Elite: Dangerous - Exploration Tutorial and Guide (Plus Outfitting Tips)

Elite: Dangerous - Exploration Tutorial and Guide (Plus Outfitting Tips)


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@lazy3521 - 13.03.2023 22:31

For some reason no matter where I go I can’t find another discovery scanner, WHERE IS IT IN THE SHIP OUTFITTING!!!

@BrianThomas - 26.03.2020 06:19

What about heat? When I lower my shields I always heat up to the point where my ship throws up all kinds of alarms. How can I leave home without it?

@roswell234 - 01.02.2020 06:52

Exploration is REALLY EASY thanks for learning me :D

@cmj0929 - 03.01.2020 18:57

It’s amazing to come back and listen to this video after listening to your current videos. you used to sound very hesitant and kind of unsure when recording, kind of like you were trying to make sure you didn’t mess up, but now you sound extremely sure of yourself almost as though you’re just speaking with friends

@flute136 - 28.11.2019 10:27

wow we have it SO much easier now. and we dont appreciate it nearly as much as we should

@jb-rm2ds - 06.01.2019 15:42

On 19th of January 2015, the upload date for this video, I was just about setting off on my voyage that to this day, I am still on, seen over 50 nebulae and am around 45,000 light years away from Sol however at one point I was 68,000 light years away about 8 months ago

@Brock_in_the_North - 26.10.2018 22:58

In a few weeks thus video becomes irrelevant thanks to the beyond update

@simonburling3762 - 22.06.2018 22:14

To find systems worth exploring within the bubble, look for systems with no purchasable map data.
Another recommended system is an internal, or second, fuel tank.

Also do not scan asteroid clusters for money, they have no value.

@KingCalb - 28.04.2018 05:03

Horizons wasn't even out yet.

@lozoft9 - 02.04.2018 05:55

ez orionis is actually only 0.96 solar masses. That makes no sense

@fredorobot5694 - 16.02.2018 14:13

Crazy to see that you were the first to discover some famous nebula, there's even a station there now... and a 12 star system, I never came across such a thing, seems like for you it was a normal thing.

@panhavornchhun1993 - 27.01.2018 14:47


@timppaUT - 23.01.2018 15:32

Well things must have change after thos video, as my Auto Field Maintenance unit does fix most things you mentioned it didn't. Only things it can't fix, are Power Plant and itself. If i remember correctly. But for sure it fixes thrusters (it just needs to be offline when fixing) and canopy (if you are not allergic to oxycen mask)

@antwan1357 - 29.12.2017 12:22

I just got the game on sale great fun but for some reason people don't explain that its really easy to avoid combat and live on the cheap in a sidewinder just do this thing called data boom missions , grab multiple data boom missions to the same destination and then cash it all in grab a A rated frameshift drive remove your weapons and suddenly you have a cheap long range ship get D rated everything else get A rated thrusters too and suddenly you have a sidewinder build that can haul like a starter hauler and turn like a starter eagle all in one ship drop the cargo rack put in a 2C fuel tank and your ready for multiple courier missions getting exploration money from Data Boom trade routes.

@zerothehero187 - 15.12.2017 17:46

Great vids ant but im still finding this game very hard to grasp ,lots to take in but you do help,ta

@mb-electricalservices - 22.11.2017 23:21

Hi Ant.

Did you get your name from "Obsidian Orbital" in the Maia system whilst buying Meta Alloys by any chance?

I jumped into that system and saw that port and thought it was where you got your name from.....👍

@Giraffinator - 28.08.2017 09:40

You can be thousands of light years away from the nearest station?

Fucking woah.

@randomv3iwer - 04.08.2017 15:31

Thank You ObsidianAnt
Cheers from Tokyo

@Geekman333 - 25.07.2017 13:24

Thanks Ant. I've been watching your videos for a while now. Really enjoyable and informative stuff. Much appreciated.

@kerdublin3251 - 17.07.2017 22:36

Exploring is something I've never really cared much to do. But after watching your videos (Especially the 'Best Damn Places' ones), I think you've stirred a fire in me to explore and discover the beauty in Elite's vast universe

@Iggsy81 - 07.07.2017 06:06

is there one of these vids for trading? i couldnt find one on the channel?

@margretfortune1524 - 08.06.2017 13:35

Do you have a shield generator? I see your hull integrity declining after each shift.(Jump).

@footsteps398 - 20.05.2017 23:38

Ur the reason I started Elite now am hooked love ya vids mate thanks a lot see you out there

@filmogriter - 28.04.2017 08:00

What a great video! Well done and thank you!

@okkful - 16.03.2017 00:09

So you discovered these planets first so why was they not named after you ???

