What They Didn't Teach You at School about Planet Mercury | NASA's MESSENGER Discoveries

What They Didn't Teach You at School about Planet Mercury | NASA's MESSENGER Discoveries


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thecursed01 - 28.09.2023 02:29

Gave us the best rock anthems of all time

Paul CINI - 27.09.2023 18:59

Must keep an open mind and gather more data. Stop the ridicule of people who have seen unexplained events

khyron6 - 27.09.2023 05:19

In the book Dune when the ground explodes like a impact crater, It is called a Spice Blow. ;)

tristan flodin
tristan flodin - 26.09.2023 08:39

Messenger's shutdown wasnt 7 hours of stress for ALL people involved. As an employee, I can assure you that I don't really care about issues as long as it wasnt my fault. Worrying wont make a difference anyway

tristan flodin
tristan flodin - 26.09.2023 08:23

So theoretically, if we were at the best distance from the poles, we could live on Mercury, just like Mars. Pretty neat

Helios Ex
Helios Ex - 26.09.2023 01:44

It’s been a little but. But these videos are well worth the wait! Thank you for spreading knowledge to all of us!

schitlipz - 25.09.2023 04:03

It would seem to me that launching probes from the moon would be beneficial depending on which part of the month something is launched form it. Am I wrong? Weight and propulsion. Bummer. So many reasons for a moon base.

FliPV - 25.09.2023 02:11

My first car was a 1994 Mercury Tracer

Chris Blackman
Chris Blackman - 24.09.2023 11:27

How do you know all this if no one has been there?

Oliver Grumitt
Oliver Grumitt - 21.09.2023 23:58

The evidence is incontrovertible that the universe is billions of years old, and so too is the Solar System. The Earth is about 4.7 billion years old, as are the other planets. I suppose humans cannot deal very well with enormous numbers like this.

Bernie Thebolt
Bernie Thebolt - 19.09.2023 00:02

Doesn't mention the planet core discovery (75 percent of the mass) or the fact that Mercury began life in the region of Jupiter .

M Egret
M Egret - 17.09.2023 06:22

The pushing and pulling generates the piezoelectric effect. It’s an electric universe

krazeesk8r - 14.09.2023 23:15

Pluto is my favorite planet. Always wanted to go to it since I was a kid.

M1 Garand
M1 Garand - 13.09.2023 02:53

As a long time resident of Mercury, I can attest to it being good for sun bathing. A lil spf 30 does the trick. Helps to enjoy the tan milliseconds before you burst into flames. What's good about Mercury, you don't need a lighter. You can light a cigarette or your own farts with the flames shooting out of your eye socket or nostrils. Ahhh. Good memories. Makes me wonder why I moved to earth.

El Gamer
El Gamer - 12.09.2023 15:03

Least visited? What about uranus and neptune lol

Vincent Robinette
Vincent Robinette - 12.09.2023 02:04

I do have one more theory to present about Mercury's magnetic field. Perhaps, it has a high enough magnetic permeability, that it is merely concentrating the magnetic field coming from the sun. I do believe, that the orbit of Mercury is within the outer reaches of the magnetosphere of the sun. With mercury being largely metallic, I have no doubt, that it consists of highly ferrimagnetic materials like Iron, Nickel, Cobalt, perhaps some Neodymium, Dysprosium, or even Gallium. Any combination of these elements could "amplify" the magnetic field from the sun.

Pramod Mehta
Pramod Mehta - 11.09.2023 04:19


I DO THINGS - 07.09.2023 00:01

Bahahaha this nigga said tomAAAAto.

Katejsej - 06.09.2023 23:05

We not even had astrology.

Fuel Erwin
Fuel Erwin - 02.09.2023 05:24

I live in the USA in the state of Maine. I definitely have noticed a huge difference in our weather patters. To start with, June was rain nonstop for 28 days. It rained every day. August for us is our hottest month, and it’s been rather cooler than we are used too. Also the humidity is insane lastnight was 46°. That never happens. And the hurricane Franklin was 115 miles off our coast. That is not a thing for us ever.

Pol Steel
Pol Steel - 02.09.2023 03:45

One of the most interesting of all of Alex's videos. Thanks!

D Williams
D Williams - 01.09.2023 07:18

What is antipodal to the Pantheon Fossae? Maybe the fractures are due to antipodal impact.

