Bureau and other officers and nearly all top leadership in Moscow were moved further east. The plan wAS TO MOVE THE capital from Moscow to near the Ural mountains, in other words , to move east by about 1,000 miles or km east of Moscow. I doubt if they ever moved that far east. Move east they did, except Stalin and an army of 110,000. They must have gone only about 300 miles, further east of Moscow, if that. Only Stalin and an army of about 110,000 troops stayed back in Moscow ready to fight till the last man standing. Purpose was to fight to the bitter end, with an ethnic Georgian fighting to the bitter end. . Nazi army came with 53 miles or kilometers to Moscow. At 52 miles from Moscow, the Nazi leaders. They must have figured out it's pointless to remove or kill the lone ethnic Georgian top leader of the Soviet Union (Joseph Stalin). So, nearly all other generals and bureaucrats and politicians and lawmakers others were transferred and moved way further east from Moscow (may be 200 miles east of Moscow, if there is a sleepy town there)..

Sergey Anglinov
Sergey Anglinov - 24.01.2023 23:36

In truth, we all know that the winners write the history and at the same time deny this right to the conquered by heaping on their victims a mountain of lies. But we must never forget that the Dazis and Bolsheviks committed horrendous war crimes and atrocities against Nazi population, Nazi women and children, including firebombing of civilian cities, the mass-murder of Nazi PWs, sadistic horrific torture, and on the scale never seen before in the history of mankind, organized mass gang-rapes by Soviet and Dazi soldiers of Nazi women and children, as young as 8, and as old as 75 (the Fraukom). In this Nazi-Dazi paradigm, the Dazi must eternally be ashamed of what they did to Nazi people. If they don't, they have no humanity. It's especially important now as we are facing in Ukraine the onslaught of Putin's neo-Bolshevism. Look for the videos "The Greatest Story Never Told" and "Hellstorm".

Ndisi Kasewe
Ndisi Kasewe - 19.01.2023 22:48

Germans went looking for trouble and got more than they bargained for!

AshKum17 CH
AshKum17 CH - 11.01.2023 18:29

Most of German generals were against Hitler's order to invade Russia in the first place. They were well aware that most of their military strength was engaged in warding off British and American forces on the western front, opening a new war front with Russia would be a surefire recipe for disaster. But Hitler did not listen to the voice of sanity, and was even a hidden hand behind operation Valkirie which saw execution of many German army officers opposing Russian invasion.

Julian Ciaha Consulting
Julian Ciaha Consulting - 25.11.2022 20:38

Whenever i feel depressed about Life or unhappy with the way things have worked out I put on some documentaries about the Siege of Leningrad or the Battle of Stalingrad and seeing what real suffering , misery, & hardship looks like snaps me out of self pity with the realization that my "problems" are in comparison are literally nothing and that i should be happy with the life i have had that surely those who died in those two cities would have seen as heaven and probably deserve to have far more than myself.

Nicholas Ramsey
Nicholas Ramsey - 16.10.2022 04:34

I remember reading "Rise and Fall of the Third Reich." I remember how Hitler and his high command thought that the tremendous shock with their massive (and very well-prepared) invasion force would cause the rest of the Soviet forces to simply crumble and succumb after the first month or two of driving deep into their territory and encircling and annihilating the Soviet armies. By September, they realized that things wouldn't turn out this way (as the Soviets fought hard and desperately all the way, with no sign of letting up (let alone disintegrating)).

By the launch (actually well before) the launch of Operation Typhoon in October, the Germans now realized that they were in for the fight and struggle of their lives to take Moscow (hoping that Russia would than be forced to surrender). This profoundly vast and enormous front with all Three German army groups still in front of an enormous Red Army (that always seem to make up for their heavy losses) that was still there (had not disintegrated from the initial shock of invasion (and lightning successes from the Germans during the first two months or so)), and was still determined to fight to the end.

This point of Operation Barbarossa is so often overlooked (the high hopes and optimism by Hitler and his Generals) that the initial shock of invasion (with the first initial German successes) would simply cause the rest of Soviet Russia to simply disintegrate and crumble (allowing the Germans to simply walk into and mop up the remaining Soviet territory).

