The Nature of Monster Hunter - The Deviljho

The Nature of Monster Hunter - The Deviljho


4 года назад

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zeb jensen
zeb jensen - 14.09.2023 08:29

En ecological nightmare with legs is the best definition for this thing.

Johnnyboi56 - 26.08.2023 05:33

A monster that can beat elder dragons, gets stronger wile fighting and can go super Saiyan? Deviljho is the most dangerous monster by far

Sam Eldarwich
Sam Eldarwich - 21.07.2023 18:06

after scaring of the Bazelgeuse and then u see a deviljo walking by the hunters would say "i quit"

tigris115 - 10.07.2023 07:59

Would you ever consider collaborating with UHC?

Brody Dodson
Brody Dodson - 03.05.2023 05:51

what kind of adaptations would deviljho need to go through to thrive in the ecosystems of monster hunter...

Derrick Steward
Derrick Steward - 26.03.2023 08:24

I think since most sube subspecies are just monsters at different points in there life cycles savage Devilijho is just an old Devilijho that can't regulate its dragon origin anymore and it's burning itself out going on a rampage before it dies.

the queen vs slime 1
the queen vs slime 1 - 25.03.2023 07:30

Starving deviljho: cant wait for him to talk about me

The Servant Kings Herald
The Servant Kings Herald - 13.03.2023 21:42

The new National Geographic or Animal Planet. It could only be better if you were using a text to speech software that used that one British or Australian guys voice commonly used in nature documentaries. THAT would literally COMPLETE this

Matthew Tuck
Matthew Tuck - 13.03.2023 01:35

So Deviljho is to consume, I’ll assume the Rajang is to survive because of its rage and ferocity. So what monster is the burning desire to pro-create. (I’ll have to assume a monster that does this through parasitic means)

lord fyita
lord fyita - 07.03.2023 17:42

Eviljho does not eat his own tail, though, that's an old ladies' tale.

Attaxalotl - 05.03.2023 04:31

The assault pickle

Deus Procyon
Deus Procyon - 23.01.2023 22:28

So basically, the Savage Deviljho is like the mad sauropod from Primal (Plague of Madness episode) minus the infectious disease but just as terrifying...

Derek Krumel
Derek Krumel - 22.12.2022 00:12

I propose a 3rd hypothesis: Savage Jho's dragon organ is overactive because it's eating Elder Dragons. I feel like this is probably something other people have thought of but it kinda tracks. I mean there's potentially a lot of situations in which a Jho could eat an Elder and they only start appearing when Elders start becoming more widespread.

StalinSoulz - 06.11.2022 07:35

Savage deviljho is more scary than fatalis. Like dude is like a pickle Rajdhan OD on steroids Coming for your ass. Max Agro total batshit attack

The Average Gamer
The Average Gamer - 26.09.2022 20:47

When I saw this thing entered a turf was with a Diablos (which could 1shot me at the time) and pick it up and slam it down, breaking its horn, I almost quit the hunt there.

Ronald f McDonald
Ronald f McDonald - 26.09.2022 09:42

I believe that the deviljos mouth is a result of inbreeding rather then evolution

TheAdventurousNeko - 20.09.2022 23:09

It's more likely that the dragon energy emitted by deviljho is a result of the amount of life it consumes

As dragon energy is believed to be life force
And his mist is just that, mist. Unrefined

RockingJae - 18.08.2022 18:39

Thinking how much of an evolutionary mess a Deviljho is that hunting it without the game mechanics would basically means trap it long enough for it to die out of starvation lmao

Banerman - 26.07.2022 19:43

My urge to comment amogus rises each time he says "among them"

PlagueDoctor - 16.07.2022 04:30

I know I’m late to this but there’s something about deviljho arms that I most say. He actually does use them in his attacks when he has to get his head low to the ground. When he does his swiping bite where he drags his head down and then up to go at it again for at least three times, his arm will be on the ground for a split moment so he can keep balance. And for when savage deviljho does his foward beam of dragon, he will also use his arms to keep balance.

강월령 - 21.06.2022 01:31

Jho eats to live/nakarkos lives to eat

Full potential grievous
Full potential grievous - 18.06.2022 23:49

Please do the same thing but with the glavenus

ZeeHero - 03.06.2022 01:06

Deviljho. a cautionary tale against exposing pickles to radioactive T rex DNA.