David Callinicos
David Callinicos - 31.08.2023 15:38

Mercury has been visited by 3 spacecraft: Mariner 10, MESSENGER & Bepi Colombo

Random stuff God
Random stuff God - 30.08.2023 07:14

Mercury remains my favorite planet. Also love Messenger.

Shaye C
Shaye C - 30.08.2023 06:59

Dude, creames... Grays?? It's monochrome.

Necronaut - 30.08.2023 00:39

Wow you really are going to open with "mercury isn't just shades of gray" comparing it to our moon as if OUR MOON WAS JUST SHADES OF GREY....our moon is full of color and it shows how amateur this OP is not even seeing the moon in actual color...

John Grabowski
John Grabowski - 27.08.2023 23:35

They did 't teach me anything about Mercury in school.

Ricky Barber
Ricky Barber - 27.08.2023 15:23

They didn't teach children the truth... it's really a Wandering Star not a Planet!

HINDSIGHT 20\20 - 26.08.2023 22:42

I often wonder if mercury is actually the core of thea . The planet that smacked the earth giving us our moon . Then the rest carried of and locked into orbit of the sun

mdragarg - 26.08.2023 17:35

Mercury was once visited by a race of intergalactic space faring species, with spaceships as big as the moon of earth. They were allured by the heavy mineral deposits present on the planet, that could be very valuable in their homeworld. They created millions of machines that roam the surface of the barren hot planet, mining these resources for their masters. But about a millenium ago, these masters vanished, leaving behind their machines and the minerals. The machines forever wait for the return of their masters, but no one is in sight yet.

M U - 25.08.2023 22:23

Mercury is underrated. Would be a power-house if humanity decided to build a home there.

LJ,Smooth,69 - 25.08.2023 20:39

play reflective surface in the bottom of the craters and Mercury that's not icewater that's planes and ships disappeared from the Bermuda triangle LOL

Leafbinder - 25.08.2023 08:20

Lets see Probing Mercury compared to probing Uranus you tell me?

azilgaard - 24.08.2023 07:09

About Apollodorus and the glass like fractures: This might be utterly stupid due to my lack of knowledge but the first thing that came to my mind was whether the surface of Mercury in that location could have contained a lot of glass or an entire layer of glass. Volcanoes on Earth can create obsidian and the ancient Egyptians used a pale yellow milky type of glass in their jewelry. This glass came from the desert and if I remember correctly it is created by the intense heat generated from meteorites. I suppose this only happens when there’s a certain type of sand present but I don’t know. I was just thinking that maybe the “right” type of sand was only present in the area around Apollodorus explaining why the special fractures are only found in this one place.

MrGraveBait - 24.08.2023 06:46

I'm gonna buy me a mercury and cruise it up and down the road

Eye - Conic Ben 10
Eye - Conic Ben 10 - 22.08.2023 00:12

I'm sure Mercury has a nice personality man. Don't be disrespect. 😂😂

MIDSLAM - 21.08.2023 20:37

The conjunctive synodic period of Pluto and Earth is no coincidence.

Willie Gillie
Willie Gillie - 21.08.2023 02:37

Hey folks, guess what? I’m hoping some of you noticed the earthspot in California reacting to the low pressure area moving in across the Baja peninsula? Was hoping been would notice. Then again Bens report was earlier. Perhaps he’s just finding out. At any rate watch those hurricanes cross close to land masses. The earth and the atmosphere electrical circuit does connect from time to time. What do ya get? A large earthquake

Bob Taylor
Bob Taylor - 20.08.2023 10:18


Andre Tokayuk
Andre Tokayuk - 20.08.2023 07:51

Hey, D-dog, do a funky music vid XD
You're THE shiz!
drums, bass, pyramid..
nice vocals, now do some schmelly schmettal..)/*

Holger Krauß
Holger Krauß - 18.08.2023 12:35

Die Erde ist flach!

ancientslugthrower - 16.08.2023 22:59

"Every single one of us was in this picture." Oh great, the probe took this picture when my eyes were closed.

