Fear of Communism in America - The Red Scare & McCarthyism

Fear of Communism in America - The Red Scare & McCarthyism

In Human Form - Psychology

2 года назад

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In Human Form - Psychology
In Human Form - Psychology - 13.12.2021 15:50

How do you feel about communism? If you'd like to see more be sure to SUBSCRIBE to my channel!

zaberfang - 09.10.2023 11:28

"Freedom?" What freedom?

Gary Johnstone
Gary Johnstone - 15.09.2023 10:22

Socialism or its father communism relies on gov`t determining what goods should be produced regardless of demand. Ayn Rand got it right: "People trading value for value in volitional consent". People act in their own self-interest, aka the virtue of selfishness. That is why collectivism/socialism/communism cannot work as it fails to harness the power of this logical self-interest.

The market knows best what people want. Read Hayek/Friedman.
Government has no skin in the game, so indifference abounds. The enthusiastic pursuit of profit in the free market (return on risk) ensures efficient production for goods actually wanted. See “The Invisible Hand”.

Socialism has failed everywhere and every time. Capitalism has taken the world out of poverty.

A P - 15.09.2023 09:53

Communism is pure evil and anticommunists sadly seemed to fail. Evil that is communism is spreading again in USA and Europe, action needs to be taken.

The Technostate
The Technostate - 06.09.2023 07:41

Hilarious how this video is very transparently anti-communist in perspective and yet the deranged rightists in the comments think he’s some dyed-in-the-wool Maoist. Never change america!

The Technostate
The Technostate - 06.09.2023 06:58

Everybody having a normal one in these comments lol we need to figure out what is in the drinking water in America

Crowne Productions
Crowne Productions - 12.08.2023 21:34

Hot Take: McCarthy was right. The communist/marxist left was infiltrating all of our institutions (entertainment, legal, educational and governemental) and they succeeded big time. We are currently harvesting the fruit of this marxist coup in our institutions. We have an entire generation of spoiled assholes who buy into this racial marxist garbage and subscribe to "critical theory" (look into this term, it's not what you think it is at face value). We are in deep shit in the west right now and this guy who had the balls to stand up and draw a line in the sand is considered a villain of history. Get real. Senator McCarthy was right and just in his methods and his analysis of the problem. Rest in peace Senator McCarthy, you got a raw deal.

Lo-Fi Devil
Lo-Fi Devil - 24.06.2023 20:42

Fuck communism. It’s one thing to merely “not work.” It’s another to devolve into Biblical catastrophe. Communism is manifestly evil. DeSantis is characterizing it accurately. Accurate statements aren’t propaganda.

John Hatchel
John Hatchel - 12.06.2023 15:54

Communism is the greatest evil forced on mankind ever. And this channel is literally crap.

Mein Korper
Mein Korper - 09.04.2023 09:36

Harry Dexter White was denounced by Whittaker Chambers of being the leader of a Communist soy ring in America.
He had a major position in the treasury and IMF (International Monetary Fund) after the war - both capacities he held were holding immense power over the 2 continents North America & Europe.
White died in 1948 before his scheduled appearance on the House Committee of Unamerican Activities - that investigated the "Alger Hiss Affair".
Behind Comunism by Frank L Britton.

Dillon Eads
Dillon Eads - 25.03.2023 01:18

“Revolutions eat their children”

Sahra Pimentel-Sherlock
Sahra Pimentel-Sherlock - 15.03.2023 16:35

this was so good

Republitarian - 09.03.2023 17:00

And yet not even a decade later and a Communist ended up assassinating a US President.

Ral Omicron
Ral Omicron - 05.03.2023 16:31

Twisted and upside-down. Cancel culture and Twitter files revile a culture that is just as bad as the red scare. The red scare has snapped over to the other side and has become fascist. Fascism of any form is wrong. Being okay with our differences and still working together is key. Freedom truly thought isn't free, and sharing options and requiring the teaching of the dangers of communism isn't propaganda. Isn't it fascism to say that it is?

vinomatt - 24.02.2023 02:32

Communism is a dark and cynical ethos fueled by class conflict and rooted in misplaced spite and jealous envy. It preys on people’s good will nature with promises of what it fundamentally cannot deliver. It’s a destructive and evil ideology that is deserving of all the scorn it receives.

MrMet1291 - 23.02.2023 01:31

As someone who’s lived in south Florida and have gotten to know many Cubans, Venezuelans, and Nicaraguan. F you commies!!!

mathew calvillo
mathew calvillo - 16.02.2023 07:34

it is to late asian and chinese americans will destroy communism just to get thier culture back

Janek Mo
Janek Mo - 13.01.2023 15:53

Don't forget, it's wrong to eat your children 😉

brunsugr72 - 29.11.2022 03:04

This is more communist propaganda.

