How to Start a Successful Video Production Company

How to Start a Successful Video Production Company

Saj Adibs - Filmmaking Mentor

2 года назад

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@kurtmanderbach8164 - 06.01.2024 18:17

This video is something I never expected to find today! I am your biggest fan. I will definitely check out your videos. Thanks!

@gborbilor - 31.12.2023 10:35

Starting as a freelance is quiet difficult. This video really helped

@signlanguage7624 - 02.12.2023 20:05

Your a good man! Thank you for this video 🙏🏼

@justicewhitney528 - 22.11.2023 16:58

Yo nobody is tellin us information like this. ✌🏾 heaven sent !

@kerronandrewsvisualstoryte7503 - 31.10.2023 18:05

Great video. What banks you recommend for business account ?

@victoryomeh - 22.10.2023 03:37

Please keep it going, your my mentor

@MannyTejada - 28.09.2023 11:09

Thanks so much for this info!

@NikPres - 20.09.2023 12:53

Omg! Your video looks like someone you know sits with you at the same table and literally tells you how grow bigger in your life! Thank you man!

@BonafideBilli - 13.09.2023 18:44

This is valuable thank u. looking g forward to the course.

@georgigenchev903 - 21.08.2023 19:42

Great Video! I am a young aspiring filmmaker and this was really helpful :)

@jradrodrocreati-viti305 - 16.08.2023 12:41

Thank you for this checklist video, just starting my Business in this industry, I will be interested in joining your course!

@Toutbagayannabondans - 16.08.2023 02:33

New subscriber.

@GLAUCORILOFILMMAKER - 15.08.2023 13:29

Thank you so much for this video, really.

@Runway21Productions - 14.08.2023 18:50

amazing video

@manosmehedee - 13.08.2023 10:32

Very helpful, Thanks for sharing well organised information. 🙏

@taleajackson-stfujustbehap9188 - 12.07.2023 22:55

You are a god sent thank you so much for this video!

@VZ_Agency - 07.07.2023 00:00

Really helpful and informative checklist, Saj, you're the best, thank you!

@jevenja - 28.06.2023 10:32

It sound strange, but today it is a big problem that you can do no longer make mistakes. Because this is the stuff of tomorrow. In the past, people like you have risen out of those mistakes far more than those with more help than is offered today. Therefore, assistance is not quite necessarily a good thing these days. It takes more discipline and perseverance today and not quick access to help that paves the way to success. The Past creating You as an expert, that you are right now. Thank you for the help and support, even if I really shouldn't have it. You're just making it too easy for us. I appreciate your help but maybe better don't deserve it 😁😅😆

@zanelevundla5829 - 24.06.2023 21:10

Absolutely helpful... thank you

@cutbowmedia3243 - 03.06.2023 22:43

Picking a niche is so freaking hard. How do I know what’s going to be profitable?

@YounusYousuf - 03.05.2023 19:57

Thanks a lot

@estvideos6323 - 21.02.2023 22:06

I have a question, is the production company's responsibility to get a lawyer to review a client's script? For example what if a client wants to shoot a video that talks negatively about food products/brands?

@perrarusworld - 20.02.2023 07:07

Great video

@peaplecreative - 03.01.2023 18:02

Just found this 2023 so Happy New Year, really great information and the spreadsheet is super helpful, thank you

@miguelfmyers - 27.12.2022 14:11

Listening to this at 3 am, getting me fired up and motivated for sure. Thanks for the upload probably the best video about this subject I’ve seen.

@howto87 - 22.12.2022 20:08

I write my own script and I am hoping to film in the summer

@howto87 - 22.12.2022 20:07

I love your video. I wish I could learn more from you. Am in the process of developing a production company.

@alexathegr8 - 14.12.2022 22:12

Thanks for taking the time to go into detail about starting from the ground up. Sheesh. So much information I’m a little overwhelmed. Hi, I’m Alexa and I’m trying to escape the 9-5 and follow my passions. Would also love to be a part of a film making community where we all help and support one another, anyone interested? 😅

@andrewwhite8762 - 29.10.2022 21:26

Love your channel and amazing advice!