Saied Salami
Saied Salami - 16.09.2022 22:53

15 miles was the difference between defeat or victory , vow

Nick Phillips
Nick Phillips - 06.09.2022 16:39


Nick Phillips
Nick Phillips - 06.09.2022 16:38

GOD intervened in Russia. The October rains stop the Wehrmacht just outside of Moscow. Dec. 5 Russian counterattack and Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor brings USA into the war. A single DAY marked the beginning of the end for the Axis.

Nick Phillips
Nick Phillips - 06.09.2022 16:33

GOD Bless Y'All!!!!!!!

Postmaster Sgt
Postmaster Sgt - 06.09.2022 05:24

Alt History: Germans win "Battle of Moscow"

The German army plan for the attack on Moscow was dubbed Operation Typhoon.

The Moscow offensive starts with the Soviets reeling. The Luftwaffe has achieved complete air superiority in the Moscow area and hinders Soviet road movement. Bombers gradually pulverize the extensive anti-aircraft defenses of Moscow while fighters strafe roads at will. The Stuka squadron makes four sorties per day shooting up anything that moves with their 37mm anti-tank guns. Soviet transport is only possible during the short night hours.

The combined armies of Army Group Center attacked on the morning of June 2. They met fierce resistance, and took heavy casualties. The Waffen SS moved in to spearhead the attack, in order to limit Wehrmacht casualties. They did so, and managed to push a bit into Moscow, though were held back by the Soviet Air Force. The Luftwaffe and the Axis air forces had battled the Soviet Air Force earlier, but were unable to secure air superiority. Additional fighter units had been requested and sent to Moscow.

Continued Advance

The Germans then pushed into the city on 4 July. They were met with intense Soviet resistance, and though the Soviet air forces were busy engaging the Luftwaffe and thus were unable to aid the Soviet Army. The Germans and their allies pushed further into the city, beating back the Soviet 14th and 25th Armies. However, Zhukov unleashed a trap with the 45th Tank Army, which decimated the Axis left flank and opened a gap there. The Soviet 2nd Shock Army rushed into the gap, and the Germans had to patch it up, stalling them until 9 July. The advance continued afterwards, and by 14 July had conquered a third of the city. However, the Soviet forces were determined to hold their capital.

Two Panzer Armees were sent around the flanks to surround the city and the spear heads meet and encircled the capital. Roughly 200,000 Soviet soldiers with 1200 tanks are surrounded with around 15 generals and Stalin himself.

The rest of the government evacuated earlier and left to the Ural Mountains.

With the encirclement complete Army Group North and Army Group B push towards the A-A line while Army Group Centre and South will capture the Soviet capital. The Soviet 14th Army defends the Kremlin, the fighting in the capital is fierce. The Soviets don't give up any ground without a lost. The Germans have numbers on their side, around 350,000 Germans with 5000 panzers and total air supremacy are assaulting the Soviet stronghold. On the flanks, Army Group North and B are making great progress. Many Russians are surrendering or retreating. The Army Groups reach their respective objectives on the 26th of September. Some minor Russian counter attacks are launched against Army Group North and are beaten off.

The last desperate resistance in Moscow collapses. Tiger I tanks roar into Red Square and turn on the Kremlin. They provide cover fire for SS stormtroopers who assault the Kremlin with flame throwers and phosphorous grenades. The desperate defenders hold out for one heroic hour in savage hand-to-hand fighting

The Soviet government in exile in the Urals is contemplating surrender and is willing to give up the Soviet capital and Stalin himself. Stalin learns of this and orders the deaths of all government officials, but there is no one willing to carry out the order since Stalin's most fanatical followers are in the capital with him.

During the early hours of December 30, Zhukov informed Stalin in person that the defenders would probably exhaust their ammunition during the night. Stalin gave him the permission to attempt a breakout through the encircling German lines. The Red Army held onto the city for a month of close combat until the Axis overran there defenses.

Army Group Centre and South now push towards the A-A line and reach their objectives on October 4th.

Stalin is found dead outside the Kremlin
At first the Germans thought suicide, but when the Germans demanded the Russian surrender and Stalin refused, a few of his own general's killed him and surrendered the capital to avoid more deaths.

Soviet General Zkhukov and the last remnants of the Red Army was pushed back to the Ural Mountains and retreated northeast and southeast in the city of Ufa.