Christine - 15.10.2022 00:07

Gosh...I really love your videos. Thank you.

gh0stdoe - 20.07.2022 23:07

Do you watch Adam Curtis's work?

Shannon Snyder
Shannon Snyder - 25.05.2022 04:47

You have no idea whats coming and when it arrives, you will regret this take.

Son and Fire
Son and Fire - 22.04.2022 02:39

Go back to making true crime content and stop being a pinko shill, for the love of god

ᏒᎧᏕᏋ ᏇᏂᎥᏖᏋ - 18.03.2022 20:57

How did you not mention the execution of the Rosenbergs?

Fran Bravo
Fran Bravo - 13.03.2022 21:35

I love your videos, you have an interesting point of view of almost everything. But I have to accept that this video is not impartial. This lead me to think that you are constructing information with some ideological bias. The way of freedom is in the opposite path.
I hope my opinion, in some way, adds up.
I send you good vibes!

James Thompson
James Thompson - 18.02.2022 18:26

I'm just thinking like.... did they really just bullshit that Alexander Graham bell was American while saying Russia would be evil if they pretended he was Russian? The layers of propaganda

AllThat Remains
AllThat Remains - 05.02.2022 00:50

For someone else who is talking about the evils of DeSantis, check out Steve Hoffstetter. He’s an Ivy League educated comedian who casts light on many of these ridiculous things.
Great video AGAIN man. I feel like we’re living in the book, The Animal Farm.

The Violet Bunny
The Violet Bunny - 16.01.2022 20:26


Khorne Flakes
Khorne Flakes - 14.01.2022 00:32

Came back to answer the author, checked the comments, there's a dozen "Communism has never been truly tried" comments below, this actually is a Californian high-school chat.

Рафаил Курмаев
Рафаил Курмаев - 11.01.2022 14:58

Thanks for the video. A little correction: what you and others in this video refer to (including Kennan, a very sincere historian) as the "Communism" is socialism, the first step to communism. Communism never existed. As for the Soviet spying for US nuclear secrets: 1) Russia was a US ally during the WWII, 2) It led to balance of power and the biggest period in human history without global wars, 3) A country where 85% of the whole population was illiterate before 1917, could replicate and improve a nuclear bomb, making the first hydrogen bomb and the nuclear power plant/ice-breaker ever. This accomplishment needs lots of educated people who at least understand what they are dealing with. Before I learned English I could not ever imagine what level of anti-socialist hysteria reigned in the West. Still, very few people understand what drives Russians. First it concerned me, but now, looking at the mistakes the US government makes truly believing that Russia is still a socialist country, I like that. You know, in a way the US Americans remind me of myself, when I thought I was living in the best country in the world, the USSR, their current ideology does not help them to see where they go wrong, they can only watch helplessly their country collapse. Just like we did thirty years ago.

Khorne Flakes
Khorne Flakes - 07.01.2022 03:31

2.25 "emerging as possible solutions for poverty" Communism never accomplished anything but poverty.

SlenderYam - 04.01.2022 01:29

Watching the Federal government in black and white archive footage "preserve the American way of life" by raiding the homes of those with different political beliefs to their own is comedically hilarious and especially relevant today.
If people knew their history, they would know that the red scare was mostly a distraction/excuse for the US Feds overreaching and wiping their ass with the constitution from the 1920s to the present.
It's like if you were to claim you were watching out for the boogeyman in someone's closet, but you were posted under their bed 24/7.

branden burks
branden burks - 25.12.2021 05:47

For the record, Kennedy was NOT assassinated by Oswald. This is common knowledge. Stop pushing that lie. Also, The United States government was convicted of killing MLK in 1999. James Earl Ray had nothing to do with it either.

TJ Michael
TJ Michael - 21.12.2021 03:18

contemporary issue also considering the Patriot Act recently expired...

Junior COLTRANE - 20.12.2021 04:01

Your channel has so low views because nobody agrees with your opinion. You might want to leave your bubble because your hate is going to make you a lonely guy, or gal... I can't tell... And that's fine.

John - 15.12.2021 21:06

'American Culture' .... oxymoron of the week!

Kim S
Kim S - 15.12.2021 21:01

I don't understand how your channel hasn't blow up! Your documentary are top notch! You do an amazing job, keep it up ❤️. I look forward to the next one!