@pdlrkpdlrk9971 - 23.10.2022 04:55

Hey saj adibs out of curiosity do you plan on making a concise version of your course anytime soon with the current economic climate the 1.5k is a bit steep not to say its not worth 10x more but for some of us struggling trying to break in would be great to get the course at some affordable payments. Please let me know 🙏 😊

@beautifullybrilliant7542 - 09.10.2022 06:19

And yet again I agree with you on yet another point; it's called the film business for a reason. Because it's a business and if you can't run a business if you don't have the type of mind for it if you don't have a head for business then maybe you're better off just being an employee when it comes right down to it because finding someone else to run it for you is an excellent way to get screwed out of all your heart and money or in the very least just some of it. It's your company so it's your responsibility to run it and not just the fun stuff like doing the shoots and getting out the finished product but mind you I'm a weirdo so I find the business side actually a lot of fun actually I find it just as much fun as I have doing the shoots and creating the product but most people don't and for those of you just remember it's a job it's work it's not always going to be fun for me I enjoy both sides so it's like you never have to work a day in my life because if you love what you're doing to this point that I do then you truly never do work day in your life. However if you're like the other 90% or more of people and love the creating but hate the business side you're just going to have to deal with it buckle up and get it done because it's called the film business for reason it's business. Plain simple

@beautifullybrilliant7542 - 09.10.2022 06:12

A better alternative to buying new gear and or renting out new gear the day of because they Logistics of that can get very messy very quick and that's not a good look especially for your first few jobs. The best alternative I found especially because you're probably on a budget unless you're some trust fund kid then don't worry about this because you already have money lol, but the best alternative and what I personally do is I go to well in Toronto it's called Henry's camera store it's one of the best camera stores in definitely Ontario but even most of Canada the only second to some of the camera shops in Vancouver. And the only reason why Toronto and Vancouver have by far the best camera shops is because we are definitely the two hubs of filmmaking or what people refer to as Hollywood North. I strongly suggest you go into a camera shop like that and go into their used section or maybe they call it refurbished but they're not really refurbished. This is more of a case of rich guy buys a $5,000 camera say last year maybe takes it out of the box once or twice puts it on automatic mode because he doesn't have a clue what he's doing and wants to show off to his friends that he has an expensive camera with an even more expensive lens and then it sits there and next year comes around and he doesn't want to walk around with God forbid a year old camera like anybody who's serious and to film and photography would judge you for that. The one thing we will all we being serious filmmakers videographers photographers will judge you on is using a high priced beautifully made and constructed with all the bells and whistles camera on automatic mode. That is a crime against nature! But what these in all seriousness but what these guys will do is they'll go into Henry's and they'll take their super expensive camera which is kind of like a car for a lot of things especially when you trade them into stores like this once you drive it off the lot or take it out of the store it loses a lot of its value because it's no longer new so they'll go in they'll trade it into the store and put that money as store credit towards the newest you know this year's model of a camera they still don't know how to use. So what I've done and what I've recommended to everyone and this is way before even film school is he going and you say listen I'm going to buy a bunch of stuff lighting yours basic lighting sound camera body couple lenses of lens or two two lenses at least maybe some jobs how about you give me a deal on some of the lightly used stuff you know I need to buy a whole package and I'm going to keep coming back because this is my industry show them business card I'm a director skilled to member so I show them my guild credentials for that and for us as for those of you who are in the Director's Guild of Canada Directors Guild of America make sure these stores know that because you wouldn't believe how many discounts we get just for being in the guild. I'm talking when I got the list it was Pages upon Pages even things like Zipcar cars to go or cheaper I'm talking everything even cell phone plans I'm talking everything okay so and if you work in the makeup section like if you're doing hair and makeup go into Sephora and because you're professional you'll save a bundle on anything and Sephora and frankly not just stuff you need for work I'm talking stuff just. Stuff they don't know whether it's for work or for you it doesn't even matter but anyway back to this you go in introduce yourself you know make yourself credible to them and they will give you a deal and the deals will get better you know with every time you walk in there and actually buy something and pick a store that you like go check it a lot of different stores don't just go to the first one you see though I do recommend Henry's if you're in Toronto Ontario Canada it's at the corner south east corner of Church Street and Queen Street East downtown Toronto and go in and make yourself known to these people and I'm telling you it will pay off. Same thing as if you're in film School bring your credentials with your same for me is Ryerson University film and television film and television production program show them my card boom there's another discount plus you're going to give you a discount if you're buying full package or if you're buying full package but you say listen I can't even if you can't afford to pay for the whole thing at once which a lot of us really can't boom I want to buy this this and that till you buy the camera out right then there and trying to have some extra money left so you can say but listen I want to buy the rest of this stuff but I can't afford to buy it all right now I got to wait for a few paychecks and put some money down towards the rest of the stuff and we'll put it on aside from you you know every week or two you come back in you give them a few hundred bucks and then you have your stuff but you will definitely get a good discount because you have made yourself credible by doing what I laid out for you. And let me tell you something in this industry it's like business but aside from business High Finance and film credibility like your own personal credibility follow through which I see is just an aspect of credibility like keeping your word following through on budget on time you know not wasting people's time going into a store or asking million questions for an hour or two and then why can't with those 20% don't do that because frankly all you have is business is your name and your word and your product you lose any one of those three you're fucked but if you lose all three and generally if you lose one you'll lose all three and basically you're going to need to clean up crew but just one for your career that is anyway best of luck to you all

