Stellaris: Utopia "Path to Ascension" Release Date Reveal Trailer

Stellaris: Utopia "Path to Ascension" Release Date Reveal Trailer

Paradox Interactive

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AngieCraft - 19.07.2023 18:31

If this was a movie...
Aliens = the good guys
Humans = main mega villain

AntedUp Entertainment
AntedUp Entertainment - 07.05.2023 21:27

Love all the Stellaris 1.0 things; the aliens using hyperspace lanes to transport out of the system while the humans use wormhole travel... Really makes me miss the Wormhole, Jump Drive, Hyperspace travel concepts from start.

YumLemmingKebabs - 12.03.2023 15:18

I like how "Utopia" is supposedly the theme of the upcoming first contact expansion but all the new content is about a megacorp doing interstellar colonialism... And it's not like they have no idea what Utopia means... So just... What?

Twisted Operator
Twisted Operator - 12.03.2023 05:33

Still coming back to these lol

Sabir Badri
Sabir Badri - 12.03.2023 00:40

On my last playthrough as rogue servitors an empire (including its vassals) controlling nearly 40% of a large galaxy declared total war on me. Only about six months before the contingency had arrived and I was barely able to build up additional fleets to keep from being completely overrun fighting a two front war. I was running a deficit of nearly 1000 EC every month for about 10 years until I spotted a dyson sphere that was sitting only three hyperlanes away from my main ingress into their space. Talk about hitting two birds with one stone! After grabbing their dyson the tide immediately turned, my economy was now firmly out of the red and I'd crippled the empire that made up about 30% of my enemies' naval strength. Ended up conquering about 90% of their space and well over a thousand biotrophies while kicking out the contingency with my freed up fleets.

Mitchell - 19.12.2022 21:17

US vs CHINA ,and taiwan is the sphere

ℸ ̣ᔑꖎꖎ !¡ᒷ∷ᓭ𝙹リ
ℸ ̣ᔑꖎꖎ !¡ᒷ∷ᓭ𝙹リ - 10.12.2022 21:42

Yeah, my money’s on the fascists

Awesomegj - 27.11.2022 00:37

Ever since this trailer has released I just keep coming back to it over and over again! Just hats off to paradox for such a good story telling in a freaking trailer lol.

TimesNewLogan - 11.10.2022 03:03

Dozens of empires, hundreds of species, thousands of scientists, millions of stars, billions of years…

…and the entire galaxy still can’t tell the difference between a sphere and a dodecahedron.

Negativity - 07.10.2022 22:31

Look at these lovely cities and organics… just to be burnt down by my determine exterminator empire

Joshua Fernandes
Joshua Fernandes - 07.10.2022 15:41

Now, watching this trailer, i think that the real porpouse of the Commonwealth of man was to use the Dyson Sphere as an Asterophasic Machine, ascending to a new order of progress in the Shround.
It just me that think that "Becomes the crises" fits very well with the Commonwealth?

Sephian - 21.09.2022 22:49

Aaah yes, a dyson sphere 👌🏼

BronzeJourney - 18.09.2022 21:42

Sadly, in the game, by the time you are ready to repair or build a dyson sphere, your enery production is around at least 10 times the energy dyson sphere would produce. Meaning it has almost no value other than "meh, i did everything else already, might as well a dyson sphere as well, why not".

Colonel Bragg
Colonel Bragg - 11.08.2022 20:23

With every Stellaris game you start as the Federation drift into the Galactic Empire then morph into the Imperium of Man and finally end with the Interim Coalition of Governance.

TimeToPlayTR - 09.05.2022 20:30


KaiserBlood 68
KaiserBlood 68 - 08.05.2022 06:08

Make a multi ethical Empire and naming it the Hapsburg Empire

Tattorack - 22.04.2022 02:13

Hey, remember when we had these cool differing FTL technologies?

amin a
amin a - 22.03.2022 23:12

Chad Authoritarian vs virgin peaceful

M Kosmala
M Kosmala - 17.03.2022 22:58

“Of all tyrannies, a tyranny exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It may be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated, but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end, for they do so with the approval of their own conscience. […] To be ‘cured’ against one’s will and cured of states which we may not even regard as disease is to be put on a level with those who have not yet reached the age of reason or those who never will; to be classed with infants, imbeciles, and domestic animals.”
- CS Lewis

ThatShyGuy - 13.03.2022 13:44

Aliens: we want everyone to co exist and be happy
Humans: we want to be megalomaniacal assholes

Noah Tyler Pritchett
Noah Tyler Pritchett - 04.02.2022 19:14

In a galaxy of federations humans will dominate any empire, nation or federation or confederation. It doesn't matter if they join willingly or unwillingly or infact they themselves made such a nation. Our fertility will outbreed any species. And our adaptability will have humans outclass aliens in all fields. For humanity is the superior species of the galaxy.

Monke - 03.02.2022 05:36

To everyone arguing in comments avout who won: If you pay attention to every stellaris trailers you'll see the Commonwealth won this war. After that the federation got assimilated by their own robots (watch the Synthetic Dawn trailer), and they got their ass kicked by other empires. Later the CoE went to a revenge war against the horde alongside the UNE (Apocalypse console edition trailer).

LostInForums - 21.01.2022 22:30

This is basically up the Tau Empire vs the Imperium of Man

johnnymcblaze - 17.01.2022 04:17

Humans on the one side, everything else on the other. Too true.

