Getting Started With Chart.js

Getting Started With Chart.js

Traversy Media

7 лет назад

499,755 Просмотров

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NETZ Technology Solutions
NETZ Technology Solutions - 12.09.2023 10:45

Thanks for this Video. It's comprehensive and highlights all aspects of presenting data visually. Though new to Chart.js, I am rearing to integrate it in my dashboard project. Of course, I would check the latest documentation. Thanks again for kindling my interest.

David Edwin Meyers
David Edwin Meyers - 04.08.2023 18:05

Great video - simplify the process BUT The download link is not working?

Indrajeet Yadav
Indrajeet Yadav - 13.07.2023 13:41

Hi can we embed our charts in to another website can we do something like that & it shouldn't be just a image but our whole functionality ?

Rashid Anwar
Rashid Anwar - 06.07.2023 09:16

@Brad, your content always suffice me. Nowhere it feels something is missing in the video (At least its enough to find the next roadmap).

Electronics Eternity
Electronics Eternity - 07.05.2023 19:17

A great video. really helps me to understand js chart. However, the code download link is not working. Could you help on this. Thanks. Much appreciated

Marspaw - 09.04.2023 13:49

Super useful, although there are a few things that have changed since this tutorial was made.
Notably the title has to be nested within plugins, it can't be put directly into options.
fontSize has also been replaced with font: {size:}, and so on.
That stuff was easy to look up though, and this video definitely gave me a way better understanding of how to use the library than I had before.

BaZz - 08.01.2023 13:32

Finally ...been looking for this from traverse

Matt Baillie
Matt Baillie - 03.01.2023 08:09

Great video as usual Brad. Quite outdated but if you search the docs for the options it is pretty straight forward. Some options are nested within a plugins object and the global options are written differently. Overall a great video. Would love to see a video of this integrated into React.

mugerwa obadiah
mugerwa obadiah - 30.11.2022 08:11

Hi Brad, could u please make a video on how to integrate chart js with laravel 9
Thanks for the tutorials

TheOneWhoWas - 24.11.2022 17:46

you just couldnt leave out keyboard sounds.. or atleast not slam keys...

Jeff Leffel
Jeff Leffel - 08.11.2022 19:03

Hi Brad, It is unbelievably great to FINALLY!!! be able to make charts (what I call graphs - sorry, I'm an engineer) online and add them to my dynamic websites. One small thing - I find that none of the options are working for me, whether global or otherwise. But it's 5 years later, so no doubt something has changed...

If you could update or answer this, it would be fantastic!! Thanks either way! Traversy ROCKS!!!

andy212 - 07.10.2022 02:16

Still works 5 years later :D !

yinon b
yinon b - 17.08.2022 15:08

Helpfully video with simple explanations.
Thanks !

Coding Programs
Coding Programs - 13.08.2022 15:39

Dope bruh.... Worcester sauce 🤣🤣🤣🤣 I can't say that shit to save my life. Lato is Pronounced like Worcester 🤣

Matheus Moraes
Matheus Moraes - 11.08.2022 17:29

my background Color doesn't work , someone have the same issue ?

Dang Van Giang (K16_HL)
Dang Van Giang (K16_HL) - 18.07.2022 20:33

How can i insert data from database to labels or datasets using java , jsp, servlet ? Someone can help me with the documents for this problem? i want that kind of making charts but i find difficulty using database

Андрей Хотюн
Андрей Хотюн - 14.07.2022 15:14

How to make a chart and connect data to it with json links?

Dang Van Giang (K16_HL)
Dang Van Giang (K16_HL) - 14.07.2022 11:14

thankk u

# WeHaveBOOST - 28.06.2022 19:05


Jordan Carter
Jordan Carter - 03.06.2022 03:44

This will do but if any one in the comments know of a way to use a myphpadmin table as my data source and create a a chart or even a dashboard from tht data source in html then that would b amazing

Yash Garg
Yash Garg - 06.05.2022 12:07

Great tutorial, thank you very much!

jscwanc - 30.04.2022 16:17

Hello, I installed react-chartjs2 but it gives code 500 error. I tried to install react native chart kit etc, but there is always this error. Why do you think it might be? In the error message it says it found react-chartjs2 in node modules folder. but it says main module cannot be resolved. and inside dist it says index cjs not found either. but when i go to node modules folder this file is there. I would be glad if you help

Here is the full sentence. "However, this package itself specifies a `main` module field that could not be resolved"

MGtv - 11.04.2022 22:29

Love you Brad

Captain Finn
Captain Finn - 01.04.2022 03:31

This video rules for beginners.

