Unlocking The Power Of Unity's Scriptable Render Pipeline

Unlocking The Power Of Unity's Scriptable Render Pipeline

Game Dev Guide

1 год назад

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Guedez - 10.10.2023 05:59

What's the exact difference from URP and HDRP?
If they are both scriptable, is the difference just the 'starting point'?
Can't you change one into becoming the other?
Because HDRP have exclusive features to it, like that new fancy water shader. So despite the fact that URP is probably better for stylized graphics, HDRP has more features

Furkan Tetik
Furkan Tetik - 04.10.2023 19:39

Can we make this with HDRP?

5 Daydreams
5 Daydreams - 29.09.2023 18:40

I don't know what I have wrong or different to your scripts, I have rechecked line by line several times over the course of three hours now:
I noticed a null reference regarding the camera color target. Is there some sort of editor setup which is necessary to retrieve the camera color target from the bloom shader?

My result applies the ben day dots, but it doesn't render literally anything from the scene - I also had to force my post processing to check for both the ingame camera and the editor camera, otherwise nothing gets rendered at all in either the viewport or the game screen.

I know for a fact that I messed up. I just can't see where and when, and I do have a feeling that the issue could be within the shadergraph settings or the scriptable objects for the URP setup.

ThePavoReality - 21.09.2023 23:14

For those that have come here to follow the tutorial: DON'T. Find something else to watch.

I can't recommend this video at all. I've been coding for over 10 years now and even though the editing is smooth and everything is explained well, there's so many parts that are glossed over. I've been following this "tutorial" for just under 2 hours and it's not working at all. I've got three variables that have never been declared; I've got run-time errors and it's all been a big waste of time. I can't even guess what's missing. I'm sure this channel is great, but there's something sneaky about making a tutorial 90% complete and then charging people £8.50 to access the files via patreon.

Robert Verdes
Robert Verdes - 21.09.2023 04:20

A breath of fresh air.

bbuskabuske - 17.09.2023 17:09

It really doesn't need to be this fucking convoluted and messy. Why can't it be a stack of direct hlsl scrips or the shader graph objects that we can individually code and call it a day? why does it have to be this complicated? Its literally the definition of over engineering

Tex Athens
Tex Athens - 13.09.2023 04:08

After watching this I feel like I will take years to be able to do this. But still it’s cool.

Daniel ES
Daniel ES - 07.09.2023 01:02

I found someone that implemented this on github, but I get errors and the same white screen other people mentioned. Wish the uploader had put a project on github or something.

Big Spec Games
Big Spec Games - 06.09.2023 21:52

I have tried for a full day to get this line to work: var desc = GetCompatibleDescriptor(tw, th, hdrFormat); in unity 2022.3, having no luck. Does anyone else have any ideas?

Jake Gurien
Jake Gurien - 31.08.2023 13:48

has anyone been getting an issue when they try to connect add the bloom texture to the blit texture? for some reason my blit texture is black, so when i add them together it doesn't do anything...

REUN - 24.08.2023 10:10

why do we need to recreate Unity's bloom from ground up just to grab bloom texture, when we can just name our texture "_Bloom_Texture" in our composite fullscreen shadergraph and just use regular bloom?

Fearofthemonster - 14.08.2023 22:23

I think I will give up trying to learn shader coding. Life is too short to spend learning the god awful language called HLSL.

Grinya PLAY
Grinya PLAY - 04.08.2023 21:46

Still no good all in book from Unity developers. Learn from documentation and lessons is sick practice.

Jiraboas - 15.07.2023 13:33

The things you are showing here in this video are pretty awesome! Unfortunately at the end, when it is become more and more complex you skip too many things and you explain things WAY to fast to follow. :/

Lantertronics - Aaron Lanterman
Lantertronics - Aaron Lanterman - 02.07.2023 12:06

Excellent tutorial on the SRP! Although... it's not clear to me what you're doing here that could be done with a custom post processing effect in the original Built-In Pipeline. I must be overlooking something.

Guillem Domènech
Guillem Domènech - 01.07.2023 02:10

The game view looks fine but the scene view looks black, does anyone know how to fix that?

Vinh Nguyễn
Vinh Nguyễn - 26.06.2023 19:54

I can't comprehend anything lmao

Nick Morrill
Nick Morrill - 26.06.2023 04:10

My world has gone black, anyone know the cause? I am around 16 min trying to apply ben-day dots, setting up the see the bloom pass has caused darkness...

HXSRZ - 24.06.2023 00:37

my tiny brain can't understand >

itznotpikachu - 22.06.2023 22:16

I'm love this channel! Can you please make a video on coding a custom text component that uses sprites instead of font files? If it's possible of course. Thank you!

Martin Finch
Martin Finch - 17.06.2023 14:20

Great video 🎉

Anselmo Noriega
Anselmo Noriega - 02.06.2023 07:51

I cant fins unitys fullscreen Shader Graph, can someone help me?

Novacification - 31.05.2023 17:12

I just started learning Unity, so this subject is of very little value to me other than it's great knowing I can have this level of control far down the line.
However, it's obvious that your videos are very clear, informative and super well put together. I can already tell that your channel is a great learning resource and I'll definitely check out more of your stuff.