Mike K
Mike K - 15.08.2023 17:09

I really like your analyses of things that few people are prepared to cover, which is a pity, but we are lucky to have you doing it. Thank you. However, there is one thing I think you might do some more study about. Specially since your subject is science. It’s the Si Metric system. You make errors regularly and repeatedly about the pronunciation and abbreviation of metric terms. For example, the kilometre or kilometer. The abbreviation for SI terms to the left of the decimal point are (capital letter)(unit). m means metre. It’s modified to the right of the decimal point by a lower case letter. For example milli (m) deci (d) centi (c) and modified to the left of the decimal point by a capital letter. For example Mega (M), Giga (G), Kilo (K). So a kilometre should be abbreviated as Km not km I know, I know, I know. Pedantic. But you’re making videos where precision in language is important. There’s a similar issue with your pronunciation of the word Kilometre. The word is pronounced KILO-metre not kil-O-metre. You should put emphasis in the same way as millimetre, centimetre, nanometer Not as speedometer the way you do You wouldn’t say kil-O-ton you’d say Kilo-ton You wouldn’t say Kil-O-gram you’d say Kilo-gram. Similarly you should say Kilo-metre

Jan - 14.08.2023 22:51


Harry Loomus
Harry Loomus - 14.08.2023 12:35

Tarkuse saladusest
1 Palju ja tähtsat on meile antud Seaduse ja Prohvetite ning nende järeltulijate läbi, mistõttu peab Iisraeli ülistama õpetuse ja tarkuse pärast.
Ometi ei pea targad olema ainult need, kes seda kõike on hästi tundma õppinud, vaid teadusejanuline olgu võimeline niihästi kõnes kui kirjas kasu tooma ka kodumaast eemal elavaile.
Sellepärast minu vanaisa Jeesus, kes ennast oli pühendanud Seaduse ja Prohvetite ning meie isade muude raamatute uurimisele, saades nõnda küllaldase vilumuse, soovis ka ise kirjutada sellest, mis õpetusse ja tarkusse kuulub, et õpihimulised seda õpiksid ja nõnda üha rohkem kasvaksid Seaduse kohaseks eluks.
Teid palutakse nüüd seda lugema hakata heatahtlikult ja tähelepanelikult ning olla andestajad, kui mõnikord näib, et minu hoolikalt tehtud tõlge paiguti on sõnastuselt puudulik. Nimelt ei ole heebrea keeles loetu alati just seesama teises keeles. Ja mitte ainult see raamat, vaid ka Seadus ja Prohvetid ning muud raamatud on algkeeles loetuna tunduvalt erinevad.
Kui ma siis kuningas Euergetese kolmekümne kaheksandal aastal tulin Egiptusesse ja seal viibisin, leidsin eest suuresti erineva teadmiste taseme. Pidasin seepärast sel ajal vältimatuks ohverdada hoolsust ja vaeva, et suure valvsuse ja innuga valmistada selle raamatu tõlget, et seda valmis saada ja välja anda ka nende jaoks, kes võõrsil elades tahavad sellesse süveneda ja valmistuda õigesti elama Seaduse järgi.
Kõik tarkus on Issandalt
ja on igavesti tema juures.
2 Kes suudaks lugeda mereliiva ja vihmapiisku
ning igaviku päevi?
3 Kes suudaks uurida taeva kõrgust,
maa avarust
ja allmaailma - või tarkust?
4 Enne kõike on loodud tarkus,
ja mõistlik mõistus on igavikust alates.+
6 Kellele on ilmutatud tarkuse juur,
ja kes on mõistnud tema imepäraseid tegusid?
8 Üksainus on tark ja väga kardetav -
tema, kes istub oma aujärjel.
9 Issand ise lõi tarkuse, vaatas seda
ja mõõtis ning valas selle välja kõigi oma tegude üle,
10 ka kogu liha üle, nõnda kui oli ta and,
ja andis seda neile, kes teda armastavad.
11 Issanda kartus on au ja kuulsus
ning hea meel ja rõõmupärg.
12 Issanda kartus kosutab südant
ning annab head meelt ja rõõmu ja pika ea.
13 Kes Issandat kardab, sellel on lõpuks hea põli,
ja oma surmapäeval on ta õnnistatud.
14 Jumalakartus on tarkuse algus,
see on usklikele kaasa sündinud emaihust alates.
15 Tarkus rajas enesele inimeste keskel igavese aluse,
mis usaldatakse nende järeltulijaile.
16 Issanda kartus on täiuslik tarkus,
ja see küllastab inimesi oma viljadega.
17 Kallisvaraga täidab see kogu oma koja
ja aidad oma andidega.
18 Tarkuse kroon on Issanda kartus,
see paneb õitsema rahu ja tervise.
19 Issand vaatas ja mõõtis seda,
laskis voolata arukust ja tarka tunnetust
ning ülendas nende au,
kes sellest kinni peavad.
20 Tarkuse juur on Issanda kartus,
ja tema võsud on pikk iga.
Kannatlikkusest ja enesevalitsusest
22 Ülekohtust viha ei saa õigustada,
sest viha võimus on talle languseks.
23 Kannatlik peab vastu õige ajani
ja lõpuks antakse temale rõõmu.
24 Õige ajani varjab ta oma sõnu,
ja siis jutustavad paljude huuled tema tarkusest.
Tarkusest ja õiglusest
25 Tarkuse varade hulgas on tähendusrikkad õpetussõnad,
aga patusele on jumalakartus jäleduseks.
26 Kui tahad tarkust, pea käske,
siis Issand annab sulle seda!
27 Sest Issanda kartus on tarkus ja õpetus,
ning usk ja vagadus on temale meelepärased.
28 Ära ole sõnakuulmatu Issanda kartuse vastu
ja ära ligine sellele kaksipidise südamega!
29 Ära ole silmakirjalik inimeste ees
ja pane tähele oma huuli!
30 Ära ülenda iseennast, et sa ei langeks
ega tooks häbi oma hingele!
Sest Issand ilmutab sinu saladused
ja tõukab sind maha koguduse keskel,
sellepärast et sa ei ole tulnud Issanda kartusesse
ja sinu süda on olnud täis valet.