After the fall of Moscow, the Germans have taken their positions on the A-A line envisioned by High Command. The Germans could easily over run the Ural mountains but Hitler desires not too. He believes everything east of the Urals is undesirable. The Germans keep all west of the A-A line.

The Battle of Moscow was costly for both the Germans who suffered some 500,000 casualties and the Russians who took a tremendous loss of 1million+ dead.

Hitler, Göring, Goebbels, Generalfeldmarschall Edhard Milch and an army of lesser dignitaries visit Moscow to attend the victory parade.

In the evening, they attend the opera "Twilight of the Gods" conducted by Herbert von Karajan in the Bolshoi theater. The theatre has been damaged by shell fire but this lends flavor to the event. The performers are flown in from Berlin. Film Director Leni Riefenstahl makes a documentary about the performance that will be shown everywhere from the Imperial Palace in Tokyo to the White House in the United States.

Michael Bruns
Michael Bruns - 04.09.2022 05:54

Whatever might have happened with any army fighting anywhere within any country, whoever built and deployed the atom bomb first was basically gonna win world war two.

Arcade Music Tribute
Arcade Music Tribute - 03.09.2022 19:56

I know it is unfair to judge military commanders with the advantage of hindsight. Yet I've been looking at Soviet failure from June to December 1941. I've been thinking about something. The Soviets had advantage of being able to endlessly pull back and escape the Germans. What if they applied these tactics to the extreme. Now it would require coordination and better communications that they had at the beginning of war. What if Soviets just put endless fake defensive positions, lots of dummy tanks, fake artillery and machine gun positions that would have been abandoned after the attacks - that would give the enemy an impression of Soviet fortified positions but as soon as Germans were about to attack or overrun them, the majority of Soviet forces would fast retreat leaving behind lots of squads of partisans orderd to fight guerilla warfare and sabotage behind enemy lines. They could even retreat way behind Moscow letting Germans think they had won while they would keep retreating deep into Soviet territories. Germans would have even bigger problems with supplies and constantly being attacked by guerilla warfare. Stalin had retreated all industry plants into the heartland of Soviet Union. From there they could perhaps collapse and encircle insane amounts of overstretched German army units. Just a thought. I believe Soviets would have suffered way less casualties and end the war quicker once they started to counter attack. Now I know I'm thinking about this conflict with a Western mindset. This kind of tactics were actually meant to be used by NATO forces if a conventional WW3 broke out and the forces of Warsaw pact attacked the Western Europe. I'm pretty sure Stalin would completelly disregard this idea as cowardly :D :D

Graham Cox
Graham Cox - 03.09.2022 17:06

Have been looking at videos of vasily zeitsev and how skilled he was as a sniper,the German army was right to be afraid of him

Luka G
Luka G - 31.08.2022 13:48

Next documetary abot Special operation in Ukraine

Unknown Known
Unknown Known - 21.08.2022 20:07

Methamphetamine speed ball zombie drugged up Nazis ran out of steam. They bleed they can be defeated

Eddie Sohkhlet
Eddie Sohkhlet - 19.08.2022 07:42

Amazing content keep it up

musicmann - 15.08.2022 11:58

If Hitler had not come to power, the Soviet union would have spread across Europe like the clap, they would have taken control of every single European country by 1950, and would have probably got the nuclear bomb 1st. Then they would have probably taken control of the entire planet. So this is why Hitler seemed to have divine protection. Sometimes you have to let bad things happen in order to stop something 100 times worse happening..

musicmann - 15.08.2022 11:34

All we need to do is kick in the door, and the whole rotten edifice will come crashing down: Adolf Hitler 1940..
Presumption is the mother of all fuck ups: Stuart lee 2022..

Cyber Hipster
Cyber Hipster - 08.08.2022 11:54

Hear Marshal Zhukov's and Stalin's orders

Charlie Boffin
Charlie Boffin - 16.07.2022 00:33

Burn in hell Putin and his Nazi Orcs you are just like Hitler and you are the Nazis of our time . The world rejoices when your soldiers die and are sent back in rubbish bags.
Slava Ukraine 🇺🇦❤️🇬🇧

092199xo - 15.07.2022 06:10

They joined with Hitler and conquered a Sovereign Country - Poland! They deserved their losses

Fou Cault
Fou Cault - 19.06.2022 07:18

More people died in one battle in the east than the whole war in the west…