Aurelio Provedo
Aurelio Provedo - 29.05.2023 05:17

Thanks for the best documentation out there on SRPs!

Romain Parizot
Romain Parizot - 25.05.2023 17:54

To those who can't make it work, you need Unity 2022 and URP 14. RTHandle doesn't appear in ScriptableRenderer before URP 14, and SetupRenderPasses doesn't show up until Unity 2022. GDG mentions that he uses Unity 2022, but it's really critical here.

Daniel Cardin
Daniel Cardin - 22.05.2023 02:50

Wonderful I get to relearn scriptable render passes because URP changed AGAIN

Shot Out Games
Shot Out Games - 11.05.2023 15:27

I don't see the outline shader in the package so I can test the multipass.

Stef Keegan
Stef Keegan - 11.05.2023 00:21

bummer this starts out so very promising, but there is no way anyone without deeper coding knowledge could follow this because there are several errors and it jumps all over the place! I've tried diggin through the comments for fixes, but it would be good if you could confirm what we should do in the description or something! Otherwise it's a really great video, it's just not possible to follow along with sadly.

Kronnect Technologies
Kronnect Technologies - 08.05.2023 12:30

There's an issue at 12.00: when calling ConfigureInput, use the "|" (OR bitwise operand) to specify which inputs buffers are used, for example:
m_pass.ConfigureInput(ScriptableRenderPassInput.Depth | ScriptableRenderPassInput.Color)

EnragedTerrier - 06.05.2023 03:07

I got it to work finally, but now I have an issue where the scene view looks like it has no light at all except for the bloom when I have the render feature enabled, so I'm no sure what to do about that. besides re-enabling it every time I want to see it.

Tony Trudeau
Tony Trudeau - 05.05.2023 22:49

Really cool. I didn't understand much of this at all though.

Hailee F
Hailee F - 01.05.2023 10:58

For people who can't find the Bloom shader in packages you need to click the crossed out eye to reveal it.

Dissonant Protean
Dissonant Protean - 24.04.2023 21:44

Thanks for the tutorial; I will say it's a bit unfortunate that Post Process effects aren't so out-the-box. Like to compare with Unreal, you can do it there in like under 10 clicks or something

John Wheel
John Wheel - 23.04.2023 19:04

Where is VolumeComponent ? cant find it anywhere

NoxGameDev - 22.04.2023 20:44

For those of you following along and wondering about m_pass and the Descriptor.. m_pass should be m_customPass and the descriptors declaration is: RenderTextureDescriptor m_Descriptor;

zoot. - 22.04.2023 05:18

Honestly, The thing that confuses me the most is knowing what the different rendering stages are useful for in the pipeline.

The order seems to matter completely and Idk much about what each stage does or the order of it.

The best thing that has helped me start to understand so far is just learning OpenGL on it's own. It's alot to take in but it eases you into it a little more imo because It's a fundamental part of using OpenGL. When your using unity. Unity takes care of all of that inbetween stuff for you. You can choose to skip past it and focus on other stuff. (Which is the purpose of unity to begin with). It's just easier for me to lead into it rather than go back and tweak pre-existing systems personally.

Nick Baker
Nick Baker - 22.04.2023 02:16

I really appreciate your tutorial and work here! I've actually been doing something similar in Unreal, trying to grab their bloom texture so I could apply the halftone dots effect to it, and then also apply the hatching AO effect too, all in an effort to simulate Hi-Fi Rush's style. In Unity I make my own shaders and have used Shader Graph so many times, but how Unity specifically sets up its passes and the render features have always been a little confusing to me. Your video explains it really well and I will definitely be referencing it in my future work. Great job!!

EKS DEE - 22.04.2023 00:29

makes me think of sunset overdrive. that game was kind of a banger

GHB - 20.04.2023 01:34

the cartoon comic book graphics is called “cel-shading”

Hiếu Trần
Hiếu Trần - 19.04.2023 05:40

Very interesting video. Thank you for sharing

Matt Kaiser
Matt Kaiser - 18.04.2023 20:24

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for this video.

Kurt Lon
Kurt Lon - 17.04.2023 18:02

This is what they use for Genshin Impact and other Mihoyo Games.

f chong
f chong - 17.04.2023 14:13

would love to see a toon shader tutorial from you O.O applied in a renderer feature like you do in this tutorial

TheDeliverGuy - 16.04.2023 07:23

Is blitting the only way to get rendering results to other textures? I tried to reset the render target to other textures before draw call but no luck with that at all.

Aubrey Hesselgren
Aubrey Hesselgren - 15.04.2023 21:36

Just wanted to thank you so much for this! I've had several stabs at URP NPR effects on my weekends, and it's been super frustrating on many fronts (apis changing, tutorials for older versions). I've managed to leak gpu memory and totally hang my computer a few times because it's been unclear how and when to dealloc RTHandles etc. It has not been for the feint of heart! I hope you do more examples, but this on is great at getting the concepts across more holistically. Finally feels like I can make some progress on my side work!