@beautifullybrilliant7542 - 09.10.2022 06:00

If you have zero skills at all or knowledge of the industry, I strongly suggest that you go and find another industry to create a company or your own business and because if you don't have any of the skills or knowledge whatsoever it just shows that you're barking up the wrong tree. Clearly you don't have the intuitive natural Drive an interest in love of film videography and photography and everything that goes with it or even anything whatsoever that goes with it because if you did your passion for it would not allow you to go through your life without learning at least the fundamentals if not everything you can get your hands on to teach you about this industry. You need to find an industry that you're that passionate about and then go create a company and go from there.

@blackriceexclusive - 30.09.2022 01:07

Thank you for the video and recommended gear list. What audio devices do you recommend to connect the Sennheiser shotgun mic to?

@FKSas - 07.09.2022 14:16

this is so great. i'm at the level where i've been working sets, mostly narrative, in different higher level roles. I've felt fortunate in that I've had a lot of interesting opportunities and been able to do some very cool things, but it's not sustainable. I haven't been making enough money despite these opportunities, and I've felt like I've been going in circles.

thank you for sharing this journey, it very much speaks to me.

@lievenbeckert3133 - 18.08.2022 00:25

amazing video!

@YanivKatz1 - 05.08.2022 13:52

this video made me subscribe.
thank you for your experience and knowledge

@KatzYaniv - 05.08.2022 01:06


@mallettefs - 28.07.2022 01:17

Has the video about helping us pick a niche been created ? :) Thanks for the video, i just discovered your channel and it the content is great help.

@jorgecelaya3953 - 26.07.2022 08:35

Great information!! Thanks so much!!!

@temllostudio - 28.06.2022 04:18

Thanks for this video

@AHMEDHAMINE - 16.06.2022 16:46

*thanks youuuu sooo much ... this is very helpful .... you're a good guy *🥰

@otabwill709 - 14.06.2022 17:57

OMG the throwback to dreamweaver 😂. Great video!

@aguschar1 - 30.05.2022 19:40

where can i see your work, portfolio? thanks man

@jonathanhahn8807 - 09.05.2022 12:54

Loved this!

@Prod_Space - 02.05.2022 00:27

Thank you for this content and a lot of informations bro,
I'll start my new company in the few coming months.