Jumalakartusest kiusatustes
1 Poeg, kui tuled Issandat teenima,
siis valmista oma hing kiusatuse vastu!
2 Juhi oma südant ja pea vastu
ja ahvatluse ajal ära tegutse ülepeakaela!
3 Jää Issanda juurde ja ära tagane,
et sa lõpuks saaksid suureks!
4 Kõik, mis sulle juhtub, võta vastu
ja ole kannatlik alanduse ajal!
5 Sest kulda katsutakse läbi tules
ja (Jumalale) armsaid inimesi alanduseahjus.
6 Usu teda, ja ta võtab sind vastu,
õgvenda oma teid ja looda tema peale!
7 Teie, kes Issandat kardate,
oodake tema halastust
ja ärge põigelge,
et te ei langeks!
8 Teie, kes Issandat kardate,
uskuge temasse
ja teie tasu ei jää tulemata!
9 Teie, kes Issandat kardate,
lootke head ja igavest rõõmu ning halastust!
10 Vaadake muistseid põlvkondi ja nähke:
kes Issandasse uskujaist on jäänud häbisse?
Või kes on püsinud tema kartuses
ja on siis maha jäetud?
Või kes on teda appi hüüdnud
ja tema ei ole hüüdjast hoolinud?
11 Sest Issand on kaastundlik ja halastaja,
ta annab patud andeks ning päästab hädaajal.
12 Häda argadele südametele ja lõtvadele kätele
ning patusele, kes käib kaht teed!
13 Häda ükskõiksele südamele!
Et ta ei usu, siis teda ei kaitsta.
14 Häda teile, kes olete kaotanud kannatlikkuse!
Mida te teete, kui Issand tuleb nuhtlema?
15 Kes Issandat kardavad,
ei jäta tähele panemata tema sõnu,
ja kes teda armastavad,
püsivad tema teedel.
16 Kes Issandat kardavad,
otsivad, mis temale on meelepärane,
ja kes teda armastavad,
neile on küllalt Seadusest.
17 Kes Issandat kardavad,
valmistavad oma südant
ja alandavad tema ees oma hinge:
18 „Meie tahame langeda Issanda kätte,
aga mitte inimeste kätte,
sest nõnda suur kui on ta ise,
on ka tema halastus.”

Michael Szczys
Michael Szczys - 13.08.2023 04:30

Something I found out recently is how planet Mercury fan be seen with the naked eye.
Just certain times and right before sunrise.

Anthony Miller
Anthony Miller - 12.08.2023 08:39

sorry i was thinking of Venus