@-SANDMAN- - 23.02.2017 09:39

I've been playing ED for just under a month now and I finally just bought my Asp Explorer tonight! (went from Sidewinder to Hauler to Type 6 for 3 weeks on mining and boom deliveries) My AspEx is currently sitting in the Graesle Dock at Nanomam at the moment getting a wax job and some retrofit deerskin upholstery. Anyway, yours is the first video I have watched on exploration and I can't wait to get out there and start exploring! This video was very useful in pointing out an optimized fit. Thank you!

I only play in Solo mode as I only have a mouse and the slow pitch of any ship makes me disgusted with combat, plus I really was drawn to ED more for exploration. 2 years of Eve online got me fed up with the equipment race involved in PvP.

My only question is: Does playing in Solo mode have any detrimental effect on exploration? (I'm still noobish)

@brandonrichards5913 - 07.02.2017 10:19

Incredible guide. Thanks a lot man!

@jackballard736 - 25.01.2017 19:29

I'm new to elite, what do you suggest I should do.

@slovakgamer5818 - 21.01.2017 07:15

this is by far the best space game out there. the amount of detail... wow.

@skyhijinx - 15.01.2017 08:07

that fog is amazing at the beginning

@dweaver1805 - 30.12.2016 21:56

Now that is the first add I watched all the way through hilarious!!

@Reginaldesq - 17.10.2016 17:28

HEAT? When refueling in my type 6 I take damage if the heat goes above 80% Your Asp went upto around 112% and took no damage. Why is that?

@xalist4776 - 07.10.2016 05:17

where can we buy the fuel scoop class 6

@qwertyuiop-rg4mj - 25.08.2016 13:59

Love the vids man, I have 2 questions though.
1: Can you name undiscovered areas?
2: How can you make money while exploring?

@ethanshenfeld8141 - 21.07.2016 10:15

Is this your current exploration ship build?

@KingSalene - 16.06.2016 03:55

ik this video is kinda old but im new to Elite dangerous and i have an idea about the game, but where should i go in the galaxy for the best star ports, ships, and missions?

@madshutters9728 - 30.03.2016 22:20

I am Married with Maria Magdelene (Goddess of Life) + Shiro (Hende fra ved den Evige Dal (Udødelig Gudinde)) + Mille Troll Borgerbo(Hende fra ved Hollænderdybet 1974-1975)+ Julie WCD057

@MrGaxar - 21.03.2016 22:16

just so you know D rated modules are the lightest for all module types

@Ragedo7 - 15.03.2016 02:12

Thank you for this guide. Although I enjoy running Bulletin Board missions I have little interest in straight trading or combat so I've been thinking of Exploration for awhile. Now I've got my Imperial Eagle kitted out and ready to head toward the Pleiades.

@JonathanAcostaValverde - 14.02.2016 09:01

Thank you so much for this video! Today I started my very first adventure outside of the bubble, I'm 4 weeks into the game and absolutely loving it. I just closed the game with my ship at the very edge of the bubble, ready to part tomorrow. I've hardened my Cobra MK III as much as I could, and because I still can't afford the advanced scanner I'm planning to go out into the void for one or two hundred LY which should be enough for a first incursion. I even got to make a bit of data collection on the way to the edge, some 120 000 cr in around 40 LY, so I think this will also be profitable for me! :)

Again, thanks for the tutorial and keep it up, Commander! o7

@vbywrde - 08.02.2016 06:04

Thanks for these videos. They are really fantastic. I'm wondering, and forgive me if you've been asked this before and already given the answer, but ... what are some of the most interesting things you've discovered so far? Thanks again!

@truckerallikatuk - 31.01.2016 09:52

The Doctor: "There are worlds out there, where the sky is burning,
            the seas asleep,
            and the rivers dream;
            people made of smoke,
            and cities made of song.
            Somewhere there's danger.
            Somewhere there's injustice.
            And somewhere else the tea is getting cold!
            Come on Ace, we've got work to do!"

@thequestionablequestionmar9533 - 19.01.2016 19:45

While your voice is calming, its so quiet to xCx

@medievalman86 - 13.01.2016 21:52

Im gonna watch the rest of this video after class, but im a newb- less than 11 hours in. I have discovered a few things so far, namely that fuel scoops work and also that discovery scanners appear to be an entirely passive module? Maybe im still learning, but I hyper-cruise close enough to a "unexplored" wait a few seconds and the ship discovers it automatically?

@andysim232 - 07.01.2016 12:51

Very relaxing pastime. Get away from civilisation, put some epic space type music on and go get lost ☺.

@3dparagon - 03.01.2016 22:25

Thank you much for your guide.. you sold me on the game!
