Single signon using forms authentication in ASP.NET

Single signon using forms authentication in ASP.NET

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Jubayer Ahmed
Jubayer Ahmed - 16.05.2023 08:31

12 years ago.....!!!

Bart de Alliantie
Bart de Alliantie - 26.10.2021 14:57

The sound is that good. The microphone is ploping.

Der Generalist
Der Generalist - 17.02.2015 03:39

this is crap, it's the same domain....

Anthony Queen
Anthony Queen - 27.07.2011 16:12

@dnfvideo I understand machine keys and encryption, but Cookies are stored based on the domain name. How is it then that domain A can have access to domain B cookies? In your example, while they are both in seperate virtual directories, they are still in the same domain "localhost".

.NET Interview Preparation videos
.NET Interview Preparation videos - 24.07.2011 07:04

@mytonytiger Hi , No it can be on a different domain and on complete different servers thats why the machine key is entered. In my example i had kept different virtual directories it was not in one single localhost virtual directory as us.

Anthony Queen
Anthony Queen - 23.07.2011 19:25

yes, but all of your websites must be on the same domain. In your case, "localhost". As I understand it, browsers won't pass a cookie between 2 seperate domains.

arun sharma
arun sharma - 04.07.2011 00:09

can you tell me the defference between AppDomain and Application pool? This is one of the question I have been asked in an interview and my answer was both are same, and used to isolate the applications so that if there is an issue with one application it will not effect the other application which is in other application pool. Plz tell me wheather I am right or wrong.
