Awesome video! Please definitely do more specs and classes for the first seven years!!
ОтветитьReally enjoyed the video
ОтветитьI recall you were going to play pally?
ОтветитьPity you didnt talk about the biggest buff we got in wotlk which was updated looks on forms :D
ОтветитьOf course we want!
Ответитьdo it
ОтветитьThis was a hook as soon as I heard the intro, great video especially as a viewer that doesn’t typically make it through a full video.
ОтветитьDo Warrior next!
Ответить;( I'm depressed. I don't want the LK visual change to happen to Bear + Cat Form. I love the purple Lynx cat skin. It's iconic and <3 and I just don't like the LK skin update to both but in particular the Cat Form.
ОтветитьLets go blazers!
ОтветитьDO BOOMY
ОтветитьI would love to see the rest of the classes for sure!! 😆
ОтветитьThanks, i know you were thinking of me. you know what this is about ;)
ОтветитьI feel like I need to comment on this one just to have a better chance of seeing my class (holy priest next?)
ОтветитьKeep them going
ОтветитьLoved it
ОтветитьThought it was great. Love to see a paladin video like this one.
ОтветитьThis was really cool! Eagerly awaiting the eventual warrior version!
ОтветитьMan this video was so awesome I'd love to see them all detailed like this. I've been loving feral in tbc
ОтветитьLoved it m8! Try to do the same for all classes maybe? For myself i dont really care for the changes past mist of pandaria so you could skip that🙈 but was really fun to watch
ОтветитьDo the classes you prefer first but all of them up to cata would be nice!
ОтветитьGreat overview, thanks Scotte. Would be really cool to watch the same about boomie. Thanks!
ОтветитьNice one. Would love to see more like this !
ОтветитьGood on you, theres just something I really respect about people championing one class for a long time.
I love several classes for different reasons and its fun to toy around with. But I do admire that guy from my guild whos just ALWAYS playing paladin. Like hes never on any alts either. He healed us through progression in classic, then specced either ret or prot for when stuff was on farm. Always a top performer.
Yeah, feral was great through wrath, and pretty much a dumpster fire since Cata. However, wrath saw the rise of chart topping moonkins! Have fond memories of getting picked up for Heroic ICC as a moonkin
ОтветитьAbsolutely wicked vid! ++ for every class and spec (hunter for sureeeee)💚
Ответить7 years of depression.
ОтветитьFeral was gimped trash in Vanilla, good in BC and very good in WotLK.
ОтветитьAt the beginning... before watching the vid idk if I can watch this, so much pain in these memories (Feral mostly since late vanilla)
Post: bless you for not going into mop...the end of Feral Combat,
my only 2c is that though wotlk was good for numbers, savage roar was an awful and boring addition to the spec. But man I remember getting that staff when it was current, a drink or two deep went straight into bgs and just started eating people, those were good times.
Love this as a series idea. I want to see one for every class!
ОтветитьMoP was garbage. Homogenization went out of control and started the trends of pruning that WoD made worse.
Ответитьas someone who didnt play wow till classic and still hasnt retail, this was really neat. deff curious of MOP > SLands
ОтветитьThis brought back so many great memories. Thanks for sharing!
ОтветитьDO IT ALL!
ОтветитьWhat changed? We went from being actual hybrids (as we are intended to be!!!!!) to splitting into separate trees and become an abomination of the name Feral.
ОтветитьSick video bro 🤩
ОтветитьCataclysm was straight up dogshit for ferals. The only expansion where you could not shift out of roots and novas...
ОтветитьWAS THAT YOUR CARD TRICK ?!? i used to be super into those as well in high school it was pretty neat ! been loving your content man it’s nice we have very similar interests (also a feral druid on TBC rn. my first WOW)
ОтветитьI've been watching your videos for a while and Idk why I didn't sub yet but you got me with that card :) wp
ОтветитьFeral is the best. Can't wait to live the feral dream in wrath
Ответитьbear tanking in TBC was so fun
ОтветитьIm a wrath baby feral main all my life this was some good shit
ОтветитьI liked this video mate, well done.
Ответитьsure u should do more vids of this kind it will make u popular jay
ОтветитьI like the video, but i stopped watching after wotlk. I won’t play that
ОтветитьI know this is an old video, but what addon do you use to keep track of your DoT timers in Wrath?
ОтветитьGreat vid! Thx mate! Was I dreaming when I thought the change of combo pts stacking on us rather than targets also happened in Cata? Or was it later? WoD even?