Build a Secure Realtime Chat App in React Native [2] (tutorial for beginners)

Build a Secure Realtime Chat App in React Native [2] (tutorial for beginners)


2 года назад

25,598 Просмотров

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Shreyas - 30.11.2022 21:36

for those facing issues with the latest aws update on manyToMany relationship, just change from v2 of amplify to v1 and use the schema.graphql used in the github repo

Gaming zisan
Gaming zisan - 15.10.2022 06:55

i'm having this issue

invokeCallbackAndReturnFlushedQueue@[native code]

and new users are not catching in the users screen

Ahsan Abrar
Ahsan Abrar - 15.10.2022 00:46

I got some client work in react native and aws amplify, I have no experience with any service of aws, first I watch your Amplify authentication video and now I watched this playlist. now I feel very confident. I just want to thank you so much for your effort.

illuminati9768 - 17.06.2022 07:12

Please reply
Why do Don't use webrtc in your projects????

Dev Pros
Dev Pros - 29.05.2022 16:13

To those thinking of watching these 6 videos please read this first i wasted 2 weeks for nothing , 1. The code on the github repo is different from the code in the video . 2. No instruction on how to create same enviroment in your aws account 3. Too many depreatiated errors this guy is a very bad teacher between videos the code is different and the final code on his github doesnt even run

baberazamfangirl - 25.03.2022 19:11

I can't see the currentAuthenticatedUser in the console ..can anyone help???

baberazamfangirl - 25.03.2022 19:09

can anyone sold this project(signal clone) in running form??

baberazamfangirl - 22.03.2022 15:39

Vadim can please help me its very important for me

Thapa Royal
Thapa Royal - 03.10.2021 10:34

Thought would be a great series and to learn react native BUT not having an aws account sucks and I cannot create one

Mithun Kumar
Mithun Kumar - 29.09.2021 17:10

Hi Vadim! I like your tutorial very much and have learnt many things from you. I literally love this channel. In this tutorial on UserItem.tsx file I am getting this error:

"Argument of type '["ChatRoom", { id: string; }]' is not assignable to parameter of type '[screen: keyof RootParamList] | [screen: keyof RootParamList, params: NavigatorScreenParams<RootTabParamList, Readonly<{ key: string; index: number; routeNames: string[]; history?: unknown[] | undefined; routes: NavigationRoute<...>[]; type: string; stale: false; }>> | undefined]'.
Type '["ChatRoom", { id: string; }]' is not assignable to type '[screen: keyof RootParamList, params: NavigatorScreenParams<RootTabParamList, Readonly<{ key: string; index: number; routeNames: string[]; history?: unknown[] | undefined; routes: NavigationRoute<ParamListBase, string>[]; type: string; stale: false; }>> | undefined]'.
Type at position 0 in source is not compatible with type at position 0 in target.
Type '"ChatRoom"' is not assignable to type 'keyof RootParamList'.ts(2345)"

I don't know how to resolve it. A little help for me (beginner of React Native). Thanks bro!

Physics Tom
Physics Tom - 25.09.2021 12:14

Thanks to you, I could build my dream.
Thanks a lot Vadim!! See you on next videos :)

GABO - 18.09.2021 11:42

Would it be possible to do the same with a different backend provider? Like, back4app, or like, just not having cloud storage, just kkeping everything in the phone memory like briar

GABO - 18.09.2021 11:20

Quick question, how is it a secure realtime chat app using AWS ? What kind of encryption are we using that prevents AWS or ourselves to see the messages of the users? Love this channel!