I mean, there is a reason we aren't allowed off of this planet.

Jebber - 03.12.2021 06:59

That dude with the round glasses behind her HAS to have a german accent.

AV AY - 03.12.2021 00:26

I just played Stellaris and Commonwealth of Man is my first faction, they looks cool in this trailer

Trifles - 23.11.2021 23:30

Never bet against the Federation. Any Federation.

Неизвестный - 19.11.2021 22:37

Сюжет трейлера просто потрясающий! Однако в самой игре все гораздо иначе. Я около 15 раз проходил игру и мне ни разу в галактике не попадалась сфера Дайсона, или к примеру уплотнитель материи, стратегический или научный комплекс. Всё, что мне постоянно попадалось - это бесполезное мегосооружение для дипломатии и такая же бесполезная художественная выставка, за которые особо никто не воюет. Попадался постоянно мир-кольцо по несколько штук и в разном состоянии , но опять же, какой либо серьезной войны из-за него не возникает. Более того мегасооружения в игре ценятся куда меньше, чем в трейлере. Да и часто строить мегасооружение - дело бесполезное. Они не помогают кого то обогнать и превзойти, а лишь усиляют и без того набравшую мощь империю за которую играешь.

Cupidon Sauce
Cupidon Sauce - 29.10.2021 07:19

"Control the entire galaxy"
Me one own built Dyson sphere and a stolen one later* : Ayo all my energy credits are going into buying rare crystals and gas ;-;

Crystian Vasconcelos
Crystian Vasconcelos - 18.10.2021 22:50

if you read the book utopia (title that gave rise to the term utopia) you will realize that the book makes a satirize the idea of ​​the perfect place in other words utopia and a joke that did not have to be taken seriously

Nelson Martin
Nelson Martin - 29.09.2021 10:08

ha they say utopia but for some reason you can only make one Dyson sphere

Green Diamond502
Green Diamond502 - 19.09.2021 19:25

I have brought peace, freedom, justice, and security to my new empire.

Phoenix Hokage
Phoenix Hokage - 19.09.2021 14:44

This becomes more and more closer to our reality and it both fills me with hope and fear.

But either way, change is coming.

YorktownUSA - 05.08.2021 16:51

I'll put 10 on the humans.

Losingluke - 04.07.2021 18:45

who would win:
several xeno empires with massive fleets
space soccer ball with sun inside

kefpull - 04.07.2021 11:45

i was like "Isn't this in the game already"??? like why is a 3 year old video in my recommended

stalwart tea kettle Potato
stalwart tea kettle Potato - 02.06.2021 01:21

The alien representative saying some random platitudes about what they will do when they get a Dyson sphere.


This pretty much describes every stellaris playthrogh i had. Even when I play a peace living diplomatic empire I always end up teaching the, galaxy of my peaceful ways.
By force.

Atomic - 22.05.2021 12:12

We will let them know force.

Luxai - 12.05.2021 14:46

Dyson Dollars baby.

MarbleWarrior - 09.05.2021 21:06

Fight over a football?

Ryan R
Ryan R - 27.04.2021 18:18

Ah yes, the classic realism and liberalism explained in two minutes video.

Azul - 31.03.2021 11:40

"For centuries, our kind have raged war upon each other. From the lonely planet of our home world, we fought over race, recourses, and religion. When our people achieved the power of sailing and flight, we believed it would unite us. Yet we waged war. When our people went to space, we believed that war was left on Earth. War remained with us during the War of Planets. Then it continued in the First and Second Solar War. As a result of this blood shed, we lost millions of lives and 2 satellite moons on Saturn and Mars. We owe it to the species to achieve peace. We owe it to our children and our children's children, to end the blood shed. As our galactic neighbors pitied us, we assassinated peace makers and world leaders just to gain another asteroid of iron. Is this our destiny? Are we to end our own species over resources? Is the cost of humanity worth an extra credit on the market? No! Never again! I bring forth a proposal. Not for the sake of the Earth Union. Not for the Mars Federation or the Saturn Confederacy, for the sake of humanity. We all, as descendants of Earth, owe it to our own species, to put down the weapons of death and embrace each other with a shared pain. We have all lost loved ones in the Wars of Humanity. We must end this now. Let the future generations of our species tell the Galaxy for centuries to come, that when no star shined upon humanities future, the human race shined brightest together. Let us light the way for our children, and pass the Humanity Accords. For Humanity, for Unity, for the future of our species!"

Alexi Salazaro, Prime Minister of the Saturn Confederation
Humanity Accords proposal to the Solar Council
Olympia, Mars Federation, Mars
Sol 222, 2222

911 : 74

Javier Fernández
Javier Fernández - 09.03.2021 03:26

Meanwhile; a Xenophobic Fallen Empire neighboring the sphere:
What the heck is going on here?

Kayseek - 02.03.2021 15:15

Is anyone else watching this in 2022?

Light 1988
Light 1988 - 01.03.2021 09:10

IMHO opinion, mankind is meant to conquer the universe, not play nice and appease any alien life forms. Whether they are more advanced or not, come hell or high water, mankind must dominate everything out there.

Attika - 21.02.2021 10:02

For the Empire!

Jlassi Jlali
Jlassi Jlali - 17.02.2021 01:22


Pietro - 16.02.2021 03:48

“Where multitudes of species coexist and thrive” By coexist you mean serving in a eternal state slavery and thrive by losing half of their lives due to extreme work conditions, then yes.
