Is Perl Dead?

Is Perl Dead?

Low Orbit Flux

1 год назад

935 Просмотров

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@jeanyves5380 - 06.01.2024 17:29

I'm a Perl programmer since 1999 the year of the 1st startreck vassal.
I'm now a Python programmer but i do not cover everything for what i need : just few things and i do not pretend to know Python.
What i like in Perl is the several swiss knives.
I wonder if there are so much in python? who could light me on the way?

@MellophoneMan902 - 02.03.2023 13:12

What really killed perl, was not messy syntax, not web/CGI, but when multiple cores came into effect... perl threading became a huge issue for multiple cores... with smt/cmt it was less of an issue because it was an actual thread and not necessarily a process... With that said, Perl does CORRECTLY warn people in the docs that threading will increase ram usage, discouraging threading in an interpreted language... While python does have cython, cython has issues with threading c code properly... so, i'd recommend julia if you ever need to do anything cbased with a higher languages... but like... understand... python also has huge quirks about the syntax that makes 0 sense to other programming languages -- including ruby.

@totally_not_a_bot - 02.03.2023 07:38

Found this in my recommended feed, and it's a wonderfully succinct explanation. I will say that Perl crushes Python if you need regex. Ruby does as well. Python's regex, while technically feature-complete, is awkward at best. Meanwhile, Perl and Ruby each have a dedicated operator.

Granted, regex is considered an arcane art at this point and Python has ways around it.