CEO of Jeanneism
CEO of Jeanneism - 28.04.2022 02:51

I wanna be it's friend.

Just John 43
Just John 43 - 24.04.2022 15:26

Loving all your Monster Hunter content dude, been binging it all week while re-playing World with my friend

Sheather - 24.04.2022 04:07

An advertisement cut off when he was about to say “Deviljho” so it just said “The world water itself the devil.”

average V fan
average V fan - 23.04.2022 22:35

The terror of the old world. The eater of tge world. Welcome the... SHREDED PICKLE

Little koji 9000
Little koji 9000 - 17.04.2022 18:40

I think deviljho dosent have high metabolism but instead suffer from immense inbreeding and its negative effects brought by its enviroment chancing.
And the deviljho traveling from ecosystem to another would not be so freguent because of its immense hunger.

JanusHoW - 20.03.2022 00:35

In the now-defunct Monster Hunter Frontier, there was an even hungrier Deviljho - the Starving Deviljho. It turns gold and becomes even spikier. But here's the kicker - one of the only two places that it can appear are an area called the Historical Site...

And the Arena, where you fight two of them simultaneously.

I believe that at some point in Frontier, the Hunter's Guild managed to take two captured Deviljhos and (successfully) attempted to push their rage, agony and hunger to new heights, possibly by keeping them alive through unnatural means. Why? Perhaps as anti-Elder Dragon weapons.

I Lost Motivation For A Name
I Lost Motivation For A Name - 19.03.2022 16:28

Fun fact about the deviljho it’s not brutal by choice it’s forced to be brutal due to high metabolism

spud person
spud person - 08.03.2022 21:35

So... if you really really think about it... Deviljhos are the Uchihas of monster hunter.

Bastian G.
Bastian G. - 06.03.2022 21:52

please don't stop making these, they are amazing!

Leaperz - 18.02.2022 06:59

Breaking News : Monster Is Too Angry To Die

Joe Blinn
Joe Blinn - 09.02.2022 23:02

Catabolysis gang - a Deilvjho would never consume his brethren's organ sac dude. Why do people even still talk about hypothesis A? WAKE UP SHEEPLE

KYTim89 - 19.09.2021 07:45

They even eat their own offspring if they remain in the nest for too long. They have been recorded eating dead Deviljho, so they are cannibals.

Eleni Sunbird
Eleni Sunbird - 21.07.2021 07:18

local pickle is too angry to die

I'm hiding in your closet
I'm hiding in your closet - 18.07.2021 16:34

Great, now i'm hungry

GoldenEye Dragon
GoldenEye Dragon - 17.07.2021 01:05

How did the Pickle made it into the new world?

Sacred Terrador
Sacred Terrador - 16.07.2021 18:58

“This means the beast can gain strength infinitely”

Well, sorta. It can keep gaining strength until it’s adrenal glands run dry. Eventually it will have to eat and refill then.

Setia de Meow
Setia de Meow - 14.07.2021 10:32

"you are disasters, cataclysms, living forces of nature however we do not grant you the rank of elder dragon"

sad pickle noises

Donnie Howard
Donnie Howard - 06.07.2021 14:46

Ah yes. The death pickle

Donna Power
Donna Power - 03.07.2021 14:54

i wonder how he could explain Ceadeus

Bill Salvey
Bill Salvey - 02.07.2021 07:14

it's fun as hell to rage this monster

Underworld Guardian
Underworld Guardian - 27.06.2021 23:33

AKA, the T-Rex wannabe!

JiraGamer - 31.05.2021 23:37

Deviljho is my favorite monster of monster hunter

Crab - 16.05.2021 03:27

In a way the Deviljho is a ratel with a T-Rex body

thealeks1 - 16.05.2021 01:24

Deviljho’s probs don’t fight others of the same species for the same reason as army ants: they are both so powerful they would end up killing each other

ParadoX505 - 14.05.2021 11:07

Ah yes, one of the most terrifying things in monster hunter.
A big beefy angry hungry pickle

Zoo - 14.05.2021 06:30

I wonder what would happen if another monster ate devil’s angry organ
