Islam, Christianity, and Prophecy Part 2 (From Mecca to Rome)

Islam, Christianity, and Prophecy Part 2 (From Mecca to Rome)


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@deniseweber5725 - 15.08.2019 15:47

Gross they all kiss the stone? Ewww

@titoj.2415 - 17.08.2019 02:44

Allah is the name of the pagan Arab's moon god and they kept the name when Islam came. Abraham never built the kabba or was in Arabia.

@titoj.2415 - 17.08.2019 02:57

We don't worship the same God. They have a different Jesus, the Gnostic version plus they think he's only a prophet!

@charlie15627 - 18.08.2019 01:08

The vast majority of combatants on one side.
Are NOT Syrian.
It is not a civil war

@liviaevangelista1561 - 20.08.2019 16:39

Jesus is the way, the truth and the life.

@paulrichards009 - 24.08.2019 14:59

Pas. Doug, why don't you speak plainly as to who the people of the region were and what they looked like? The original Israelites, Arabs, Egyptians and Persians all basically looked the same. They were people of color. Black people. Why are you afraid to say this? Even when you showed a picture of the statues of Nefertiti and the Egyptian king, you could see that they are black people. I am a proud SDA and black man. Please, speak plainly, my brother. No matter who is your audience. Love you with the love of Yeshua, my brother.

@paulrichards009 - 24.08.2019 15:20

Former Jesuit Alberto Rivera says, that the Catholic made up the Islam faith to control the Black Arabs of the region. The wanted control of the region to have access to what's now called Israel. Look at the beads, the symbols, Fatima is the same as Mary, visions of Fatima and Mary, etc. Way too many similarities, because it is one in the same. I won't mention the so called Jews that now claim Israel as their home. That's another story...

@SuperMacDaddy66 - 25.08.2019 04:23

A good sermon, but too politically correct. You completely skipped their belief in jihad, which is what causes all the atrocities committed by the Muslims. Also, if you refer to allah as god, they will say "don't say god, say allah". I know you don't wish to offend people, but sometimes you have to I think. Islam is just as wrong as Mormonism, Buddhism, Hinduism and Satanism.

@algo84 - 25.08.2019 15:04

Every Prophet, who claims to be a prophet, knows the day or time of his death, but Mohammed has died unexpectedly, which means that Mohammed was not a prophet!

@joannaustin2722 - 26.08.2019 07:29

This series is so informative. I have seen one and two tonight and hope to stay awake to see part three. May God protect you Pastor Doug and You stay safe with Your family.

@kriskhinson443 - 02.09.2019 05:26

For the sake of the salvation of Muslims, I would like to make one thing very clear. Islam tries to use the Holy Bible to prove the prophethood of Muhammad while denying the Crucifixion of our LORD ans Saviour Jesus.

Who is Abdullah (this name means the servant of Allah/allah) to Muhammad? Are you ready for this? The father of Muhammad, a pagan which proves the authenticity of idol moon worship by the Arabs. By the way, the supposedly holy shrine, Kaaba used to hold 360 idols. And, Muslims used to pray towards Jerusalem! When did "Allah" to Petra, I mean Mecca. Our LORD Jesus said if you love me obey my Commandments which includes telling the Truth and preaching His Word to all souls including Muslims and Catholics.

@kriskhinson443 - 02.09.2019 05:44

Please pray for all Christians in Muslim countries, and do not forget to pray for our preachers especially the persecuted Pastors in Canada.

@graceross6951 - 14.09.2019 04:27

im sorry but this presentation was hard to follow for me.

@JF-sr7dp - 14.09.2019 12:51

You should be wary of the Jesuit trinity doctrine is The Father and his only begotten Son ..their spirt is not separate and sister White points out that Jesus is that comforter.

@titoj.2415 - 23.09.2019 00:39

Europe was stupid 2 let that Arab invasion. They know that Muslims can have up to 4 wives each if they can afford them.

@fujack99 - 01.10.2019 02:38

Dear Brothers & Sisters, I am a Baptist from the East, in The Quran 55.17
Ar Rahman (The beneficent) : The Lord of the two Easts and the two Wests.
Almighty God is involved here as this will hold the key to the end time happening, I hope we all can pray for the coming Spirit of TRUTH to guide all of us to the Truth as the current world is covered with plenty of lies by that father of all lies, on both the West and the East. Amen.

@MrJessieM1990 - 26.11.2019 08:45

Glory to God

@michaeldiaz754 - 10.02.2020 05:08

Walter Veith also has great videos on this topic.

@unicaijaronj2104 - 16.05.2020 07:31

Happy Sabbath

@deeppurple3489 - 03.05.2021 04:21

In the Catholic faith you have a misconception of after being forgiven of your sins!
A priest is representing God but isn't God and God has already forgiven you of your sins but the Our Fathers you spoke of are a Pence to remind you so, that you try to sin no more!

@Dudeguy36 - 25.05.2021 20:58

The Quran is peaceful although it does state that they should not be allies with Jews or Christians. It's the Hadith and the Sunnah that say to strike off the heads of the Jews and Christians where they find them, decieve them, tax them more, kill apostates, and to harden their hearts against nonbelievers, even those of their own family or says.

@farwestgarohills3831 - 19.07.2021 15:14

Qur'an itself says, Allah is NOT GOD.

ARABIC: "la ilaha illa'llah"

Typical English meaning - "There is no God, but Allah.

"There is no God", it says.

Then, "Allah" is not "God"; some one else?

@muslimprince4813 - 03.08.2021 01:05

I Admire Jesus is my Moshiach shall be King of israel!!..
& As my faith ..i condenser him Lord ( master / rabbi ) Moshiach..not G-d !!

