Why I'm Using the Helix live in 2024

Why I'm Using the Helix live in 2024

John Nathan Cordy

2 месяца назад

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@cannedmilk - 01.06.2024 16:45

I recently started using a Pod Go from a regular amp and cab setup. It’s been so convenient for gigs. Setup and tear down is fast, sound is consistent, and I can almost recreate any sound with some tweaking. Now I want a helix, but they’re so pricey.

@JRandallS - 27.05.2024 07:08

Unfortunately I have followed the same path. Unfortunately as I've wasted $ on nice pedals and amps that are no longer necessary.

@kannonprice3521 - 09.05.2024 20:14

Helix is so great but has just one big problem for me. With a traditional pedalboard it’s very unlikely for everything to break at once but if you rely on one helix if it stops working you’re kinda fucked unless u can afford/ bring a backup helix.

@steveandrushko75 - 01.05.2024 18:11

i love your solo soind what amp are you on? I want to duplicate that tone

@KingSimRacing - 29.04.2024 00:37

Hi John great video once again.

I also use the Helix and Fender FR-12 Cab. Could you explain a little what you mean about using the headphone out into the fender and what this achieves?


@JosephCompton66 - 28.04.2024 04:06

I still love my pedal board. It is super easy for me to dial in the stuff I want

@bmac8810 - 25.04.2024 02:42

That snare is on like a 750:1 ratio lol! Great vid Jon :)

@seanfreimond - 24.04.2024 16:45

The other day I forgot my helix at church and had to roll with a pedalboard and a valve amp for a live worship thing - I am completely healed of the need to ever do that again, the bulk just isnt worth the trouble, and the Helix is way more versatile and actually sounds better because the room we were in didn't sound great! Helix forever, and valve amp for glorious at home in the room tones ❤. When you're playing with in ears even more so.

@Hyperspeed1000 - 24.04.2024 12:01

the helix is amazing. No tap dancing needed. You can create tones that would be really hard to replicate in real life and in all the time I never had a bug or a freeze despite being it technically a computer.

@sandesh.sange.moktan - 24.04.2024 06:58

It only has to do is make it screen touch

@BigDancin - 23.04.2024 23:14

That's the key benefit live - as you said, it either works or it doesn't. When a pedal board is not outputting sound, there are probably about 20 things that may possibly have gone wrong. It is frantic sweat time if you have to troubleshoot that in front of a crowd. I believe in using a multifx board, with or without a real amp, and then having a pedalboard at the gig as a backup. If you power up in soundcheck, you can feel pretty good that you won't be running for that pedalboard and you're good.

@jeanclark7296 - 23.04.2024 19:28

I was nearly with ya until you did stuff on the fly.. stuff like that helps if you can see..!! ( I prefer the FX8 in scenes if you’re going down that route ) but to have to bend down and press stuff is a no no mid gig..

@4602experience - 23.04.2024 17:44

Simulations are great! But nothing beats reality 😉

@shawntracy4444 - 23.04.2024 13:16

JC, noticed your Helix volume is dimed. I keep mine at 12, do you find full on better for gain staging to fr12?

@FabrizioPeretti - 23.04.2024 10:05

As previously said, this types of functional gigs just work better with the floor Helix to me.

@peterdadswell7998 - 23.04.2024 08:00

You have come full circle young grasshopper, lol. Helix all the way, with or without an amp.

@luiseg277 - 23.04.2024 05:49

Hi Cody, I recently saw your video on how you were using another board, than the helix, and you mentioned the size, but when I saw both, they were basically the same to me, size comparison between boards is not valid in this case 😅. Have you thought of the pod go instead?

@briancassidy7510 - 23.04.2024 05:20

Helix , especially if you learn the controls and labels and settings favorites, is unbelievably awesome.

@monahantp3767 - 23.04.2024 05:12

THAT's why I've invested in the Helix; an all-in-one solution that's easily programable without a computer-- and it sounds great. Love pedals and real amps, but the Helix is a multi-tool to get a specific job done. Also, most people in the audience don't have a clue about what you're using anyway-- that's not why they're there ;)

@andersoncamargo5864 - 23.04.2024 04:29

Hélix está no mesmo nível de kemper e Quad e fm9 ?

@FloBorge - 23.04.2024 04:17

Philip Bynoe (Steve Vai's band) tours the world with his Helix. I think that does it. :)

@duanetribune4441 - 22.04.2024 23:26

Recently had a gig that had backline amp that I usually have & that I use as amp in my HELIX. Since it was regionally I thought about taking my FR12 but opted to just setup my HELIX preset sans the amp & run it in front of the amp. I tweaked it using my Blues Cube Artist that I have at home. At the gig it freaking rocked. The mighty HELIX won out again in a live situation. Love it!

@Terrible_Peril - 22.04.2024 14:18

Utility is apparent. That’s how you know a great product design like the Helix family. And now using that winning formula to inform the intentionally lower tiered Pod products just makes them infinitely better as well, giving more players a chance to use it which will improve feedback and designs in the future.

@svenderiknielsen5767 - 22.04.2024 12:57

I have both the Helix and the QC. I can see the advantage in terms of the Helix have build in power supply other than that the QC might also be a good choice for the gig. All the best Svend from Denmark

@MuckingAboutWithMyHeadrush - 22.04.2024 11:50

"If not on a Helix then what?" erm.. a Headrush would be just as easy to make those changes on.. I have an FM9 too, and yes, not so easy :)

@davidkerslake267 - 22.04.2024 10:48

Had the Helix since day one and the options it gives you are more than enough for a cover band player, even for acoustic gigs too, I’ve tried other units but the Helix having more switches always wins for me 😀

@charliek2557 - 22.04.2024 05:32

This dude can play.

