Ubuntu 20.04 Review: Is it any good?

Ubuntu 20.04 Review: Is it any good?

Make Tech Easier

4 года назад

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@vajidali9979 - 28.06.2020 12:37

Hey There how are you . I am first viewer.

@etlttc353 - 28.06.2020 12:47

Ubuntu amaright ?

@ChristianClark - 28.06.2020 13:50

it's the BEST !

@Rolatnor - 29.06.2020 00:57

95th view

@donjames5761 - 04.07.2020 09:53

i really enjoy this release. i installed it on a spare 120gb SSD and well its 2 weeks later and i haven't booted into windows. this release does everything i need and faster

@hamdiaciksoz8291 - 29.08.2020 00:45

The best distro ever.

@bassistdc - 25.10.2020 05:56

Is it o 4 or zero 4??

@ricardofranco7419 - 14.04.2021 02:54

Ok I do like it. So much I switched my workstation from windows 10 to it. It’s fast and snappy. But... Ubuntu had an update pending today. I went ahead and performed the update. Didn’t think twice about it. Upon restarting the pc, I found my WiFi card was not being detected. Thinking it was a diver issue proceeded to connect the Ethernet because I thought that maybe I had to install drivers that Ubuntu may have missed on the update. Ethernet didn’t work. I deducted the update had either uninstalled or disabled my network card. Went into terminal and checked to see that yes, my network card was disabled. I enabled it, restarted the pc, and problem solved. Now... if Microsoft or Apple had rolled out an update that did this, can you imagine the fit people would be throwing? I’m a software engineer and a Linux admin so I was able to solve the problem. But most common users wouldn’t have stood a chance. I’m being honest. If canonical cannot stop itself from botching little things like these, how can we tout Ubuntu and to a lesser extent, other Linux distributions, as user friendly? If you had looked up the problem I had, most instructions try to have you download and reinstall the drivers by either connecting to the internet (which presumably wouldn’t work since the card was disabled) or have you look for the drivers in an Ubuntu iso (which actually didn’t work). Don’t get me wrong. I love Linux. I’ve been using it for about 11 years (even though my main machines were not Linux). I just wish we could get to the point of saying, “it’s so user friendly, your mother/father can use it.” Anyways, cheers!

@tyeadel - 01.07.2021 03:01

Have used ubuntu since 8.04. The 20.04 has a habit of losing things; so far networking, video settings (X2) and boot.

@xattrickmazeo5782 - 24.02.2022 16:14

I've tried older ubuntu versions before, but after trying this version in a virtual machine, I've been really impressed. This version might be the very fist one that deserves a primary installation on my pc. I don't know what it is exactly that makes this version so much better than the older versions of ubuntu for me, like this OS has finally grown up or something idk. I'm not that experienced with linux, but it seems this OS has everything figured out. Love the interface and how smooth everything runs. Ive tried out other linux distro's but none of them seem to spark my interest as much as Ubuntu does at the moment.