Thanks for putting this out!

Kunal - 12.03.2022 02:51

Thank you so much for this amazing chain of tutorials....

John Roy Del Rosario
John Roy Del Rosario - 10.03.2022 16:57

thank you for tutorial bro..<3

DallasVocals - 18.02.2022 05:08

And I have a chart on my newest design. Thanks Mr. Traversy. I'm now looking for a vid on tying my latest array results to the chart. Then I will be a 'done genius'. ;)

Lukas A
Lukas A - 03.02.2022 15:43

Would be nice if you started off by explaining the format of the code with type, data, datasets, options etc

Funny Videos
Funny Videos - 03.02.2022 00:09

Can you create a stock market chart with API with this chart.js?

Retroprime - 16.12.2021 18:34

Can you explain to me how to animate slower? I tried three times.
it doesn't work for me :(

1. = 80000;

2.animations: {
tension: {
duration: 80000,
easing: 'linear',
from: 1,
to: 0,
loop: true

3. animation:{

Hướng Lê Xuân
Hướng Lê Xuân - 15.12.2021 17:54

thank you for the video.

dschony - 16.11.2021 20:10

Sorry, but it's NOT beginner friendly. It's for a coding Pro. And it's not realistic.
It's also not easy to implement on sites like a Drupal site.
Normally the data to add to a chart is on the html part of a site (Site content).
Ordinary users have no access to CSS or JavaScript.
There is just an editor available, which stores its data as standard html, in tables or lists.
This is, where the data for the charts normally resides.
The script part is unreachable for users, but it has the job to collect the data from the html part. Sure it is possible, but not simple ... and not beginner friendly.
Friendly would be, to have the possibility, to define a html table with a class, containing all the data for the chart. A class could also be used, to define the charts type. A lot work has to be done, to fulfill every aspect of the charts presentation.

Yomi Ikotun
Yomi Ikotun - 03.11.2021 22:51

Thank you, this is very helpful.

Kimberly Yen
Kimberly Yen - 27.10.2021 12:25

Thank YOU !
Thank GOD !
Thank you so much !!!!

Naveen Kumar
Naveen Kumar - 23.10.2021 15:11

Please up laod highchart library tutorial

michael henry
michael henry - 15.10.2021 20:27

Helped me to kickstart my journey

Ray Roman
Ray Roman - 02.10.2021 19:26

Is it not advisable to use chartjs with and embed script on html?

Mahmud Yuldashev
Mahmud Yuldashev - 14.09.2021 20:40

Traversy Media: How can I increase the number of views for this nice tutorial?
Me: Use VS Code...

Jani Aalto
Jani Aalto - 06.09.2021 23:30

Great stuff!

Chris Dorman
Chris Dorman - 28.08.2021 08:23

Static values though

Sameer Khan
Sameer Khan - 25.08.2021 10:37

options: {
plugins: {
title: {
display: true ,
text: "hihgwohgro"
we use plugins now for the title in updated versions

Dhawal Parmar
Dhawal Parmar - 11.08.2021 19:19

Thanks bro excellent tutorial

aayush chawla
aayush chawla - 20.07.2021 12:37

As a coding guy myself. This was quite useful. A little incomplete here and there which i can help you with if u just come in contact with me.

John Crossman
John Crossman - 26.06.2021 07:19

Needed to do a quick mock-up to get a project off the ground. This tutorial was brilliant and helped me get everything done in an afternoon (I am not a coder by any stretch of the imagination). Many thanks!

Heath Bruce
Heath Bruce - 25.06.2021 19:16

Nice tutorial. But you didn't need the server to view a html/js file.

Brad Eylander
Brad Eylander - 06.06.2021 19:41

Searched the internet for minutes and this is the best resource. Well done

MOHAMED HASSAN FARAH - 06.06.2021 15:11

it shows a blank index/page after i followed all his instructions can someone help, also i'm using Vscode
