Caedrel Explains Why No Team Wants REKKLES

Caedrel Explains Why No Team Wants REKKLES

Caedrel Clips

2 года назад

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@SAINT_SPYRO - 18.04.2023 06:41

If i m company and someone cost 1.9M I wanna see results not only his marketing. And results i would seen most is how he not even won LFL when i doubt any LFL player he played vs or with him has price tag over 500k even that might be way too ambitious from me to even think they cost that much.

He dig his own grave long ago. Fnatic is literaly shelter where he can hide few more years (if).

@danielyeung3783 - 12.04.2023 13:51

This still ages well

@Lukz99 - 17.11.2022 06:44

who is baby rekkles?

@kore9126 - 13.11.2022 00:49

idk man if you buy a player like rekkles he brings in a huge following/brands etc. i thinks thats just to cheap to say oh well the other guy doesent cost as much

@rileyxxxx - 12.11.2022 14:45

uhm... you just described the difference between a rookie and a veteran. ... any player.. in any sport. I think everybody knows that already. but the question is, do you want a solid long term team? or do you want to sign a rookie where youre not sure where you will end up after a year, and either you gained nothing or your rookie will be worth the same and leave for the best contract. but to prevent a player from leaving you just give him a 2 year contract and bench him after 1 year, right? .... so thats whats going on.

@SilentProSniper - 12.11.2022 01:13

This aged well

@davidboskovic7686 - 12.11.2022 00:31

mf had to pull out the notepad to explain that one guy is more expensive than the other

@the8thman - 12.11.2022 00:31

Who the fuck thought that ''explanation'' is worth mentioning . That's how EVERYTHING works in the sports business. You have to PAY the established athlete , or you risk it with the ''potential'' guy. No shit.
The ''baby Rekkles'' will MOST LIKELY not end up to be a ''Rekkles'' , but u paid less for him so you swap him with the next talent with minimal damage. But , the chances of you winning anything are slim. In the off chance he proves to be good , you profit. Either for your org, or from the buyout.
Again. No shit.
Serious orgs around the world , will not do that. They have a big budget , they pay their ''established '' players , make a brand name , earn accolades , and once in a while they'' ll sign the ''15 year old unicorn'' . That's how scouting works. It doesn't defeat the purpose of paying your established guys though.

If all orgs think the same way , then that means the Riot E-sports scene is not profitable enough to justify quality in teams. Which means , the product is rotten OR the product is fine, but Riot is greedy.

@sdtrex1822 - 11.11.2022 21:55

Well, this title aged well

@flufal - 11.11.2022 18:37

cuz he sucks

@sahelanthropus4991 - 11.11.2022 18:26

And out of that 19 baby rekkles how much will perform at Rekkles level?

@psc6483 - 10.11.2022 19:03

If you compare it to other sports like soccer, you can also say its risky to buy these players. The best example would be harry maguire, the most expensive meme of probably all time

@hpoormahdi - 10.11.2022 15:04

what about ads and staff, if you are good business man you know you can make money out of RECKLESS, read story about real madrid buying Bekham

@maegayagi2639 - 10.11.2022 08:30

I hope bwipo will comeback in LEC. he is too good in quizzes

@damianwilliams7084 - 10.11.2022 06:41

This aged poorly

@sedpoyraz6866 - 09.11.2022 21:53

Excuse me but what kind of SUCCESS rekkles had and demand for 1M tbh, i dont see any reason for it XD

@duranburnett - 09.11.2022 20:15

Something you do not understand is marketing opportunities. The player is much more than just the person and skills. What you are explaining here has nothing to do with why Rekkles is not getting signed, also this module is mostly popular in Korean and Chinese teams, EU and NA is pretty bad at signing and grooming young players.

@Hydralisk77 - 09.11.2022 19:00

Caedreal speaks nonsense - what if you buy 19 Baby Rekklesses and they all suck? And that is closer to reality

@Mantacor - 09.11.2022 18:31

Exactly reckles is already a brand and a face of league of legends, not to mention is an OG adc of course is worth this much and u want what? A player who is getting nothing but to grow him u spend as much or even more în the long run then the reckles because reckles already has the branding and can get u some sponsors on your side, in the long run actually reckles is still worth but these buy outs are just dog

@luciferwhispers3173 - 09.11.2022 15:41

So they're playing an ECO round.

@vispharaon - 09.11.2022 13:42

pretty much, good explanation

@EIGHT88888 - 09.11.2022 02:23

Quality over quantity

@makkilatte6288 - 09.11.2022 02:10

the algorithm truly works in mysterious ways

@rationallyjustified - 08.11.2022 15:29

You're also paying for experience, I see your point and am not disagreeing but replace rekkles with faker would you pay that then? Of course.. it's like anything.. nba football etc.