@Shiwanokia-oo1nq - 12.09.2021 06:32

Incomplete info on Islam. Study their own history of the life of Mhmd. Mhmd believed a demon had vistited him the cave, his wife Kadisha convinced him it was an angel of God. He wiped out the Jewish community in Medina who had welcomed him because they disagreed with his teachings. After that he was a warlord who looted, murdered and raped his way through every area he went. He took sex slaves. He married Aisha when she was six and consummated the marriage when she was nine. Allah would change his will at the wishes of Mhmd, even his own wives questioned this. Mhmd was a traumatized child who developed narcissitic and even pychopathic traits. The religion relies on lies to stay afloat and is run like a criminal gang. Pray for the people who have been deceived by these lies.

@americanrebel413 - 09.10.2021 03:56

Thank you pastor Doug.

@lasacrachiesacattolicadels3534 - 09.10.2021 19:14

Sei cattolico?

@neronevetti4540 - 07.02.2022 19:29

Stay away from Islam

@Matthew-kb4hr - 25.04.2022 14:38

Thankyou for sharing the truth.

@Kim-Berly200 - 22.05.2022 07:02

Very interesting! My mother left Christianity for Islam. She is trying to convert my children to Islam. She has such a divisive spirit. Lord please deliver my family from the clutches of Satan. In the name of Jesus amen 🙏🏽

@gabriela3174 - 10.01.2023 20:40

that would be esaus seedline

@roddielumsden1501 - 31.01.2023 04:08

Allah in Hebrew means above God which is Satan, there is 666 nautical miles from the black stone in Mecca to temple mount in Jerusalem

@z.louisecoombsrambouillet8395 - 28.02.2023 04:09

Pastor Doug read that Muslims pay tithe out of their excess, not gross of all you get

@williamfwilcox3868 - 18.03.2023 21:59

GOD BLESS Doug Bachelor you make it so clear to understand scripture .

@derrill5796 - 19.04.2023 19:01

So called christians who pray to Mary are under false hope deceived by Satan.
Actual # of real believers is far less but GOD doesn't need big numbers just real believers in HIS SON who are repentant, humble & obedient to HIS will.

@derrill5796 - 19.04.2023 19:36

As far as beheading.
In America there is medical coding for beheading.
Obama bought thousands of guillotines plus 16000 replacement blades & stocked them in fema camps around the nation secretly.
When he campaigned about change he wasn't kidding.
I warned you didn't know what that really meant.
Setting up for their nwo.
Evil gives just enough truth to suck people into the lies.

@derrill5796 - 19.04.2023 19:59

I believe islam was created by the Catholic religion to destroy real believers who wouldn't convert.
Way to many similarities to ignore.
Evil doesn't care whether you believe in something as long as you as you don't have faith in Jesus. Francis said in a speech a few years ago that it was dangerous to have a friendship with Jesus.
Only evil would make a lying claim like that.

@fouadkamou2510 - 25.04.2023 15:28

All thanks be to God above all things amen hallelujah perfect forevermore. In the book of revelation chapter 2.13 I know thy works and where thou dwellest even where Satan's seat is and thou holedest fast my name and hast not denied my faith even in those days wherein antibas was my faithful martyr who was slain among you where Satan dwelleth. In the book of Isaiah the prophet chapter 33.1 woe to thee that spoilest and thou wast not spoiled and dealest treacherously and they dealt not treacherously with thee when thou shalt make an end to spoil thou shalt be spoiled and when thou shalt make an end to deal treacherously they shall deal treacherously with thee. In book of revelation chapter 13.8.11 and all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him whose names are not written in the book of life of the lamb slain from the foundation of the world. And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth and he had two horns like a lamb and he spake as a dragon. The Muslims ☪️ mosque the fallen star and the two horns like a lamb and he spake as a dragon. In the book of Matthew chapter 24.35 the heaven and the earth shall pass away but my word shall not pass away. In the book of revelation chapter 4.11 thou art worthy o lord to receive glory and honor and power for thou hast created all things and for thy pleasure they are and were created.

@fouadkamou2510 - 25.04.2023 23:06

All thanks be to God above all things amen hallelujah perfect forevermore. In Galatians chapter 5.29.30 But as then he that was born after the flesh persecuted him that was born after the spirit even it is now. Nevertheless what saith the scripture cast out the bond woman and her son for the son of the bond woman shall not be heir with the son of the free woman.

@louchris9001 - 09.07.2023 01:26

I looked up the Soloman Spaulding story and it has been discredited, so don't believe everything you here from man. Always look for TRUTH yourself!!

@Trustwithfaith - 19.11.2023 04:52

Watched part one now this Wow ..That’s all I can say part 3 tomorrow!!
Wow wow we are on the Verge ! Thank you for sharing this 🙏🏼

@carlosmerino5547 - 28.01.2024 01:53

I been fallowing your exelent sermons even l repeat them hover and hover l tell you the truth Pr Doght Bachelor l thank you for your austanding up build sermons , you truly are doing the genuine call from the lord Jehovah God and aure savior Jesus Christ footsteps, God bless we continue unsensatily preying for God’s word wisdom hevry day, thanks to you lots off good chip continue growing in number world wide, God bless you and your family hevry single person making all this possible in your place, in life on Radio or Tv or any tape f comunicación and translator they use to reach all mankind we love you all.

@michelepascoe6068 - 03.03.2024 05:34

Good info, but please know that the Pharisees did not eat camel meat. The Arabs do, but the Jews never did. Jesus/Yeshua did not mean "you swallow a camel" literally. He mean that they were careful about details of the law, but then made committed some big sins.

@nsoroma_00 - 18.05.2024 03:30