@StratsRUs - 22.04.2024 01:17

I love my Helix now.
Never used to but over time and updates it is phenomenal.

@handyc77 - 22.04.2024 00:08

If I was still playing live, I would have an LT or Floor. But now iI'm using a Stomp XL as an audio source and Native into my DAW

@aviator_bryan - 21.04.2024 19:11

Helix beat by big pedalboard years ago, with the G2 switcher and Strymons, H9, drives etc. and now my Fractals beat my helix. It’s an ongoing quest.

@b_m3998 - 21.04.2024 16:15

What is the object on the side of your hat? I’m not sure if that’s been addressed before, but, I can’t figure it out

@PlayinOcean - 21.04.2024 15:29

I am subscribed to the Google Drive, but I cannot find this preset there. How do I get access to it? Sounds great!

@sinfirma23 - 21.04.2024 09:52

I have never bought a pedal since I bought my Fractal Audio and I have a Marshall SV20H that sounds just like the Fractal version through the same cab. The only reason I keep my Marshall is because of that comforting psychological aspect of using completely analog equipment and having it in front of you.

@vriendelijkegroet - 21.04.2024 08:38

The Blackstar amped1 has an XLR but also a poweramp it can go into ANY cab available.

@Glensully - 21.04.2024 08:24

I thought you weren’t using the helix anymore…. I like to use my amp these days and the helix. At home helix only

@johnplaystheguitar123 - 21.04.2024 08:06

still on your Sam Fender kick I see. It's such a great song to wank over.

@livelypelts3325 - 21.04.2024 04:13

Why not the FM9?

@johnnytwo-shoes9798 - 21.04.2024 03:40

On the size of the helix, the other comparative units don't have an integrated expression pedal. Without that it would be a comparable size to the QC (I'd imagine don't have one). I always use an expression for something even with my hx stomp.

Size in transit does make it seem bigger but on the floor in use just having to plug in 1 thing plus maybe a second expression.

With my hx stomp which fits in large soft lunchbox, at a minimum I have it and an mc6 midi MK2. I usually also plug in a Dunlop mini x exp pedal . Sometimes an ehx pitchfork nano. 3 pedals that need power, patch leads, midi cord and trs for the exp. Sometimes a boss looper which adds a 4th pedal needing power. All need isolated power because digital pedals are noisy and don't play well with daisy chains.

With the helix, I plug 1 thing in, the extra exp pedal if needed and a boss looper if needed - 2 patch cables at most 2 power supplies at most if I bring the looper (rarely do). Usually it's just the helix and that's it. Love that about the helix - it's an all in one of you need an exp pedal.

@jnixo9900 - 21.04.2024 01:53

I went and saw a band last night for the first time in years (yes im old lol). It was loud (in a good way). My Point? If they were using modellers or amps I dont think I could have told the difference. The mix was great and you could pick everything out but the guitarist could have been using anything and ultimately it sounded like a guitar in a mix. Side note. I forgot how awesome live drums and bass feels!!

@john808welk - 21.04.2024 00:07

Dude, that intro was soooo good!

@citizenphaid1880 - 20.04.2024 23:43

Question. Why use the phone out rather than dedicated out from the helix to the frfr?

@horstzankl5709 - 20.04.2024 22:42

Tried it, but did not convince me much. Especially not the amp models and the rest I anyway hardly ever need, if already the amps do not sound right to me.

I prefer using my own real tube gear.

@onenotesolo256 - 20.04.2024 21:21

I just got back from a bar gig. Rig was guitar > small board, all mono: Cali76 > clean drive (Nordvang Skyline) > higher gain drive (Vemuram Shanks ODS-1) > solo boost (Origin Effects DCX Boost) > delay (Strymon DIG) > verb/trem (Flint) > Morgan JS12 1x12 combo. The amp can be heard over the drums without a mic, and the DIG let me do the quarter into dotted 8th U2 delay without sounding muddy. But I dangled a Sennheiser e906 in front of the amp and into the PA mixer just to add a bit of width and colour through the two PA speakers. Sounded fantastic. I had the guitar case on my back and carried the combo and board (Schmidt SA 250) in either hand, so it was very manageable. It felt good to be standing next to a tube amp, and I got some good comments on the tone. Totally respect the Helix rig, but this set up, or my usual two heads and two 1x12s wet/dry, is just a lovely thing to play and listen to.

@BattousaiMLT - 20.04.2024 20:37

Amps sound and feel great theres no denying that , no modeller user is denying that, the convenience , portability ease of use, reliability, less to worry about, is what makes working musicians go to modellers time and time again. And now with all modellers sound basically the same ( 99% of the audience cant tell the difference ). Amps are becoming more and more of a luxury or a studio recording tool (for when you want a real amp) than a gigging option.

@grahamcoxon - 20.04.2024 20:30

Nice- great to see this as it’s pretty much the same as my own thinking as I approach these shows next month with helix and powercab +212 ..

@nikodimson - 20.04.2024 20:16

Add an H90 and no processor of existing now can beat your pedalboard) (Even Neural or Fractal)

@MrElectricN8 - 20.04.2024 19:58

If there would be a next version of Helix floor, it should have an analog boost with mini controls on top of the board. I cant use it without a boost or a centura and I cant explain why.

@charlesli5521 - 20.04.2024 19:51

Love these Sam Fender inspired jams!
