I Played In Bronze To Prove A Point To Reddit

I Played In Bronze To Prove A Point To Reddit

Coach Curtis

2 года назад

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Xiolee - 13.11.2023 07:17

I have coached bronze players and the BIGGEST ISSUE is pride. the one student that made it to gold was so proud of him was wanting to learn how to climb. My other student just kept blaming everyone would not review his games and was not open to changing.
it just makes a difference.

Shareez - 13.11.2023 06:15

Why am I dying? Because I value a good fight to be higher entertainment value than sogging my balls for 15 minutes like the Exhibit A(nnie) in the video.
And video games are entertainment, the only competitive side to it is a tournament. You are not in a tournament? Fluff off with that "competitive" mentality then.
I will likely keep dying in a pointless fights forever, and I would prefer that to an extra nanometer to my e-peen that "winning" offers.
- your emerald supp main.

Majin Canon
Majin Canon - 13.11.2023 02:04

i think one of the best tips i ever got was play like the rank you want not the rank you got.

Abelard Adebayor
Abelard Adebayor - 12.11.2023 22:46

you're doing great farming and are great at avoiding skillshots, i dont play that good at silver 1

Willem - 12.11.2023 19:27

Back to the game after 7 years for a few days now. I started off in B5 (I was not B) Am B1 now. No one understands fundementals and ppl try to lecture me while being dead wrong them selves. It is insane. And how bad are ppl?

Artsiom Anikeyenka
Artsiom Anikeyenka - 12.11.2023 07:59

Man I'm here again for some reason :) First game - DEFEAT. Believe me flashing aggressively wouldn't help you much. Because you would have died those times you used it defensively.

Kunkak - 11.11.2023 19:53

"I didn't play anything fancy, just 9/10 cs per minute". Show me any player in bronze which does more than 7 cs per minute xd.

Ðraconas - 11.11.2023 04:29

I was diamond 2 top laner and I won like 12 games in a row in 2021 on a silver 4 account at the time (with scores like 17-2 every singe game). I don't know how on earth these people think there's no difference between bronze and plat lmao

Bruh - 11.11.2023 01:31

I think there's one possibly big methodological mistake there. You should use flash aggressively, low elo players basically use flash aggressively exclusively. You would've died at that blue fight with Lucian on the first game if you had used your flash aggressively beforehand.

lolOrval - 10.11.2023 23:05

Ive been to masters on 4 accounts this split in NA, and every elo feels the exact same. The only thing different is the jungle role, which junglers dont start spam ganking normally until Emerald 2+

Eric Giby
Eric Giby - 10.11.2023 14:15

What a terrible video.
Everytime he tries to make a point that ''he doesnt do anything and still wins'' there's actually his teammate there to save his ass. No sir, in low elo you dont have ''team'' to cover you up. Normally you'ld die at least 4 times in this video if it wasnt ''luckily or not'' your teammates there to save you. Everything he says is just wrong. Also this is a year old video where Annie was literally broken.
But anyways, the ''reddit post'' he's mocking is actually true. You're a challanger player that waiting enemies to make mistakes which they don't was about to dominate you but you were just lucky that on that heavy jung-meta, you had the better jung who happens to back you every time you were about to die.
Not just that. I can explain and nitpick so many things in this video but writing is too much work and this is an old video. What would normally happen was Sett would sideline and you keep had to defense (instead of walking around in mid and get free kills thanks to your team) and 3 fed enemies would ''flash R'' on you and it would be one of the unwinnable game. Again, this was your pure luck to have that WW on your team and that Yi as your enemy.

djturbo89 - 10.11.2023 04:51

I'm just gonna leave a comment here... Nothing fancy tho ;) xD

Brenden - 09.11.2023 09:42

A huge part of learning to be better at League is realizing that people like this have NO IDEA WHAT THEY'RE TALKING ABOUT. These content creators literally talk out of their asses and say nothing. Meanwhile they smurf in low elo and ruin your games for money and fun.

yb - 08.11.2023 02:40

"I play basic LoL, like a bronze player would" proceed to farm 10 CS/min at 10 minuutes mark ...

Simon Nielsen
Simon Nielsen - 08.11.2023 02:15

Drink everytime word advanced is said

Jo4odapadaria - 08.11.2023 02:14

In the first game you can't carry and in the second game you was carried.

Simon Nielsen
Simon Nielsen - 08.11.2023 02:10

WW is his own biggest enemy.

Decuno - 07.11.2023 23:02