Eddy Monies
Eddy Monies - 14.12.2021 17:46

Man, loved it and seen most of the archival film, but, man the emotion and concern in that Hungarian gentleman’s pleas, that was haunting in more than a few ways.

Luke McGuire
Luke McGuire - 14.12.2021 17:00

The red scare was an atrocious episode in US history, and inherently anti American. Unfortunately, we find ourselves in a modern red scare. The Republicans and the GOP are fear mongering and lying to their base, telling them that their opposition is made up of socialists, even communists. They even absurdly insist that Joe Biden himself is a socialist. Americans shouldn't be accepting this nonsense and blatant propaganda. Unfortunately most people on the right are ignorant sheep who echo those bs talking points and accept them as truth. I find it supremely ironic that the so called good ol' days the conservatives long for, the decades following WWII, were only possible due to the progressive, one could say even socialistic, policies and social welfare programs of the post war era. The average Americans grasp on their country's history is extremely lacking or nonexistent or composed entirely of mythology. And that's largely why we find our country where we are today, in an oligarchy controlled by the modern day aristocracy. Conservatives are happy to live in such a country. That, too, is anti American.

Debs - 14.12.2021 16:57

An excellent summary. Looking forward to the next part! Thank you.

Help me desk
Help me desk - 14.12.2021 16:17

Completely different now...

insomniac savage
insomniac savage - 14.12.2021 15:34

In Human Form, you have failed to offer a definition of what Communism is and why it may be seen as antithetical to the "American system" of governance. Given you start the video by dismissing Desantis's order with a laughing Good Fellas meme. Why dose Desantis oppose Communism? Your only outlines are that these movements offer "possible solutions to poverty" with no explanation of how and they were seen as a threat because of "a belief that it would undermine American values", what are these supposed values?

Unless you outline what the perceived ideological backgrounds are, you may as well be commenting on the history of two sports teams.

Im no fanboy for the way the US or any other world power behaved during the 20th century, but the conventional analysis of the American system is that it allows for freedom to live and prosper as you would choose. This is ,in theory, achieved by preventing the government from infringing on the lawful activity of the citizens. What you have outlined nicely, although not stating it, is some of the creeping federalism that in itself did just that.
Where as the goal of communism is to redistribute "wealth" in order to allow for "equality". This of coarse cant be done without the forceful confiscation of property, which in practice time and time again resulted in outright slaughter of innocent people

GutBomb - 14.12.2021 06:46

Fantastic stuff yet again!

Samsng Device
Samsng Device - 14.12.2021 04:39

Sounds just like america today!

hfgjgh - 14.12.2021 03:24

Who created communism.....communists murdered 60 million christians in Russia and Ukraine in 1916-1956. Starved most of them and the rest were tortured to death.

With this horrid video, you have spat on their graves and begged for another genocide.

WillDaPill - 14.12.2021 02:51

The argument you are presenting is the precise argument The Frankfurt School anticipated the disenfranchised youth in American would make . Desantis including the evils of communism is a somewhat ham fisted response to the scholastic subversion taking place within the education system. That is to say do you think the most privileged children in the world think they are oppressed out of thin air? Do over indulged teenagers think America is the source of all global strife in a vacuum ? Perhaps Desantis should be taken task on mandatory curriculum (the irony is not lost on me) but as you know it is a more of a symbolic counter punch. There is no chance in hell that is going to be implemented. This video starts at the wrong doorstep. I’ll accept the critique on Desantis if you are brave enough to take an equal dive into Howard Zinns rewrite of the American History textbooks.
Haven’t you ever questioned why Hitler is always the metric used as “Most Evil” ?
He is !! SUPREME EVIL !! Vile …
But… why do kids not have the same revulsion with Mao, Stalin and Pol Pot ? If evil is assigned through body count Hitlers an amateur. No, no … the omission illuminates a direction that leads right into the jaws of hell.
Communist subversion is alive and well with Sweet old Petey Buttigieg and his late fathers
Love affair with Gramschi’s Cultural Hegemony.
If kids knew their role in cultural Hegemony, hell if they just knew how it worked
they would be pissed. I would hope anyone would..
The Frankfurt school anticipated content creators and they new they were the lifeblood of any future for their ideology. I would urge then to not allow yourself to be their tool.

Lady Reverie
Lady Reverie - 14.12.2021 02:37

The irony that the Red Scare ended up being a witch hunt similar to those enacted in Soviet Russia and Communist China against supposed "bourgeois sympathisers". So actually in trying to combat communism they enacted some of the practices that made communism in Russia and China totalitarian.

Niccolò Machiavelli
Niccolò Machiavelli - 14.12.2021 02:04