@oldone6582 - 08.11.2022 14:59

That just means every legends in this system are meant to just desapear with time. This system is meant to value a constant turn over or very static players that start and end in the same team. You get too big? To bad you buyout will just be to high unless you accept not to play for one year (and then gain 0 money)

@sanketower - 08.11.2022 14:45

Seems like teams in general are no longer interested in veterans. Investing on rookies is a much better idea.

@teslaheini3169 - 08.11.2022 14:21

I think the problems are the shitty contracts they have forcing them to stay at g2 with that payout while g2 doesn't even have to pay salary apparently as long as they aren't playing.. Same for jankos I think

@annachaika6616 - 07.11.2022 17:30

Now an idea of buying baby rekkless stuck in my head😂

@hippowafflesify - 06.11.2022 11:25

Hmm.. I understand the point he's trying to make but also you gotta take in that people buy in Rekkles cuz he's fuckn' Rekkles.
not just based on the cost.. although nowadays idk how far him being "rekkles" really counts anymore given his recent records.

@aleksandartomasevic3253 - 05.11.2022 14:01

redditors still dont understand its a business where only profit matters XDDD

@1wing1 - 04.11.2022 01:43

Mainly because rekkles can only play weakside, aka PvE mode for 35min

@maciej7279 - 03.11.2022 23:06

rekkles is just bad

@jogabonito5027 - 03.11.2022 22:07

People seem to think he is talking about Rekkles salary... Caedrel is talking about his buy-out clause back when he was on G2, which Carlos made insanely high so no rival LEC team would get him.

@dutchdude1985 - 03.11.2022 21:48

Caedrel has good BZNS sense =D

@loumarg50 - 02.11.2022 22:15

and the value of said player will go up as well, the ORG has added value to the player, so the gains are even higher than what you've laid out

@damianwilliams7084 - 02.11.2022 21:51

rekkles is willing to play for far less. he is the best adc in eu history by miles and should have a team.

@LeXiO88 - 02.11.2022 01:11

In any professional competition, be it sports and/or org has to simply answer this question. Do you really want to win? Because the ones that do will make the necessary moves that they believe will give them the best chance to win. It may be at the cost of a upcoming player or players but if you believe these upcoming players will give you the best chance in the next couple years, then you also have to make the moves to facilitate them in the coming years. That could simply mean building team chemistry and such. It's simple.....and the ones who want to "save" money, are more focused on the profits than whether the org wins or not. There is no wrong answer....that being said, it's not hard to differentiate who wants to win. That's not saying wanting to win means you can't make money because winning in itself will almost always make you more profitable. But orgs, especially esport ones, are given a few years to show what kind of org they are. And the successful ones all have one thing in common.

@ClearComplexity - 01.11.2022 20:22

There’s also the part where almost all of the million dollar imports have borderline inted almost every game after they got to LCS. Look at Perks, the “goat” that did well don’t get me wrong, but with how much he ran it down it was a joke. The same goes for swordart, huni, etc. Its also a lot healthier to try and foster domestic growth rather that just acting as a massive payout before retirement. Not that that’s why they do it, just works out that way.

I’d rather chance finding another baby Bjerg, Rekkless, etc and hopefully properly cultivating them than throwing massive paychecks at names. Just play off being a grassroots team with the goal at improving the league and bring in unique minds to improve a stagnant game…oh wait we tried that, had some wins, restructured, and dive bombed into one of the worst teams in the league.

@manuelitotortola9267 - 01.11.2022 15:31

You just bought a 1.5m sleeping farming adc and waiting for whole season to loss 😵‍💫🤬

@MrTroll808 - 01.11.2022 10:40

TSM should get rekkles and build around him

@bonglordboy8562 - 31.10.2022 17:56

He cost too much and chokes at worlds terrible investment

@045tom - 31.10.2022 17:14

You couldve told it in one sentence

@thedarkestwhite9460 - 31.10.2022 15:52

because he is washed

@TheexpendapleBlitz - 31.10.2022 10:55

Why did this just popped again in my feed? Hmmmmm thinking emoji

@pulse1772 - 31.10.2022 09:54

Honestly, VIT Bo will fucking destroy EUW anyways

@frankiebaby1783 - 31.10.2022 09:05

mister catedral people who want to be at the top and want to win they dont ask about the price tag so this story is bs

@III-vg4dp - 31.10.2022 08:14

Not many teams would risk wagering such a huge buyout knowing that even with a stacked G2 roster you can fail totally. Who is going to pick him up with a better roster or expect him to carry a team at that cost when he failed in a super team and then went to a smaller less competitive region for a season? They'd be stupid. That's before the other reasons not to.

@spartacuscreator - 31.10.2022 04:43

Dont waste ur time: Answer: Cause he costs too much, period.

@rock5fr1 - 31.10.2022 00:58

It's all good business

@cptsh1ro328 - 30.10.2022 16:30

Rekkles salary is definitely higher than 400k
